On Zionism See also: __Zionism_Communism_links.txt __Zionism_Russian_revolution_links.txt --- Videos on Zionism/Jews http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iTLB3wFM9nU dr David Duke - How nations die (Duke at 11.40) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ed0aoQa1vuU How much people hate jews. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hefIti-uFUo Jewish hate (See also many "This is why people hate Jews" videos) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MIQbe9ATUNU What Famous Men Have To Say About Jews. 1 of 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DoeOVpC0O0w 2 of 3. Can't find #3? --- Articles Special Report - Israel’s Failed Assassination Attempt on U.S. Ambassador Documented By Andrew I. Killgore May 2004, pages 13, 94 http://www.wrmea.com/archives/May_2004/0405013.html http://www.iraq-war.ru/article/74856 ('temp offline') http://100777.com/node/855 Auschwitz Museum Director Reveals 'Gas Chamber' Hoax Watch "Understanding Anti-Semitism" online for free: http://www.honestmediatoday.com/UAS-WMV2.wmv http://churchoftrueisrael.com/protocols/ THE PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION WORLD CONQUEST THROUGH WORLD GOVERNMENT http://www.jewwatch.com/jew-references-protocols-folder.html by boardman2 on 12.08.2006 [07:19] "And still these guys wonder why nobody in the world likes them." . . . These Zionists do not want people to like them. They create anti-semitism so as to draw the moderately sane Jews into their fold. It is important to understand the evil that is now leading directly to a catasrophic WW III. Here are two decent sites: http://jewishracism.com/ http://www.iamthewitness.com/index.html Book: Mullins’ New History of Jews, which he wrote in 1968 History of jewish betrayal of the succession of their host nations Book: Mentioned by Christopher Bollyn, http://www.bollyn.com/#article_14652: "I happen to have been reading Douglas Reed’s excellent historical analysis of Zionism, The Controversy of Zion, during the time when the world witnessed a regime change in the Ukraine, a regime change which has been forced on the people of the Ukraine by violent protestors in Kiev, the capital. The Controversy of Zion is an excellent historical analysis of Zionism. This book explains the roots and diabolical and destructive goals of Zionism. It is highly recommended reading. In the chapter entitled “The Warnings of Disraeli”, I found a most apt quotation for the situation in the Ukraine in a speech Benjamin Disraeli, the first Jewish prime minister of Britain, gave in the House of Commons in 1852: The influence of the Jews may be traced in the last outbreak of the destructive principle in Europe. An insurrection takes place against tradition and aristocracy, against religion and property... the natural equality of men and the abrogation of property are proclaimed by the secret societies which form provisional governments, and men of the Jewish race are found at the head of every one of them." http://www.jewwatch.com/ The Internet's Largest Scholarly Collection of Articles on Jewish History http://www.vho.org/aaargh/engl/engl.html HOLOCAUST REVISIONISM IN ENGLISH http://www.hirhome.com/ Historical and Investigative Research http://whtt.org/ Carlson, who hosts one of the great clearinghouses of literature on Jewish perfidy. http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/zionisms_master_plan.htm Zionism's Master Plan for World Power, Documented and Dated http://www.ziopedia.org/index.php All there is to know about Zionism http://xymphora.blogspot.com/ Clear view on The Lobby http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0%2C7340%2CL-3342999%2C00.html http://www.iraq-war.ru/article/113235 We mustn't forget that the greatest murderers of modern times were Jewish! http://ziopedia.org/ http://iamthewitness.com/ http://www.takeourworldback.com/ http://www.p4pd.org/lifestories1.html My Personal Experience with the Israeli occupation By Khalid Amayreh http://neoconzionistthreat.blogspot.com http://nomorewarforisrael.blogspot.com http://jewishracism.blogspot.com/2007/10/closing-front-door-and-back-door-of.html http://www.wrmea.com/backissues/1292/9212013.html The Complete Unexpurgated AIPAC Tape http://thebirdman.org/Index/Index-Jews.html The Jewish Question - very good! http://www.Jew-Crime.com http://www.PatrriotMilitia.com http://www.countercurrents.org/campbell240108.htm 9-11 Truth And The Holocaust By Wendy Campbell, 24 January, 2008 http://www.jewishjournal.com http://www.itszone.co.uk/zone0/viewtopic.php?t=84230&sid=664ee03e640be28ff112da68edd2c52d Hidden History Of How World War II Came To Be By Kenneth McKilliam http://www.realjewnews.com/ My Name Is Brother Nathanael Kapner. I Am A "Street Evangelist." I Grew Up As A Jew. I Am Now An Orthodox Christian. I Wish To Warn How Anti-Christ Jews Are Destroying Christianity In America. http://www.sacred-texts.com/jud/talmud.htm The Babylonian Talmud - Translated by Michael L. Rodkinson [1918] (only about a third of it, + selected omissions) http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/959229.html An invention called 'the Jewish people' Israel's Declaration of Independence states that the Jewish people arose in the Land of Israel and was exiled from its homeland. Every Israeli schoolchild is taught that this happened during the period of Roman rule, in 70 CE. The nation remained loyal to its land, to which it began to return after two millennia of exile. Wrong, says the historian Shlomo Zand, in one of the most fascinating and challenging books published here in a long time. There never was a Jewish people, only a Jewish religion, and the exile also never happened - hence there was no return. Zand rejects most of the stories of national-identity formation in the Bible, including the exodus from Egypt and, most satisfactorily, the horrors of the conquest under Joshua. It's all fiction and myth that served as an excuse for the establishment of the State of Israel, he asserts. Posted Feb 29, 2008 08:48 AM PST Category: HIDDEN HISTORY WRH: My ancestors (Rivero is a Sephardic name) were among those who split from Judea in 70AD and moved to Spain, became noble, became rich, fought in the crusades, then were forcibly converted to Catholicism in the 1490s. In contrast, most of the Jewish people living in Israel are Ashkenazi, who have no genetic link to the Biblical Hebrews at all. But they like to claim they do, as part of what Shlomo Zand correctly describes as the justification for the existance of Israel (on land stolen from the Palestinians, who actually ARE the genetic descendants of the Biblical Hebrews. Israelis know this. They have actively suppressed scientific evidence that shows Palestinians and ARAB Jews are the descendants of Biblical Hebrews. The irony here is how these converted Khazars, who are not actually descendants of the Semites, call me, an actual genetic descendant of the Biblical Hebrews, "Anti-Semitic"! :) http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/959229.html (WRH repost) An invention called 'the Jewish people' We find, then, that the members of a variety of peoples and races, blond and black, brown and yellow, became Jews in large numbers. According to Zand, the Zionist need to devise for them a shared ethnicity and historical continuity produced a long series of inventions and fictions, along with an invocation of racist theses. Some were concocted in the minds of those who conceived the Zionist movement, while others were offered as the findings of genetic studies conducted in Israel. Prof. Zand teaches at Tel Aviv University. His book, "When and How Was the Jewish People Invented?" (published by Resling in Hebrew), is intended to promote the idea that Israel should be a "state of all its citizens" - Jews, Arabs and others - in contrast to its declared identity as a "Jewish and democratic" state. Personal stories, a prolonged theoretical discussion and abundant sarcastic quips do not help the book, but its historical chapters are well-written and cite numerous facts and insights that many Israelis will be astonished to read for the first time. Posted Apr 26, 2008 08:06 AM PST http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20080903/lf_afp/russiahistoryculturearchaeology_080903160809 Russian archaeologists find long-lost Jewish capital Russian archaeologists said Wednesday they had found the long-lost capital of the Khazar kingdom in southern Russia, a breakthrough for research on the ancient Jewish state. "Wait a momnent; you mean, our ancestors were NOT the Biblical Hebrews?!?!?!?" (Actual response from a friend upon learning about the Khazars). - http://www.solargeneral.com/library/13tribe.pdf "Let the Jews, who claim to be the chosen race, prove their title by choosing the way of non-violence for vindicating their position on earth."--Mahatma Gandhi, Nov. 26, 1938 ------Jewish names------ http://www.jewfaq.org/jnames.htm http://www.jrbooksonline.com/Intl_Jew_full_version/ijtoc_.htm The International Jew — The World’s Foremost Problem By Henry Ford — founder of the Ford Motor Company, and the editors of THE DEARBORN INDEPENDENT. http://www.tellingfilms.co.uk/birobidjan.htm Birobidjan - the original Jewish homeland http://www.mediamonitors.net/khodr49.html Sharon to Peres: "We Control America" The Israelis control the policy in the congress and the senate." -- Senator Fullbright, Chair of Senate Foreign Relations Committee: 10/07/1973 on CBS' "Face the Nation". "I am aware how almost impossible it is in this country to carry out a foreign policy [in the Middle East] not approved by the Jews..... terrific control the Jews have over the news media and the barrage the Jews have built up on congressmen .... I am very much concerned over the fact that the Jewish influence here is completely dominating the scene and making it almost impossible to get congress to do anything they don't approve of. The Israeli embassy is practically dictating to the congress through influential Jewish people in the country" -----Sec. of State John Foster Dulles quoted on p.99 of Fallen Pillars by Donald Neff Posted Jun 4, 2008 04:44 PM PST http://rense.com/general82/de.htm Was Polish Holocaust Also A Hoax? By Henry Makow PhD Major Robert H. Williams reported in his "Williams Intelligence Summary" for February 1950 about James P. Warburg's part in the plot against Christendom. He said: "Last November, the widow of the late General Ludendorff, on trial at Nuremberg, explained why her husband broke with Hiter, confirmed the reports in convincing detail.* She stated that, '...as early as the summer of 1929 James P. Warburg had undertaken an assignment from financial circles in America, which desired to exercise solitary influence on Germany in the unleashing of a national revolution. Warburg's task was to find the suitable man in Germany, and he entered into contract with Adolph Hitler who subequently received sums of money amounting to 27 million dollars up to January 30, 1932, and still another seven million thereafter, enabling him to finance his movement.'"* For more, see section "Hitler's Secret Backers" http://www.savethemales.ca/000369.html http://rense.com/general82/sixmil.htm The 'Six Million' Figure Began Over 100 Yrs Ago By Dr. Frederick Toben http://iamthewitness.com/books/Albert.D.Pastore/Stranger.than.fiction.htm Stranger Than Fiction "This book pleads for Americans to WAKE UP!" Twelve months of careful study, painstaking research, source verification leading to "the only logical conclusion that the 9-11 attacks and numerous other foiled terror plots, were planned, orchestrated, financed, carried out, and covered up by the forces of international Zionism." "America is a victim, like Palestine, Lebanon, Irak and soon to be Iran." http://www.radicalpress.com/?p=865 When Truth Becomes “Anti-Semitic”: What World Famous People Say About Jews and Zionism Like gemstones and special treats of food I would guess that almost everybody loves reading quotes. The ones that follow are the most comprehensive list related to the issue of “anti-Semitism” that I am aware of. They are offered here to the internet community as one small token of respect for the inhumane suffering of the Palestinian people of all of Palestine and the Arab world in general. They are also dedicated to those brave truth-seeking men and women who now languish in German prisons because they had the fortitude, the fore-knowledge and the courage to question the Zionist Lie. God bless and keep them all safe from any further harm. If readers of these quotes feel they are being wrongly accused by the likes of Mark Steyn and the Zionist warlords I am certain that by the time they complete reading them they will not feel alone in their gut reaction to what is going on in Gaza today. I posted the above to the pravda thread: Anti Semitism, the Incurable Disease. http://engforum.pravda.ru/showthread.php?t=237955&pp=40&page=2 http://www.rense.com/general84/zmind.htm Zionism - A Disease Of The Mind Zaid Nabulsi, 1-24-9 Quote: There'll come a day when calling someone 'anti-semite' will make as much sense as calling Noah an anti-floodist. Quotes ------ "We must realize that our party's most powerful weapon is racial tensions. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause." - Israel Cohen, A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century, 1912. Also in the Congressional Record, Vol. 103, p. 8559, June 7, 1957 "Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away." - Benjamin Netanyahu. A comment made by Netanyahu to Jonathan Pollard (convicted traitor and spy) upon exiting Pollard's jail cell. "Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that . . . I want to tell you something very clear: Don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it." - Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, October 3, 2001 "Corral the 50 wealthiest Jews and there will be no wars". --Henry Ford On the 3rd of June, 1938, the American Hebrew boasted that they had Jews in the foremost positions of influence in Britain, Russia and France, and that these "three sons of Israel will be sending the Nazi dictator to hell." - Joseph Trimble, the American Hebrew. http://engforum.pravda.ru/showthread.php?t=238884&pp=40 The Khazar Empire and its Heritage http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Judaism/Ashkenazim.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khazars http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crimean_Karaites ======== Book: Two Hundred Years Together - Alexander Solzhenitsyn =========== http://www.iraq-war.ru/article/192744 Review of Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s “200 Years Together” By: W. Strauss on: 21.03.2009 Source: http://tentmaker.org/wp/?p=57 http://wikispooks.com/wiki/200_Years_Together http://www.theguardian.com/world/2003/jan/25/russia.books http://www.fourwinds10.com/siterun_data/history/zionism/news.php?q=1248893588 Alexander Solzhenitsyn and the Jews Friedrich Braun July 29, 2009 (Nov., 2007) I just finished reading the French translation of Solzhenitsyn’s Two Hundred Years Together (2003) on Russian-Jewish relations since 1772 in two volumes (still no English translation available…”are we powerful or what?”). Friedrich Braun reviews Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s book Two Hundred Years Together about the role of Jews in Soviet-era repression www.davidduke.com/general/alexander-solzhenitsyn%E2%80%99s-book-two-hundred-years-together-on-the-role-of-jews-in-soviet-era-repression_3108.html 20140113 http://www.theguardian.com/world/2003/jan/25/russia.books Solzhenitsyn breaks last taboo of the revolution Alexander Solzhenitsyn, who first exposed the horrors of the Stalinist gulag, is now attempting to tackle one of the most sensitive topics of his writing career - the role of the Jews in the Bolshevik revolution and Soviet purges. In his latest book Solzhenitsyn, 84, deals with one of the last taboos of the communist revolution: that Jews were as much perpetrators of the repression as its victims. Two Hundred Years Together - a reference to the 1772 partial annexation of Poland and Russia which greatly increased the Russian Jewish population - contains three chapters discussing the Jewish role in the revolutionary genocide and secret police purges of Soviet Russia. =================== http://www.rense.com/general69/bank.htm Makow - 'The Jewish Banker Conspiracy' http://rense.com/general85/feddrec.htm The Federal Reserve - Jewish Private Bankers 3-28-9 http://rense.com/general85/dick.htm Understanding Deuteronomy 23 - Usury By Dick Eastman 3-30-9 http://www.opednews.com/articles/TIME-TO-GET-OUT-THE-WHEELB-by-Ellen-Brown-090521-50.html The Weimar Hyperinflation: Time to get out the wheelbarrows? by Ellen Brown http://www.sweetliberty.org/issues/israel/freedman.htm A Jewish Defector Warns America: Benjamin Freedman Speaks on Zionism http://800poundgorilla.100webspace.net/geeklog//article.php?story=20090323125748343 Six Jewish companies own 96% of world media http://pakalert.wordpress.com/2009/03/16/six-jewish-companies-own-96-of-the-worlds-media/ http://www.henrymakow.com/were_all_anti-semites_now.html We're all Anti-Semites Now June 26, 2009 By Henry Makow Ph.D. http://www.henrymakow.com/martin_bormann_was_rothschild.html Martin Bormann was Rothschild Agent -- Damning Evidence July 1, 2009 http://www.fourwinds10.com/siterun_data/history/zionism/news.php?q=1247102782 20090709_EUSTACE MULLINS_THE SECRET HOLOCAUST EUSTACE MULLINS: THE SECRET HOLOCAUST http://engforum.pravda.ru/showthread.php?t=255655 Holocaust by Jews of 66 million, mostly Christians. Russians, Ukrainians, Pol,Germans (Above article by Mullins, plus other references & links) http://rense.com/general86/nzz.htm Zionist-Nazi Collaboration From Rivka Cohen 7-12-9 www.rense.com/general82/nzzi.htm Wartime Collaboration Between Zionists And The German Government http://engforum.pravda.ru/showthread.php?t=256389&pp=40 The best proverbs about Jews http://tshtf.blogspot.com/2009/07/rat-hole.html Some fine quotes from Jewish holy books. http://rense.com/general86/talmd.htm Jewish Talmudic Quotes - Facts Are Facts http://www.fourwinds10.com/siterun_data/bellringers_corner/vital_articles/news.php?q=1248996291 MULLINS 'TERRORIST SCAM: THE GREAT GOLD HEIST' http://www.sweetliberty.org/issues/israel/freedman.htm A Jewish Defector Warns America: Benjamin Freedman Speaks on Zionism http://engforum.pravda.ru/showthread.php?t=258456 Jewish Family Values http://www.iraq-war.ru/article/203957 The Invention of the Jewish People - Book Now available in English http://www.amazon.com/Invention-Jewish-People-Shlomo-Sand/dp/1844674223/ref=dp_return_2?ie=UTF8&n=283155&s=books http://www.iraq-war.ru/article/203946 Jews Murdered The Russian Royal Family... a must read http://engforum.pravda.ru/showthread.php?t=237270 http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1988438/posts http://en.allexperts.com/q/Conservat...acrifice-1.htm http://www.thewatcherfiles.com/jewish_sacrifice.htm http://waronyou.com/forums/index.php?topic=4163.0 Thousand years old Jewish tradition http://www.ihr.org/jhr/v14/v14n1p-4_Weber.html The Zionist Role In The Bolshevik Revolution http://www.johnkaminski.info/pages/the_next_chapter/pdf/the_nameless_war.pdf The Nameless War Archibald Maule Ramsay Here is the story that people have said would never be written in our time — the true history of events leading up to the Second World War, told by one who enjoyed the friendship and confidence of Mr. Neville Chamberlain during the critical months between Munich and September, 1939. http://www.fourwinds10.com/siterun_data/history/zionism/news.php?q=1253039873 IS IT THE JEWS? Curt Maynard Sept. 13, 2009 Preface to “It’s the Jews Stupid” by Curt Maynard http://atheonews.blogspot.com/2009/09/pathology-of-evil.html September 29, 2009 The Pathology of Evil by Gilad Atzmon http://sabbah.biz/mt/archives/2009/10/18/apartheid-government-panicking-time-to-increase-actions/ On massacres of Pallestinians by Zionist terror groups prior to foundation of Israel http://www.semp.us/publications/biot_reader.php?BiotID=394 Genesis of Britain’s 1917 ‘Balfour Declaration’: Zionist Jews’ Sanction to Populate Palestine Biot Report #394: September 01, 2006 http://www.bushstole04.com/newworld/balfour.htm Balfour Declaration Statement issued by the British government in 1917, which is often seen as the initiation of the process leading to the establishment of the State of Israel. http://www.radicalpress.com/?p=1144 AND THERE THE JEWS! from A PROPHET AT HOME, Chapter 5 by Douglas Reed. 1941 http://www.radicalpress.com/?p=1142 Lisbon And The Zionist Nightmare By Mike James in Germany – 8 November 2009 Here's The Best Online Site/Resource re zionism: http://newsfromthewest.blogspot.com/ Hhttp://newsfromthewest.blogspot.com/2009/11/spitting-mad-jews-and-angry-artists.html Incl great article on Jewish poisoning of Art. http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1259231077244&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull Jerusalem Christians Resigned To Jews Spitting On Them ---------- http://engforum.pravda.ru/showthread.php?t=271780 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GvcfRXqkYuk&feature=player_embedded Saved as David_Irving.flv David Irving being brutally honest about joos. GKD post to pravda forum: I'd like to see someone research the backgrounds of all the key figures involved in the Climategate scandal. Who exactly are these people, in terms of their family origins, parent's surnames, etc. Dig deep, because if this IS a plot by a specific group for the usual 'anti-everyone else' reasons, as opposed to merely a generic money/power motivated plot, they'll have made great efforts to cover their trail. I think people might be surprised. Much as David Irving was about the Hungarian revolution. Here'd be a place to start: http://www.informationliberation.com/?id=28163 The Scientists Involved in Deliberately Deceiving the World on Climate Then there's the Wiki scam factor. Given that Wiki has long been known to be heavily under Jewish influence, the Climategate-Wiki connection makes a lot of sense if Climategate really is a component of the Judaic/Zionist NWO scheme. ----Climategate Wiki scandal--------- http://network.nationalpost.com/np/blogs/fpcomment/archive/2009/12/19/lawrence-solomon-wikipedia-s-climate-doctor.aspx?CommentPosted=true Wikipedia’s climate doctor http://www.informationliberation.com/?id=28335 http://whaleoil.gotcha.co.nz/2009/12/20/climategate-wikibullies-as-well/ CLIMATEGATE: Wikibullies as well http://redstateeclectic.typepad.com/redstate_commentary/2009/12/why-wikipedia-doesnt-deserve-your-money.html Why Wikipedia Doesn't Deserve Your Money http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/jamesdelingpole/100020515/climategate-the-corruption-of-wikipedia/ Climategate: the corruption of Wikipedia ---------- http://engforum.pravda.ru/showthread.php?t=272046 http://www.realzionistnews.com/?p=471 USING HAMMERS AND IRON BARS, Moldovan patriots smashed a Hanukkah Menorah http://www.fourwinds10.com/siterun_data/history/zionism/news.php?q=1262376354 MULLINS on Ezra Pound's formula for preventing Jewish conquest from within -- peaceful methods derived from the Byzantine Empire Short video: Eustace Mullins -- view online: http://www.honestmediatoday.com/mullins.wmv http://www.scribd.com/doc/2035052/Rothschild-Money-Trust 227 page pdf doc. Requires signup (free) with scribd to download. Also a 'text' version, but it's badly messed up. http://www.fourwinds10.com/siterun_data/history/american/news.php?q=1262724413 http://judicial-inc.biz/assassination_of_president_Mckinley.htm The Assassination of President McKinley http://www.iamthewitness.com/books/William.Dudley.Pelley/The.45.Questions.Most.Frequently.Asked.About.the.Jews.htm The 45 Questions Most Frequently Asked About the Jews With the Answers by Pelley http://www.bushstole04.com/media/press_zionist.htm The Criminal Nature of the Zionist Controlled Press December 8, 2009 "The Secret of Masonry is the Jew." http://blogs.jta.org/telegraph/article/2010/01/25/1010309/is-the-holocaust-torah-rabbi-a-fraud Is the Holocaust Torah rabbi a fraud? He's been written up in The New York Times. The Christian Science Monitor called him the "Indiana Jones of rabbis." For years, Maryland's Rabbi Menachem Youlus has regaled congregations across the country with his dramatic tales of rescuing and restoring Torah scrolls from the ashes of the Holocaust. Now, a lengthy piece in the Washington Post has stopped just shy of calling Youlus a fraud -- a significant development not only because it punctures the rabbi's mythic image, but because as a Torah scribe, Youlus is supposed to be above reproach. 20100308 http://engforum.pravda.ru/showthread.php?t=279330 China finally Learns the Truth about the Jews - Chinese book on Jewish money control. http://www.roytov.com/articles/mioo.htm Who is a Jew? By Roy Tov http://engforum.pravda.ru/showthread.php?t=277685 WW1 to Modern Terrorism http://engforum.pravda.ru/showthread.php?t=280827 The Military KNOWS Israel/Mossad pulled off 9/11 Attacks - Ugly-Truth-Radio-Show March 15, 2010 Guest: Dr. Alan Sabrosky - The Jewish Problem in America By John Anast - Compendium of mossad/Israeli 911 involvement http://engforum.pravda.ru/showthread.php?p=3096703#post3096703 Judaic Professor Arno Mayer of Princeton in his important book, Why Did the Heavens Not Darken? states that the German invasion of Russia was carried out with the intention to eradicate Bolshevik (Soviet Communist) ideology. The Germans were hardly the only ones in the West to believe that, "Soviet Russia is a dictatorship of Jewry." http://www.revisionisthistory.org/communist.html Lenin declared, "We are exterminating the [Russian] bourgeoisie as a class." His partner in crime, Apfelbaum (Zinoviev) stated: "The interests of the revolution require the physical annihilation of the [Russian] bourgeoisie class." Who were these bourgeoisie? Certainly not Jews. Trotsky gave a clue to their identity in a 1937 interview in the New York Jewish newspaper, Daily Forward: "The longer the rotten bourgeoisie society lives, the more and more barbaric will anti-Semitism become everywhere." Bourgeoisie was a Bolshevik code-word for Gentile. The first law passed after the Communists seized power in Russia made anti-semitism a crime punishable by death. (Izvestia, July 27, 1918). [Sound familiar?] The top Communist Judaic official Zinoviev stated: "Without mercy, without sparing, we will kill our [Russian] enemies in scores of hundreds. Let them be thousands; let them drown themselves in their own blood. For the blood of Lenin and Uritzky, Zinoviev and Vólodarsky, let there be floods of the blood of the bourgeoisie--more blood! As much as possible!" (Krasnaya Gazeta, Sept. 1, 1918). The Judaic Bolsheviks regarded politics as a branch of Gentile pest control. Hatred of Christians, especially the peasant "bourgeoisie" was their prime motivation. The systematic destruction of the Christian peasantry of Russia as so many vermin, beginning with Lenin's attack on them in the summer of 1918 and his forced starvation in 1921, has been almost completely ignored in Western history. http://desertpeace.wordpress.com/2010/04/07/there-are-no-israelis-in-israel-2/ THERE ARE NO ISRAELIS IN ISRAEL The card itself has the name and photo of the person, his parents names, place of birth, and 'nationality'. BUT nationality lists you as either Jewish or Arab. NOT ISRAELI. http://uprootedpalestinians.blogspot.com/2010/04/worm-is-in-can_3716.html Sunday, April 11, 2010 The Worm is in the Can Imagine for one moment the corridors of power and influence, from presidential palaces to military command centres, being populated by the likes of Ku Klux Klan, white supremacists etc, who utter such racist nonsense that one race had been responsible for most of humanity's great achievements, that they are more apt at ruling the world's affairs! Imagine for an instant that such dangerous extremists were offered glamorous receptions and confidential meetings with Presidents, Queens, MPs, Generals! Imagine their influence so overt, that in front of US's White House for example, the traditional Christmas Tree would be replaced by a GIGANTIC symbol of this racist ideology...! 20100501 http://www.henrymakow.com/mark_twain_on_jewish_finance.html "Anti-Semite" Mark Twain on Jewish Finance http://www.iraq-war.ru/article/223966 http://www.realzionistnews.com/?p=139 JEWS TELL US that separation of Church & State is a fundamental Constitutional decree. But they are lying. Here is what the Jews really mean: http://engforum.pravda.ru/showthread.php?283900-Goodbye-America http://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/authors/Darkmoon-GoodbyeI.html#LD Goodbye, America! (Part 1) By: Dr Lasha Darkmoon http://www.henrymakow.com/concerning_mark_twains_concern.html What is the Secret of Jewish Success? Makow May 2, 2010 20100609 http://www.eutimes.net/2010/03/china-finally-learns-the-truth-about-the-jews/ China finally Learns the Truth about the Jews Until recently, the notion that Jews and money were inseparable carried no anti-Semitic undertone in the country, but a relatively new book called “Currency Wars” threatens to change all that. The book’s author, Song Hongbing, claims that behind world-changing events like the battle of Waterloo, Adolf Hitler’s rise to power, President Kennedy’s assassination, and the deep recession in Asia during the 1990s stood an intricate conspiracy aimed at increasing Jews’ wealth and influence. Song, a Chinese computer engineer and history buff who resides in the United States, writes that almost every defining historical moment has been instigated by Jewish bankers, and mainly the Rothschild family, which Song says dominates the global banking system, including the US Federal Reserve System. 20100616 http://www.haaretz.com/news/national/high-court-to-west-bank-parents-desegregate-school-or-face-jail-time-1.296299 High Court to West Bank parents: Desegregate school or face jail time The court's decision continues the ongoing saga in Immanuel, a settlement in the West Bank, where parents are attempting to segregate Ashkenazi and Sephardi girls. "No court verdict requires the approval of any rabbi," said Supreme Court Justice Edmond Levy on Tuesday during a court hearing on the segregation at the ultra-Orthodox Beit Yaakov girls' school in Immanuel. The hearing revolved around the continued violation of a High Court of Justice ruling forbidding the segregation of Sephardi and Ashkenazi students. A compromise was supposedly achieved between the religious school board and the parents, but the Ashkenazi girls' parents rejected the compromise and refuse to allow their daughters to return to school. WRH: Not that the Ashkenzi Jewish families are being racist against the Sephardic Jewish kids and families in their community, or anything like that, right?!? :-) 20100703 http://www.rebelnews.org/opinion/race/287619 Boy, Were You Ever Wrong You knew your country was sick, didn’t you? Yes, you did. You can feel this sick degeneration down deep in your bones. It was a sixth sense you had. It spoke to you like a still small voice and it whispered ever so softly. It told you that the foundations were crumbling and the buffering institutions were being eroded. But you wanted to call it something else. You ranted about “liberalism”, “big government”, “high taxes”, “overregulation” and how bad those Democrats were. Perhaps you attended a few Tea Parties and whined to your friends about the dangers and wickedness of an Obama administration. You might have even dropped a few dollars in the coffers of yet another “conservative” group, thinking you were doing your due diligence. Sarah Palin is probably your girl in 2012. http://www.iraq-war.ru/article/229502 American Jewry’s political agenda is to bring about a “New American Order” by overthrowing the White Christian power bloc and replacing it with multi-culturalism wherein Jewry gains the upper hand through rivalries and divisions between racial group The Jewish Question Now A Political Agenda http://www.realzionistnews.com/?p=522 20100903 http://www.veteranstoday.com/2010/08/24/israeli-control-of-america-a-veterans-today-reader-comments/ http://www.fourwinds10.com/siterun_data/history/zionism/news.php?q=1283450609 ISRAELI CONTROL OF AMERICA: A VETERANS TODAY READER COMMENTS August 24, 2010 posted by Gordon Duff Very excellent and comprehensive article, with many references and links. 20100910 http://www.poketheeye.org/?p=210 Hitler’s freedom from International Debt Slavery It is always difficult to have a discussion on the topic of WW II Germany, and Hitler, without having emotions run high. And understandably so. We do not believe that there is a world plot in place by those of the Jewish faith to dominate the world. We do however suspect that there is a plot in place by the major financiers and financial institutions, to control. WRH: This is an aspect of WW2 history we have touched on many times here at WRH. Adolf Hitler, regardless of his later failings, pulled off a major economic miracle for the German people when he kicked out the reserve-style system of banking imposed on Germany after WWI and reverted to a value-based currency issued by the government for the use of the people free of interest charges. This was the exact same system implemented by America's Founding Fathers, restored by Andrew Jackson, then later restarted by Abraham Lincoln. In the 1960s, John F. Kennedy would attempt to follow suit. The response of the bankers against Germany (and also in America) was a concerted effort to destroy the new German economy before the people of the world realized the advantages of a society without a private central bank enslaving the general populace. It was this boycott against Germany, creating starvation and hardship (much as present-day Israel imposes on Gaza) that created the anger and resentment Hitler would later use to mount WWII. In hindsight, had the bankers not tried to force their way into control of Germany's economy, WWII might well have been avoided. But no sacrifice, certainly nothing so trivial as the violent deaths of 50 million people, is too great a price to pay if it plunges the world back into the servitude of the bankers! As for America, we have had three Presidents who, like Hitler, tried to free the nation from the clutches of the private bankers, who print up money out of thin air, then loan it to the people at interest. The first was Andrew Jackson. "Gentlemen, I have had men watching you for a long time and I am convinced that you have used the funds of the bank to speculate in the breadstuffs of the country. When you won, you divided the profits amongst you, and when you lost, you charged it to the bank. You tell me that if I take the deposits from the bank and annul its charter, I shall ruin ten thousand families. That may be true, gentlemen, but that is your sin! Should I let you go on, you will ruin fifty thousand families, and that would be my sin! You are a den of vipers and thieves. I intend to rout you out, and by the Eternal God, I will rout you out." -- Andrew Jackson Following Jackson's annulment of the private bank charter, there was an attempted assassination which failed when both pistols failed to fire. Abraham Lincoln was not so lucky. Lincoln funded the civil war with Greenbacks issued by Lincoln with the explanation that he did not intend to free the black people by enslaving the white people to the bankers. The Greenback was so successful that Lincoln announced his intention to keep it after the war. Then Lincoln was assassinated, and Congress withdrew the greenbacks, delivering the nation and its people back into the clutches of the private central bank. John F. Kennedy signed Executive Order 11110, issuing a new silver-backed public currency called the U.S. Note. Five months later Kennedy was shot in Dallas, and in a very telling move, John J. McCloy, President of Chase Manhattan Bank and President of the World Bank, was made a member of the Warren Commission. All this suffering, all these wars, all this misery arises from a small group of individuals who have arrogated to themselves the power to print money out of thin air, then loan it to the world at full face value plus interest, drowning the planet in debt; perpetual bondage to the reality that the money owed to the bankers simply never existed in the first place. And rather than loose their grip on the people, rather than to stop sucking on the necks of their victims, the bankers will start a new World War, not even caring which side wins or loses, because wars create more debt, and imposed debt is the means of enslaving the entire planet. http://www.iraq-war.ru/article/234083 International Bankers Vs Nation-States http://www.realzionistnews.com/?p=550 IT TOOK THE ENTIRE capitalist and communist world to destroy the German revolution against internationalism and bring the entire European continent back under the heel of Jewish Bankers. 20101003 From http://engforum.pravda.ru/showthread.php?110201-Chernobyl-CIA-connection http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/jewhis.htm Professor Shahak writes with passion. He evidently feels that liberating Jews everywhere from the shackles of their misanthropic superstitions and freeing Israeli state policy in particular from the stifling influence of Judaism is a matter of some urgency. He focuses our attention especially on the inherent hatefulness of Judaism with citations from a number of Jewish religious writings. 20101101 http://www.redress.cc/stooges/ahart20101101 Is Rupert Murdoch ignorant or an agent of Zionist deception? By Alan Hart 1 November 2010 http://www.redress.cc/stooges/foi Who's who of Israel's agents of influence in Britain By Redress Information & Analysis 20101111 Amazing Quote By Zionism Founder Herzl "The wealthy Jews control the world. In their hands lies the fate of governments and nations. They set governments, one against the other, and by their decree, governments make peace (or war). When the wealthy Jews play, the nations and the rulers dance. One way or the other, they (the Jews) get rich. " - Theodore Herzl - Founder of Zionism, in 'Deutsche Zeitung' 20101117 http://sabbah.biz/mt/archives/2010/11/16/the-great-book-robbery-of-1948/ The great book robbery of 1948 A new documentary reveals a hidden chapter in the history of the Nakba — the Palestinian expulsion and flight at the hands of Zionist militias as Israel was established in 1948 — which saw the systematic looting of more than 60,000 Palestinian books by Israeli forces and the attempted destruction of Palestinian culture. As Palestinian homes sat silent in the haze of conflict, however, a systematic Israeli campaign was underway to enter the homes and rob them of a precious commodity — their books. 20101119 http://israeliwarcriminals.zzl.org/ WEB PAGE OF ISRAELI WAR CRIMINALS ALREADY SHUT DOWN! Google's cache of the same page already has had all the pictures removed, proving that Google is under Israeli control as well. They were foolish to think that would work as the page, with photos, is already copied all over the internet, such as HERE http://s242816488.onlinehome.us/criminals/ and a zip file of the contents can be downloaded HERE http://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/IsraeliWarCriminals.zip 20101129 http://www.fourwinds10.com/siterun_data/history/zionism/news.php?q=1290458582 The Jews Favorite Method of Killing 20101202 http://www.fourwinds10.com/siterun_data/history/zionism/news.php?q=1291221039 http://www.veteranstoday.com/2010/11/29/dam-of-lies/ J.B. CAMPBELL: DAM OF LIES 20101219 http://www.henrymakow.com/jewish_homeland_in_australia.html The Plan for a Jewish Homeland in Australia.htm 20110106 http://www.rebelnews.org/opinion/editorial/333495-not-zionism-not-judaism-jewishness-is-the-real-threat Not Zionism, not Judaism, Jewishness is the real threat Friday, 30 July 2010 20110124 http://www.iraq-war.ru/article/241711 A video exposing the real perpetrators behind the most evil, genocidal ideology to ever exist on our planet. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PA0blllgVDI http://insurrectiondaily.blogspot.com/2010/12/jewish-communism-and-neo-conservativism.html Also: Jews Murdered The Russian Royal Family http://www.realjewnews.com/?p=109 20110131 http://au.news.yahoo.com/thewest/a/-/wa/8735356/man-found-guilty-over-race-hate-video/ Man found guilty over race hate video BELLE TAYLOR, The West Australian January 28, 2011, 4:21 pm A man who posted a video of himself on the internet in which he refers to Judaism as a "satanic death cult" has been found guilty of six of the seven racial harassment charges brought against him. Brendan Lee O’Connell has been found guilty of publishing racist material online after a two week trial which was centred around a video he made of himself arguing with Jewish man Stanley Keyser at a Friends of Palestine protest against the sale of Israeli oranges at a South Perth supermarket in 2009. In the video O’Connell calls Jewish people racist and homicidal. 20110203 http://www.gnosticliberationfront.com/zionist%20crimes%20history.htm A Thorough, Detailed History Of Zionist Crimes http://eliminatealljewsonearth.blogspot.com/2011/02/top-myths-that-keep-you-enslaved-to-jew.html Imagine a World Without Jews The Myths that Keep You Enslaved to the Jew http://eliminatealljewsonearth.blogspot.com/ http://www.fourwinds10.com/siterun_data/history/zionism/news.php?q=1296840733 Special Forces Marine Speaks of Experience with Jews In relation to Australian patriot Brendon O'Connell, sentenced to 3 years gaol in Australia for speaking the truth about Jews. 20110205 http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/view_friendly.jsp?artid=340&letter=K#ixzz1Cr51mrzi KOL NIDRE [Jewish Encyclopedia] 20110218 http://theuglytruth.wordpress.com/2009/01/15/bloodshed-in-gaza-and-beyond-israel’s-national-orgasm/ Bloodshed In Gaza and Beyond–Israel’s National Orgasm You see, the Jews REALLY ARE the most persecuted group of people in history, just as they say. Where they are wrong however is the type of abuse they received and who it was dishing it out. They have been abused by an IDEA, namely that of all the creatures in God’s Garden of Eden that they were the most beautiful and cherished. This idea, which cannot but pit them against the rest of the creatures in the garden in a state of perpetual war, has been the sole source of their troubles now for thousands of years. This “I am better than you and can do whatever the hell I want to you by virtue of being Jewish” is the root cause of all persecution, all pogroms, all holocausts, all “anti-Semitism” and all “terrorism” as it is called today. The abusers and molesters in this case have been the leaders of the Jewish community who–like drug pushers on children–have injected this addictive substance known as Jewish thinking into the minds and hearts of their people and who have profited handsomely off of the unavoidable outcome of fostering such madness. They have created an entire civilization of addicts to this “superman” narcotic known as Jewish thinking, substance abusers who–morally and ethically speaking–have been reduced to animals and are willing to do anything when under the influence of this terrible, soul-destroying drug known as Judaism. 20110223 http://radioislam.org/islam/english/jewishp/internet/jews_behind_internet.htm The Jewish hand behind Internet Google, Facebook, Wikipedia, Yahoo!, MySpace, eBay... By Freedom Research, June 2009 20110320 http://rense.com/general93/twozi.htm Two Zionist Trial Runs Of The '6 Million' Story Way Before WWII From Jason Collett 3-18-11 20110612 http://barnesreview.org/pdf/TBR2010-no3-5-27.pdf Revenge of the Neanderthal BY WILLIS A. CARTO ACCORDING TO A NOVEL THEORY PUT FORTH BY SEVERAL DIVERSE WRITERS AND RESEARCHERS, Neanderthal man may not have died out after all, but his descendants (intermixed with others) may still be living among us today and are known collectively as “the Jews.” Not only the author but others have independently theorized that the Neanderthal is the true ancestors of the Jews. The following essay is an effort to examine this important and controversial theory. Accompanying the essay is a wide variety of material that provides a comprehensive foundation for the thesis. 20110806 http://www.terrorism-illuminati.com/content/2002-iraqi-intel-reported-wahhabis-are-jewish-origin 2002 Iraqi Intel Reported Wahhabis Are of Jewish Origin The report relies heavily on the Memoirs of Mr. Hempher, which describe in detail how a British spy to the Middle East, in the middle of the eighteenth century, made contact with Adbul Wahhab, to create a subversive version of Islam, the notorious sect of Wahhabism, which became the founding cult of the Saudi regime. As the report recounts, both Abdul Wahhab, and his sponsor, ibn Saud, who founded the Saudi dynasty, were of Jewish origin. 20120222 http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/tyranny1.htm http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/tyranny2.htm The Hidden Tyranny This booklet contains the text of a most revealing and shocking interview of a Jew by the name of Harold Rosenthal, which was conducted in 1976, by a concerned patriot, a Walter White, Jr.. Mr. Rosenthal, an influential Jew learned in the Jewish ways and involved in the workings of government in Washington, D.C., explained the Jewish involvement and cause of the major problems we face today. 20120222 http://enochered.wordpress.com/2012/01/31/so-you-think-you-know-about-hitler-well-think-again/ So You Think You Know About Hitler? Well Think Again. 20120506 http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/germany/8119805/Confiscated-Jewish-wealth-helped-fund-the-German-war-effort.html Confiscated Jewish wealth 'helped fund the German war effort' Jewish wealth confiscated by the Nazis paid for almost a third of the German war effort, a new study has found. WRH: Israel's greed has led it into a serious mis-step. It is obvious that each new "study" increases the amount of money Israel claims it is owed for events that happened in the previous century. So many people (and I am one of them) will si,ply assume this new study is a lie, leading to more demands for the riches of the world to be given to Israel. Conversely, if people accept the claim as true, that the wealth of only 600,000 German Jews funded 1/3 of the German war effort, they will perceive that Germany at the door to WW2 was under the same crushing wealth inequality as the US presently is at the door to WW3. 20120816 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzJgjf7dSEg YouTube deletes "History of Palestine" video for "terms of service" violation! WRH Webmaster's Commentary: I was updating my page on ISRAEL & PALESTINE: THE MAPS TELL THE TRUE STORY and noticed that YouTube has taken down a documentary on the history of Palestine for "violation of the terms of service." This is the text of that video: Specific references to "Palestine" date back nearly five hundred years before "the time of Jesus." In the 5th Century BCE, Herodotus, the first historian in Western civilization, referenced "Palestine" numerous times in chronicle of the ancient world, The Histories, including the following passage describing "Syrians of Palestine": "...they live in the coastal parts of Syria; and that region of Syria and all that lies between it and Egypt is called Palestine." (VII.89) The above translation by Harry Carter is featured in the 1958 Heritage Press edition of Herodotus' famous work. Both older and newer versions corroborate the accuracy of the reference. A. D. Godley's 1920 translation of the crucial line states, "This part of Syria as far as Egypt is all called Palestine", while Robin Waterfield's 1998 updated Oxford translationrenders the passage this way: "This part of Syria, all the way to the border with Egypt, is known as Palestine." A hundred years later, in the mid-4th Century BCE, Aristotle made reference to the Dead Sea in his Meteorology. "Again if, as is fabled, there is a lake in Palestine, such that if you bind a man or beast and throw it in it floats and does not sink, this would bear out what we have said," he wrote. "They say that this lake is so bitter and salt that no fish live in it and that if you soak clothes in it and shake them it cleans them." (II.3) Two hundred years later, in the mid-2nd Century BCE, ancient geographer Polemon wroteof a place "not far from Arabia in the part of Syria called Palestine," while Greek travel writer Pausanias wrote in his Description of Greece, "In front of the sanctuary grow palm-trees, the fruit of which, though not wholly edible like the dates of Palestine, yet are riper than those of Ionia." (9.19.8) Despite the Zionists’ claim "the Romans didn't rename Judea as 'Palestina' until a hundred years after the death of Jesus," contemporaries of Jesus also routinely referred to Palestine as, well, Palestine. For instance, in the first decade of the 1st Century, the Roman poet Ovid mentioned Palestine in both his famed mythological poem Metamorphoses and his erotic elegy The Art of Love. He also wroteof "the waters of Palestine" in his calendrical poem Fasti. Around the same time, another Latin poet Tibullus wroteof "the crowded cities of Palestine" in a section "Messalla’s Triumph" in his poem Delia. The noted Alexandrian Jewish philosopher Philo, writing around the 1stCentury CE, opined, "Also Syria in Palestine, which is occupied by no small part of the very populous nation of the Jews, is not unproductive of honourable virtue." (XII.75) The Jewish historian Josephus (c.37-100 CE) was born and raised in Jerusalem, a military commander in Galilee during the First Jewish Revolt against the occupying Roman authority, acted as negotiator during the Siege of Jerusalem in 70 CE and later penned vital volumes of Levantine Jewish history. His The Jewish War, Antiquities of the Jews, and Against Apion all contain copious references to Palestine and Palestinians. Towards the end of Antiquities, Josephus writes, "I shall now, therefore, make an end here of my Antiquities; after the conclusion of which events, I began to write that account of the war; and these Antiquities contain what hath been delivered down to us from the original creation of man, until the twelfth year of the reign of Nero, as to what hath befallen the Jews, as well in Egypt as in Syria and in Palestine, and what we have suffered from the Assyrians and Babylonians, and what afflictions the Persians and Macedonians, and after them the Romans, have brought upon us; for I think I may say that I have composed this history with sufficient accuracy in all things." (XX.11.2) The claim that the Roman emperor Hadrian, eager to punish Jewish inhabitants of Judea after the Bar Kokhba Revolt, officially changed the name of the region to "Syria Palaestina" or simply "Palestine" in 135 CE and forced the Jewish community into exile is dubiousat best, especially when, by then, the terms "Syrian Palestine" and "Palestine" had already been in use for over six hundred years. ---- I leave it to the reader to decide just what YouTube "term of service" resulted in the removal of this video! 20120913 http://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1208/1208.1092.pdf John Hopkins study confirms Europeamn Jews are Khazars. The question of Jewish ancestry has been the subject of controversy for over two centuries and has yet to be resolved. The “Rhineland Hypothesis” proposes that Eastern European Jews emerged from a small group of German Jews who migrated eastward and expanded rapidly. Alternatively, the “Khazarian Hypothesis” suggests that Eastern European descended from Judean tribes who joined the Khazars, an amalgam of Turkic clans that settled the Caucasus in the early centuries CE and converted to Judaism in the 8th century. The Judaized Empire was continuously reinforced with Mesopotamian and Greco-Roman Jews until the 13th century. 20121007 http://www.jimstonefreelance.com/libraries.html The Jews have set a goal of destroying the value of every printed library in Western Civilization 20121015 http://www.veteranstoday.com/2012/10/08/the-two-austrians-2/ The Two Austrians The “artist” versus the “house painter” 20121021 http://theuglytruth.wordpress.com/2012/02/26/the-jewish-state-what-it-really-means-and-why-the-rest-of-the-world-should-be-terrified-at-the-mere-mention-of/ 'The Jewish State'—What It Really Means and Why the Rest of the World Should be Terrified at the mere mention of it Eretz Israel… Oh, did they forget to mention that in all the propagandizing they’ve done when discussing ‘poor little Israel’ and the Christian West’s responsibility in protecting the ‘apple of God’s eye’? Did they forget (fail) to mention that Israel’s real agenda here is not some eensy, weensy, teensy slice of land the size of Rhode Island but rather a behemoth 4 times the size of Texas? Lest we forget– …On that day the LORD made a covenant with Abraham, saying “To your descendants I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river Euphrates”… Genesis, 15:18 20121107 http://domesticenemies.net/index.php/jim-stone-s-pessimistic-take?blog=2 Jim Stone's Pessimistic Take on What's to Come 20121120 http://realisticbird.wordpress.com/2011/05/23/cynthia-mckinney-drops-bombshell-candidates-to-sign-pledges-of-support-for-israel/ FLASHBACK - Cynthia McKinney Drops Bombshell: Candidates to sign pledges of support for “Israel” In an interview which aired on Press TV on Saturday–one day before the AIPAC conference got under way in Washington–former Georgia Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney revealed what amounts to some pretty startling news regarding the extent of the Israeli lobby’s influence over Congress. During her years in Congress, she stated, candidates for both the House and the Senate were requested to sign pledges of support for Israel, documents in which the candidate promised to vote to provide consistent levels of economic aid to the Zionist state. Refusal to sign the pledge meant no funding for the candidate’s campaign. 20121125 http://fromthetrenchesworldreport.com/sandy-island-doesnt-exist-google-maps-showed-isle-in-south-pacific/26518/#comment-130314 Not really related to Zionism. Just that strange feeling about the word 'sandy'. Reference to the middle east? 20121202 http://domesticenemies.net/index.php/texe-marrs-bloody-zion?blog=2 Bloody Zion Refuting the Jewish Fables That Sustains Israel’s War Against God and Man Finally, a book that documents rebellious Israel and Judaism’s long battle against God and against all of humanity. Edward Hendrie, in his new book, Bloody Zion, does exactly that. I thank God that in Hendrie, He has raised up a distinguished scholar and dedicated Christian who will take up the mantle of truth and expose the Jewish fables that have long held many Christians and Christian churches in spiritual chains. 20121218 http://domesticenemies.net/index.php/presstv-declassified-intel-files-prove?blog=2 PressTV: Declassified Intel files prove US-Israel relations to be ongoing tragedy 20130213 http://www.mathaba.net/news/?x=614599 The Anne Frank Diary Fraud The New York Supreme Court awarded the well known American writer, Meyer Levin, $50,000 to be paid by the father of Anne Frank as an honorarium for Levin's work on the 'Anne Frank Diary.' 20130222 http://www.redressonline.com/2013/02/the-myth-of-the-jewish-people/ The myth of the Jewish people Jamal Kanj highlights recent scientific research which proves that in 1948 "the children of the original Jews" – the Palestinians – were replaced by 8th century converts with no roots in the Middle East. 20130316 http://www.texemarrs.com/042013/jews_not_descendants_of_abraham.htm New DNA Science Research Confirms...Ashkenazi Jews Are Not Descendants of Abraham Science proves those who call themselves “Jews” are not Jews! DNA Science has confounded the Christian evangelicals by proving conclusively that most of the people in the nation of Israel and in World Jewry are not the descendants of Abraham. Those living today who profess to be “Jews” are not of the ancient Israelites, and they are not the seed of Abraham. In fact, the new DNA research shows that the Palestinians actually have more Israelite blood than do the “Jews!” 20130318 http://www.zerohedge.com/contributed/2013-03-17/bulldozing-bank#comment-3339634 The covenant. Unattributed, may be made up, but much truth. 20130508 http://www.smoking-mirrors.com/2013/05/wverp-whooph-kerplash-shit-has-hit-fan.html There will be no peace or justice on this Earth so long as there is an Israel and there is not a Palestine. Palestine is the name of all that area now called Israel. There is no Israel. There is only an abomination upon the face of the land, a foul plague of carnivorous dung beetles, who have stolen everything they possibly could and whose intention is to kill and enslave everyone on Earth that is not them. They are the ancient and enduring enemy of humanity and all that is natural and humane. They are the darkest of evil's incarnate. If you believe anything else you are a dupe and a fool. There is no other title you can wear, except for traitor and collaborator . Sure, there are other nasty terms that can be used and which apply but who has the days and weeks it would take to list them all? I want to revisit what I said about rotten foundations, both metaphorical and literal, while we are suffering under the lashes and hobnailed boots of the world's oldest cabal of Nazis, as they make their long awaited putsch, to transform the world into a flaming inferno and to fail at it, as all who have ever attempted it have also failed. We can only hope they fail sooner rather than later and that when they do fail, they fail in a most spectacular and convincing way ...that leaves none of them in a position to ever attempt such heinous behavior again. 20130509 http://theuglytruth.wordpress.com/2013/05/08/world-jewish-congress-approves-resolution-calling-for-criminalizing-holocaust-denial/ World Jewish Congress approves resolution calling for criminalizing Holocaust denial ed note: So, in other words, these same Jewish interests CONSTANTLY lecturing others on ‘free speech’ and CONSTANTLY warning of the dangers of ‘Islamic Shariah Law’ where people are punished for holding/voicing opinions contrary to the precepts of a certain religion are now calling for laws to be made criminalizing free speech/free thought as pertains the ‘holy of holies’–meaning the Holocaust. As one famous philosopher stated over and over when warning of Jewish power, ‘beware the leaven of the pharisees, which is hypocrisy and lying’ 20130529 http://www.smh.com.au/world/italian-torah-is-a-very-old-scroll-20130529-2nc8z.html Carbon dating in Italy and the US confirmed his findings, placing the manuscript between the late 12th and early 13th centuries. The intact scroll is 36 metres long and 64 centimetres wide and the report said it had been mis-labelled by an archivist in 1889. 20130614 http://tomatobubble.com/henry_ford_jews.html ONLY 'STUPID' PEOPLE BUY INTO ZIONIST CONSPIRACY THEORIES........ Except for these four legendary geniuses..... 20130623 http://www.iraq-war.ru/article/292739 Vladimir Putin: 80% of First Soviet Government was Jewish Duke Russian president Vladimir Putin has said that Jews made up "80 to 85 percent of the first government of the Soviet Union" following the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917. Putin's speech, made on June 13 2013, was reported by the official Jewish Telegraphic Agency in an article six days later dealing with Putin’s visit to the Moscow "Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center." - new book The Secret Behind Communism, launched this week by Dr. David Duke. 20130702 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jBoGNRv8wRU Alex Jones Finally Admitting Its The Zionists (Well will wonders never end!) 20130704 http://nodisinfo.com/Home/zionist-jew-responsible-for-bombing-argentinian-amia-jewish-center/ Zionist Jew Responsible for Bombing Argentinian AMIA Jewish Center The AMIA bombing was an attack on the Asociación Mutual Israelita Argentina (AMIA; Argentine Israelite Mutual Association) building. It occurred in Buenos Aires on July 18, 1994, killing 85 people and injuring hundreds. It was Argentina's deadliest bombing ever. Editor's note: to gain sympathy for the Zionist cause as well as to gain a greater grip of control over the South American continent a filthy Jew, Carlos Vladmir Corach, orchestratede the bombing of a Jewish Center through a bribe. It was no minor fee. Rather, it was $400,000 dollars in the year 1994, which is a massive amount of money for that time, equivalent to well over $2 million today. 20131204 http://www.vice.com/read/the-child-rape-assembly-line-0000141-v20n11 The Child-Rape Assembly Line In Ritual Bathhouses of the Jewish Orthodoxy, Children Are Systematically Abused 20140111 http://timster-howdarei.blogspot.co.nz/ Anti-zionist blog. 20140124 http://domesticenemies.net/index.php/quenelle-courage-or-reverse-nazi?blog=2 http://www.presstv.ir/detail/2014/01/02/343279/quenelle-ccourage-or-reverse-nazi-salute/ There is a strange gesture sweeping Europe called the “Quenelle." Dieudonné M’bala M’bala, the vastly popular French comedian and activist for social justice is credited with created it. What is it? Haaretz calls it a “reverse Nazi salute." When I see it, it is someone brushing lint off their sleeve. 201400202 http://abundanthope.net/pages/True_US_History_108/Kol-Nidre---Judaism-s-License-To-Lie.shtml Kol Nidre - Judaism's License To Lie By Rev. Ted Pike 9-21-10 http://www.veteranstoday.com/2014/03/12/sexual-and-masonic-ideology-in-the-french-revolution-and-its-implications-in-the-zionist-world-part-i/ Sexual and Masonic Ideology in French Revolution and Implications in Zionist World (Part I) by Jonas E. Alexis March 12th, 2014 http://domesticenemies.net/index.php/the-holocaust-happened-so-what?blog=2 The Holocaust Happened. SO WHAT? 20140412 http://www.counterpunch.org/2014/04/11/the-zionist-lobby-under-fire-in-oz/ The Zionist Lobby Under Fire in Oz Australians have been witness to a remarkable conflict in recent days in which their former Foreign Minister Bob Carr denounced the Jewish Lobby and his former Prime Minister Julia Gillard, over the whole series of questions re Australian policy and the demands of Israel and the local Jewish Lobby. Nothing quite like it has ever been seen or heard before in Australia. Carr has just published his dairy as Foreign Minister during 2013. 20140417 http://rinf.com/alt-news/latest-news/refuting-zionist-propaganda-palestine-didnt-exist/ Refuting Zionist Propaganda “Palestine Didn't Exist” One of the common assertions one finds in Zionist propaganda is that there “was never any Palestine.” This odd allegation is simply not true. Palestine has been used for a very long time to refer to the geographical area south of Sidon and north of the Sinai. http://www.juancole.com/2014/04/pictures-refuting-there_was_no_palestine.html http://sabbah.biz/mt/archives/2014/04/18/pictures-dont-lie-refuting-there_was_no_palestine/ Pictures Don’t Lie: Refuting #there_was_no_Palestine Join the twitter meme #there_was_no_Palestine, to which people are contributing visual evidence of Palestine. If what is being alleged is that there was no nation-state called Palestine, at least before the League of Nations created one, that is banal. There were no nation-states until the 19th century. There were no nation-states until the 19th century. There was no “Italy” before 1860. Venice was Austrian, Genoa French. There was no “Germany” before 1870. Lots of small principalities, some of them under other rule or influence. 20140419 http://www.gilad.co.uk/writings/the-kosher-trinity-and-jewish-quantum-mechanics.html The Kosher Trinity and Jewish Quantum Mechanics There is no doubt amongst scholars that Jews, as a group, derive from multiple ethnic origins and are far from a homogenous race. There is no racial continuum between a Polish Jew and a Yemenite one. But it is also obvious that Jewish political culture, whether Zionist or ‘anti’ is ethno-centric and, to a large extent, racially driven. Just like Israel, the Jews-only State, Israel’s Jewish opponents too often prefer to operate within Jews-only organisations such as ‘Jewish Voices For Peace,’ ‘ Jews for Justice,‘ etc’. In short, whether they are Zionist or ‘anti,’ Jews somehow prefer to operate in ethnically segregated racially oriented political cells. The conclusion is obvious -though Jews are not a race, Jewish identity politics is racist to the core. 20140504 http://www.tomatobubble.com/henry_ford_jews.html 5 Geniuses Who Believed In Jewish Conspiracy 20140516 http://www.jewishnews.net.au/mad-claims-from-former-pm/34980 ‘Mad’ claims from former PM “Israel years ago, during one of the wars, killed 30 or 40 Americans on a spy ship in the Western Mediterranean,” Fraser told Faine. “The Americans tried to cover it up. It wasn’t a mistake. It was deliberate.” When asked on what he based the claim, Fraser said: “Information I have. I am not going to tell you the source.” Asked by Faine if he agreed that “the pro-Israel and in particular Jewish community lobby in Australia wielded too much power”, Fraser responded, “They certainly do.” 20140528 http://bit.ly/1klcqOs http://www.intifada-palestine.com/2014/05/hate-us-jews/ Do You Hate Us; the Jews? As long as their religion, their culture and their behavior are based on the racist supremacist ideology that the Jews, and only the Jews, are God’s chosen people, that they are the only humans on earth, and the rest of the people are animals created by this discriminative God to serve the Jews, they will definitely and unquestionably face a great deal of legitimate resentment and intolerance. 20140702 http://www.jamaliya.com/ShowPage.php?id=8171 Antisemitism In conclusion it is obvious that the term anti-Semitism or Antisemitism is inaccurate because it is used against Jews only and they form a tiny group among the Semites. Since the end of the 19th century Jews and pro-Zionist movements started to use this term to express hostility toward or to focus on what they considered prejudice against Jews or Judaism. The attempt to differentiate between anti-Semitism meaning against the Semites and Antisemitism meaning against Jews did not establish any roots. Almost all the Jewish Israelis are against the Arabs who are Semites; should they be called anti-Semitic? An accurate term would be anti-Jewish or anti-Jew etc. 20140708 https://encyclopediadramatica.es/Israel Ha ha! 20140714 http://www.hesperianpress.com/index.php/booklist/2011-06-16-08-07-49/k-titles/184-kingdom-of-shylock The Kingdom of Shylock First published in 1917, when it was repressed. This is a reprint of the second edition. Frank Anstey (1865-1940) was a leader of the Labor Party, a committed socialist, supporter of public finance and the Commonwealth Bank, and viewed WWI as “a war of rival capitalists”. He was more right than wrong. In this age of the globalisation, of organized criminality, we need more like him who will stick to their guns against cannibalistic corporate capitalism. This is an essential reference in understanding the true Labor Party, economic power in Australia, how far we have come along the road to total financial control of our lives, and conversely how diminished is our understanding of the forces that torture us. WRH: Hesperian Press sent me a copy of this book. I read it last night. In fact I could not put it down. There, in 1917, was a clear understanding that the world was enslaved by those who held control of the monetary mediums of exchange, and how those private banking interests had driven the world into World War 1. Given the title, and the threat to the private central bankers, the book was denounced and suppressed. But is is worth the read and I will be trying to get someone from Hesperion to come onto the radio show. The lesson from this book is that politicians have indeed known all along that all wars are bankers' wars, but continue to be willing to sell your childrens' lives for a share in the bankers' treasure! 20140903 http://12160.info/profiles/blogs/huge-news-israels-insane-nuke-opacity-game-has-just-globally?xg_source=activity Israels Insane Nuke Opacity Game Has Just Globally Tanked US gov releases docs proving Israel has nukes http://whatreallyhappened.com/node/348985 http://www.haaretz.com/mobile/.premium-1.613221?v=D850759AA136EBBD89EDC5828989434A http://www.archives.gov/declassification/iscap/pdf/2009-076-doc1.pdf The declassified doc 20141020 from http://www.jimstonefreelance.com/ http://www.darkmoon.me/2014/sexiest-cities-earth/ STUDY: Tel Aviv sex slave capitol of the world Not that people in the know did not already know this. Israel has a history of baiting Russian women and young girls with lucrative job offers. Once they arrive in Tel Aviv, they discover exactly what the job is they will be doing, and that it will not be a paid position. "If you are single and looking for sex thrills,Tel Aviv is the second best place to go!" So says Jewish writer Erica Morris. Though she does not tell you this, here you will find more strip clubs and brothels than you can imagine, complete with underage girls kidnapped in Eastern Europe who will be prepared to give you a blow job for only a few shekels. So why not put your moral scruples aside and forget for a moment the dead and maimed in Palestine? Head for the Promised Land where you will find the hottest hotties you are ever likely to see anywhere on earth, including the most goloptious same-sex partners for those who are drawn to “the love that dare not speak its name”. This linked report is incredibly disgusting but if you want to know exactly what is going on in Tel Aviv, this really nails it. These cannot possibly be the Lord's "chosen people", no doubt, as the bible says, the current abomination will be WIPED OUT. 20141202 http://vineyardsaker.blogspot.it/2014/12/off-topic-but-apparently-needed-judaism.html Judaism and Christianity - back to basics 20141213 http://www.texemarrs.com/092010/triad_of_evil.htm The Illuminati and its triad of evil Triad of Evil—The Secret Plan of Rothschild, Zionist Jews, American Traitors, and Chinese Communists to Overthrow America. Are Illuminati Jews behind an ages-old Plan to overthrow America? Texe Marrs presents a mountain of evidence that Zionist conspirators, including Rothschild’s banking cartel, Israeli leaders, and covert Jews working with the Communist regime in Beijing (Red China) have the goal of plundering America. They intend to use this nation’s military to police and maintain the New World Order and are now in the process of stealing America’s wealth and redistributing it to Red Chinese and Israeli banks. Traitors within our own government are assisting this sabotage and subversion project. Prophetically, the Illuminati is organizing a satanic triad of global powers, made up of Red China, the U.S.A., and Israel. Behind the three countries are diabolical Zionist overlords bent on world dominion. 20141224 http://www.batr.org/terror/122314.html http://www.fourwinds10.net/siterun_data/history/zionism/news.php?q=1419355340 Israeli Report admits they are Descendants of Khazars 20150105 http://www.tomatobubble.com/id763.html http://der-fuehrer.org/reden/english/40-07-19.htm WHEN HITLER DROPPED PEACE LEAFLETS, CHURCHILL DROPPED BOMBS! Most students of real history, and certainly all readers of TomatoBubble.com, already know this. But did you know that Hitler went so far as to airdrop mass quantities of 'peace leaflets' over London? It's true. The 4-page leaflets were English-language copies of his recent speech before the German nation, a speech which the Germans arranged to have broadcast on hundreds of radio stations across Europe. The July 19th speech was entitled: "A Last Appeal to Reason". Dropped over London the day after, the leaflet summarizes the injustices inflicted upon Germany after the Great War of 1914-1918, warns of the machinations of the Jewish warmongers and their henchmen, and finally closes with Hitler’s plea to call off the war. 20150201 http://rt.com/news/228075-moscow-fire-unique-library/ Massive blaze devastates Russian library housing unique documents, ancient texts One of Russia's largest academic libraries, which contains millions of unique historic documents, has gone up in flames in Moscow. A part of the building’s roof collapsed before dozens of fire fighters managed to contain the blaze. The fire erupted at around 10 pm local time (7 pm GMT) on the third floor of the Academic Institute of Scientific Information on Social Sciences (INION) in Moscow. According to the Emergency Situations Ministry, some 2,000 square meters were engulfed in flames, prompting the roof to cave in. WRH: And JUST as Russia was going to release their documents about Auschwitz!!!!!!! http://sputniknews.com/russia/20150127/1017411695.html Holocaust documents were held in there. They were about to be released showing the Russian troops who liberated Auschwitz found no evidence of a death camp. No gassing chambers and no ovens. The Russians built the ovens to incinerate the TB victims corpses. I guess somebody didn't want them released next month. But... The fire erupted at around 10 pm local time (7 pm GMT) on the third floor of the Academic Institute of Scientific Information on Social Sciences (INION) in Moscow. According to the Emergency Situations Ministry, some 2,000 square meters were engulfed in flames, prompting the roof to cave in. ----- MOSCOW, January 27 (Sputnik) — Classified World War II documents of the Auschwitz concentration camp's January 27, 1945 liberation will finally see the light of day on its 70th anniversary, the Defense Ministry announced in a statement Tuesday. "Today, 70 years after the events, the Russian Ministry of Defense will for the first time publicly disclose reliable historical documents from the period of the Great Patriotic War from the central archives of the Russian Ministry of Defense on its official website," the statement reads. ----- Not the same buildings? 20150209 http://www.gilad.co.uk/writings/2015/2/8/in-these-very-moments-the-protocols-are-being-rewritten In These Very Moments, The Protocols Are Being Rewritten For many years my detractors have pointed at the following quote as evidence of my anti Jewish sentiments: "American Jewry makes any debate on whether the ‘Protocols of the Elders of Zion’ are an authentic document or a forgery irrelevant. American Jews do control the world." Both Zionists as well as anti Zionist Zionists cling to this quote as evidence that my ideas are ‘anti Semitic’. As if Jewish power and dominance is a product of my sick imagination. In the article on antisemitism that was published back in December 2003 I presented an extensive list of Zionist Jews in Bush Administration. I also pointed out that “in Clinton's administration the situation was even worse. Even though the Jews only make up 1.9 per cent of the country's population, an astounding 56 per cent of Clinton's appointees were Jews.” I tried to warn Jews that their excessive power is dangerous for our universe as well as Jewry. 20150218 http://www.counterpunch.org/2015/02/17/netanyahu-the-king-of-chutzpah/ Bibi's Bizarre Call for Jews to Flee Europe for Israel Netanyahu: the King of Chutzpah by BARRY LANDO snip: But all that is inflamed by the actions of Israel itself. The direct relationship between those acts and the increase in anti-Semitic attacks can’t be denied. Indeed, the Israeli government has increasingly claimed that the mounting criticisms of Israel for having committed war crimes or human rights violations, all such claims—even if they are coming from Jews as well– are nothing but the product of anti-Semitism. An outspoken Israeli writer, Uri Avnery, for decades one of the most acerbic critics of his country’s policies, has pointed out the irony: Israel, created as a haven from anti-Semitism for Jews around the world, has instead, by its actions, become the greatest promoter of anti-Semitism around the world. 20150318 http://www.globalresearch.ca/iraq-the-ultimate-war-crime-erasing-the-history-of-mesopotamia-the-destruction-of-nineveh/5436545 Iraq, the Ultimate War Crime: Erasing the History of Mesopotamia. The Destruction of Nineveh From the day of the US-UK invasion that “fructifying richness”, societal, cultural, historic has been systematically, deliberately erased in one of the most devastating, despotic, desecrating, pulverizing cultural armageddons in history. March 19th commemorates the twelfth anniversary of the destruction of that “crucible”, it’s wonders still unceasingly pillaged and destroyed. When the National Museum was looted (10th - 12th April 2003) American troops stood by – whilst their colleagues diligently guarded the Oil Ministry. As some of antiquity’s most sublime, wonders – fifteen thousand items – were looted, Donald Rumsfeld, demonstrably a cultural cretin, remarked: “stuff happens.” WRH: One of the great crimes committed against the people of Iraq was the looting of the Baghdad Museum and the destruction of many important ancient sites inside Iraq. There is a valid concern that Iraq's ancient archeological sites face risk of complete destruction. And more to the point, I think that destruction of ancient sites is deliberate policy. Egypt is literally littered with the ruins of the ancient temples and palaces of her rulers. As much as has been found, it is estimated that only 1/3 of Egypt's archeological wonders have been uncovered. A newly discovered temple was uncovered while digging a sewer line, and a cache of finely preserved mummies was literally stumbled over by a cow in a pasture. Iraq's ancient heritage was enshrined in its ancient sites and museum. As a result of the war, many of those sites have been damaged or destroyed. Part of the ancient city or Ur now lies underneath a US air base runway. The treasures of the museum have only partly been recovered. The treasures from the looted archaeological sites have been scattered to the world. All of this wealth of archaeological treasures must of course annoy Israel. We are raised from birth with Old Testament tales of the greatness of the ancient Israelites, of the powerful kingdoms of Solomon and David and the first temple. Yet Israel, while rich in antiquities, is almost totally devoid of artifacts from this supposedly glorious time in her history. The existence of the fabled First Temple was supported with just two artifacts, a carved staff ornament in the shape of a pomegranate and the Jehoash tablet. Both of these artifacts have been exposed as frauds. We are told that once there was a magnificent temple on that hill, but it "all went away." The wonders emerging from the soil of Egypt, Iraq, and Iran serve as a constant reminder that ancient buildings of such a scale as we are told the First Temple was simply do not vanish without a trace. There is considerable reason to suspect that the tales told in the Old Testament are just that; tales. The Bible is not science, it is the collected stories of a primitive tribal people reassuring each other how important they are. And like fishermen talking about the one that got away, or Ramses with his temple carvings of the did-not-really-happen victory over the Hittites at Kadesh, the writers of the ancient testaments assumed that the people they were telling stories to had no way to verify the claims for themselves. So "embellishment" was a low-risk activity. We do know from the available archaeological evidence that the Exodus probably actually happened to the Hyksos, not the Israelites. We know that the story of Moses is suspect because no Egyptian princess would hide a Hebrew child inside Pharaoh's household, then give the kid a Hebrew name ("Moses" is actually an Egyptian title meaning "Prince" and is included in the names of many Pharaoh's names such as Tut-Moses, Ah-Moses, Ra-Moses (Ramses) etc.) But a good story is a good story and the writers of the ancient texts were probably not thinking much further into the future than the guys who pen the "Celebrity dates space alien" stories you see at supermarket checkout lines. The fact that the celebrity is a real person does not prove the space alien exists. It's just a story. But, over time, entire religions with attendant wealth and power structures have been built on the premise that these stories really happened exactly as written. And today, here in the 21st century world, technology has started to catch up with these ancient myths and call many of them into doubt. So, for a nation that justifies its existence on the writings of the Old Torah, the plethora of sites and artifacts confirming the ancient histories of Egypt, Iraq, Iran, etc. etc. etc. must seem a dire political threat for a nation whose claimed ancient history remains unsupported by science. In that context, the strange behavior of the US military which posted guards around the Iraq oil ministry while leaving the Baghdad museum unguarded suddenly starts to make sense, if the supporters of a very insecure nation decide that leveling the archaeological playing field is preferable to allowing the obvious disparity in archaeological proofs of claimed ancient histories to stand clear in the world's view! 20150406 http://www.pakalertpress.com/2015/04/01/the-hidden-history-of-the-incredibly-evil-khazarian-mafia-updated/ The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia (Updated 20150409 http://www.fourwinds10.net/siterun_data/history/european/news.php?q=1428511286 http://www.tomatobubble.com/id362.html EPIC RANT: HITLER RIPS INTO FDR 20150410 http://www.intifada-palestine.com/2015/04/a-tale-of-lies-deceit-and-terrorism-the-birth-of-israel-2/ A Tale of Lies, Deceit, and Terrorism: the Birth of Israel Based on classified documents from the Jewish Agency and its affiliated organizations seized by the British Mandate Police, materials that confirm that the Zionist controlled Jewish community intended to remove the Arab inhabitants of Palestine from their land and make the whole of Mandate Palestine a Jewish State, an intent that continues to the present day 20150414 http://www.darkmoon.me/2015/stalins-willing-executioners-jews-hostile-elite-ussr/ http://www.fourwinds10.net/siterun_data/history/european/news.php?q=1428938631 Stalin’s Willing Executioners: Jews as a Hostile Elite in the USSR “When the Jews achieved power in Russia, it was as a hostile elite with a deep sense of historic grievance. As a result, they became willing executioners of both the people and cultures they came to rule.” — Kevin MacDonald by Kevin MacDonald, Annotated by Lasha Darkmoon. Book review. 20150512 http://www.fourwinds10.net/siterun_data/history/zionism/news.php?q=1431362664 http://www.veteranstoday.com/2015/05/08/proposed-declaration-of-war-against-the-rothschild-khazarian-mafia/ PROPOSED DECLARATION OF WAR AGAINST ROTHSCHILD KYAZARIAN MAFIA 20150620 20150620_JFK Jr Told The World Who Murdered His Father_But Nobody Was Paying Attention.htm 20150908 http://www.independent.co.uk/news/education/education-news/threeyearold-ultraorthodox-jewish-children-told-the-nonjews-are-evil-in-worksheet-produced-by-school-10481682.html Three-year-old ultra-Orthodox Jewish children told 'the non-Jews' are 'evil' in worksheet produced by London school British three-year-olds have been told "the non-Jews" are "evil" in a Kindergarten worksheet handed out at ultra-Orthodox Jewish schools in north London, it can be revealed ... Emily Green, who used to teach at the same Beis Rochel girls' secondary school ... "It's not uncommon to be taught non-Jewish people are evil in ultra-Orthodox Jewish schools. It is part of the prayers, teaching, their whole ethos," she said ... Independently translated from Yiddish for The Independent, the worksheet's first question reads: "What have the evil goyim (non-Jews) done with the synagogues and cheders [Jewish primary schools]?" The answer in the completed worksheet reads: "Burned them." Another question asks: "What did the goyim want to do with all the Jews?" - to which the answer, according to the worksheet, is: "Kill them." 20150923 http://www.ahavat-israel.com/eretz/future Future Israel - Eretz Israel Why do we, the Jews celebrating Pesach (Passover) in Jerusalem, still say: "Next year in Jerusalem!" Aren't we already here? The rebuilt Jerusalem we pray for is not this modern city, and the redeemed Eretz Israel is not the political state of the Jews we see today. As the influence of the Torah extends, so will the boundaries of Eretz Israel expand accordingly. 20151021 Anonymous wrote: Advertising on chemtrails being censored by kike news "agency" in Canuckistan. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cyBMvPvaQ1M Jim Stone: I am not surprised, and this gets onto a huge topic - censorship via control of advertising venues. If people can't get the media to report the truth, an alternative method of getting the truth out is via paid advertising. And the controllers know this. So if you ever think of paying for ad space to get the truth out, think again - they will block you and not allow it if it does not fit their agenda. This censorship also took place with billboards, with the Jewish community actively seeking to purchase and succeeding in purchasing almost all billboards, and then making it illegal to put a sign anywhere other than a billboard they control. Even if you own property along the highway, you will not be allowed to put up a billboard without first going through a huge registration process and virtually assured denial. Just try it - even a barn roof painted with a message is flatly illegal. You can't paint the side of a building with a message, put a message on a barn, paint the side of a house with a message - you can't do anything like that because the Jewish community petitioned repeatedly until they succeeded in making it illegal to have a voice they do not control everywhere. The internet is the one place people can still speak, and the Jews are doing all they can to put a lid on the internet as well. And if you think I am just bashing Jews, get off the couch and DO SOME RESEARCH. 20151113 BOOK - "They Live Among Us" - re infiltration by Jews. (Also "It's Not The Law.") http://itsnotthelaw.com/newbook.htm From Jim Stone: WAYNE HAS A NEW BOOK Many people have ordered Wayne's book It's NOT the LAW and have been amazed by how comprehensive and well researched that book, which outlines what took place to deconstruct America via the courts, and what people can do about it. I got my copy all the way back in 2009, and at that time, Wayne did not realize just how corrupt and complicit the Jewish community really is in all of it. Wayne does not sit idle, and when he gets a lead on a topic, he will pursue it. My experience with the Jewish community was the lead Wayne needed to begin looking down a new fact finding path, which led to his book They Live Among Us. Wayne has been meticulous about details, and has spent six years on this book so far. He mentioned he had it "almost complete" repeatedly, but just had to keep doing "a little more research, and to try to dig even a little more deeper." FINALLY I got tired of it, and told him to release it early in electronic form, and make it possible for those who order it to get the updates as he continues his work. If you liked his book "It's NOT the LAW", you will most certainly like "They Live Among Us". Wayne is meticulous about details and with as much time as he spent on this new book, that really shows. It's NOT the LAW was a real eye opener for me, it helped me understand a lot, and I am sure many people will think the same of They Live Among Us. If you have not ordered It's NOT the LAW, I highly recommend it, and the new book is an easy match on an even more revealing topic - the Jewish community. I told Wayne to release the new book early because I am not sure how long it will be possible or even legal to get real information of that type, and urged him to release it "as is" while it is still possible. NOW is the time to order, if world war 3 kicks off, both books will probably be banned. 20151231 http://therealistreport.com/jews-demand-caller-exposing-jewish-supremacy-be-identified-arrested/ Jews Demand Caller Exposing Jewish Supremacy Be Identified, Arrested Following a 13-minute call-in commentary to a BBC radio program in which a British man made a number of factual and easily verifiable observations about Jewish supremacy and power in the Western world, including Jewish control over international finance and banking systems, the organized Jewish community in the United Kingdom is demanding the BBC provide police with the caller’s information. 20160106 http://rense.com/general84/declare.htm The Jewish Declaration Of War On Germany Few people know the facts about the singular event that helped spark what ultimately became known as World War II - the international Jewish declaration of war on Germany shortly after Adolf Hitler came to power and well before any official German government sanctions or reprisals against Jews were carried out. The March 24, 1933 issue of The Daily Express of London (shown above) described how Jewish leaders, in combination with powerful international Jewish financial interests, had launched a boycott of Germany for the express purpose of crippling her already precarious economy in the hope of bringing down the new Hitler regime. It was only then that Germany struck back in response. 20160124 http://www.fourwinds10.net/siterun_data/science_technology/new_technologies_and_inventions/news.php?q=1453564636 EINSTEIN – FRAUD PLAGIARIST (DOCUMENTED): The Einstein Fraud – Thief, Liar, Borderline Retardation, (Judaic) Media Created Celebrity Hero! 20160124 http://www.fourwinds10.net/siterun_data/history/zionism/news.php?q=1453473303 PUBLIC LAW 102-14 AND THE JEWISH NOAHIDE LAWS 20160216 http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/israel-boycott-local-councils-public-bodies-and-student-unions-to-be-banned-from-shunning-israeli-a6874006.html Israel boycott ban: Shunning Israeli goods to become criminal offence for public bodies and student unions Local councils, public bodies and even some university student unions are to be banned by law from boycotting “unethical” companies, as part of a controversial crackdown being announced by the Government. Under the plan all publicly funded institutions will lose the freedom to refuse to buy goods and services from companies involved in the arms trade, fossil fuels, tobacco products or Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank. Any public bodies that continue to pursue boycotts will face “severe penalties”, ministers said. 20160224 http://jewinthecity.com/2010/07/why-do-orthodox-jews-consider-a-womans-singing-voice-immodest/ Why Do Orthodox Jews Consider a Woman’s Singing Voice Immodest? Finally, there are some who say that it is permissible for a man to hear a recorded song sung by a woman if he doesn’t know what she looks like since the Talmud states that, "the yetzer hara (evil inclination) is not interested in what the eyes do not see." 20160323 http://www.fantompowa.info/koestlerindex.htm http://www.fantompowa.info/13th%20Tribe.pdf 676KB Free e-Book The Thirteenth Tribe by Arthur Koestler Koestler shows through extensive research, how a trading empire was set up by a tribe we know as the Khazars between the expanding power blocs of Christianity and Islam; how the people were converted to Judaism by their king as a way of standing apart from both, and how the people and their wealth were dispersed through the countries of Eastern Europe after the collapse of the Khazar Empire. It is a controversial history; because it challenges both the assumptions of Nazi philosophy and Zionism that the European Jews were racially different from the populations of the countries in which they later settled. See also: Evidence from other publications http://www.fantompowa.info/koestler_thirteenth_tribe_evidence.htm The Jews of Khazaria by Kevin Alan Brook http://www.khazaria.com/brook.html Khazaria.com: A Resource for Turkic and Jewish History in Russia and Ukraine http://www.khazaria.com/ 20160323 https://theuglytruth.wordpress.com/2012/03/13/in-israel-having-an-old-friend-for-dinner/#more-37060 In Israel, ‘Having an old friend for dinner at Purim’ What makes this particular festival of Purim so disturbing are the overt cannibalistic overtones dominating the festivities. Besides the religiously-mandated drunkenness, Jews gather at homes and eat prepared foods made to resemble the body parts (ears, eyes, feet, internal organs–you name it, they make it) of Haman, the Persian ruler described in the book of Esther who conspired against them. Compare and contrast this with what Judaism’s 2 main competitors—Christianity and Islam who have no equivalent where they devour the symbolic body parts and organs of their enemies nor revel in the despoilment, gloating over the suffering of others. In fact, no other religion of any civilized people on the planet engages in something like this. The closest we could possibly come to finding something like this would be some of the voodoo practices found in the Caribbean or West Africa. 20160402 http://www.timesofisrael.com/ashkenazi-jews-descend-from-350-people-study-finds/ Ashkenazi Jews descend from 350 people, study finds ‘Bottleneck’ dates back 600 to 800 years, genome analysis shows; researcher says among population ‘everyone is a 30th cousin’ WRH: That coincides with the historical period in which Khazaria converted to Judaism. 20160513 http://www.intifada-palestine.com/2016/05/on-the-misuse-anti-semitism-an-analysis-by-lawrence-davidson/ On the Misuse Anti-Semitism - An Analysis by Lawrence Davidson The Zionists have declared that there is no difference between the State of Israel and the worldwide community of Jews and therefore, if you are opposed to Israel you are anti-Semitic. This identification of Israel and the Jews en masse is historically, demographically, and certainly religiously false. But no matter, the Zionists shout this redefinition loudly and endlessly. And, by backing their claim with political pressure and a lot of money, they have managed to get it accepted in some Western political circles. This, then, is what constitutes the misuse for political purposes of a dangerous racial prejudice. 20160626 https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/jun/24/holocaust-survivor-lied-joseph-hirt-auschwitz Man who claimed to have escaped Auschwitz admits he lied for years A Pennsylvania man who claimed for years to have escaped from Auschwitz, met track and field star Jesse Owens and Nazi doctor Josef Mengele, confessed on Friday that he had fabricated the entire story. 20160706 Via http://thesaker.is/turkey-on-the-ropes/ What is Israel? A good place to start in understanding this subject is the book “The Controversy of Zion”, by a once famous, now deceased, correspondent and author, Douglas Reed. It can be downloaded in pdf form for free from here: http://www.controversyofzion.info/ Saved as 20160706_Controversy_of_Zion.pdf 20160706_Controversy_of_Zion.htm (all in one page) 20161008 Google: "The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia" - Actually better to use a search engine other than google. eg duckduckgo. Many copies. One of them: http://www.veteranstoday.com/2015/03/08/the-hidden-history-of-the-incredibly-evil-khazarian-mafia/ By Preston James, Ph.D on March 8, 2015 The curtain is now being pulled back to fully expose the Khazarian Mafia and its evil plan to infiltrate, tyrannize the whole world and eradicate all Abrahamic Religions and allow only their Babylonian Talmudism also known as Luciferianism, Satanism or ancient Baal worship 20170127 http://rinf.com/alt-news/newswire/us-in-the-death-grip-of-people-pursuing-israels-interests-scholar/ http://www.presstv.ir/Detail/2017/01/26/507840/US-in-death-grip-Israel-Scholar US in the death grip of people pursuing Israel’s interests: Scholar The United States is in the “death grip” of the Jewish Zionists who are completely obsessed in pursuing the interests of Israel, says Kevin Barrett, an American author and political commentator. 20170206 From Jim Stone A random quote from Wayne's book "They Live Among Us" There is a reason why I put an ad for Wayne's books on this web site. And it is because they are pure gold. The following is a quote from Wayne's book "They Live Among Us" which is an expose' on the Jews. Ford's Peace Ship In 1916 Ford led a mission in an attempt to stop the slaughter of World War I. He assembled a collection of about 170 clergymen, writers, politicians, pacifists, and businessmen, chartered a Norwegian ocean liner, the Oscar II and sailed for Europe (Sweden and Netherlands) to meet with peace activists in hopes of inspiring the neutral powers to mediate a peace treaty. Five years later, in an interview with a New York Timesreporter on Christmas day, 1921, Ford provided some insight into the reason his peace efforts failed to have any effect on stopping the war, and why this mission has long been referred to as "ill-fated," without any details as to why. "It was the Jews themselves who convinced me of the direct relationship between the international Jew and war. In fact, they went out of their way to convince me. On the peace ship were two very prominent Jews. We had not been at sea 200 miles before they began telling me of the power of the Jewish race, of how they controlled the world through their control of gold, and that the Jew and no one but the Jew could end the war. I was reluctant to believe it but they went into detail to convince me of the means by which the Jews controlled the war, how they had the money, how they had cornered all the basic materials needed to fight the war and all that, and they talked so long and so well that they convinced me. They said, and they believed, that the Jews started the war, that they would continue it as long as they wished, and that until the Jew stopped the war it could not be stopped. I was so disgusted I would have liked to turn the ship back." Ford returned to America somewhat discouraged but wiser, and had made up his mind to do all in his power to expose these evil Jews and their designs. Taking on the Jews Ford believed that if this menace was exposed to the light of day, responsible and moral Jews would cast out this cancerous group from their midst. This proved to be a false assumption. He was surprised by the abuse he received from most of his Jewish friends and business associates, as only a few remained cordial after he took this stand. They were more supportive of their evil leaders than he had supposed. Ford began his crusade by hiring the best private investigators he could find, and he dispatched agents to foreign countries to dig up certain facts. He then attempted to place full-page articles regarding his discoveries in the newspapers, but the papers (owned or controlled by Jews) refused to do business with him. He determined that if the "kept press" would not tell the truth on what he termed, "The Jewish Question," then it was his duty to his God and his country to do it himself. You can visit Wayne's web site HERE. http://www.itsnotthelaw.com/ ---------------------- 20170311 Are People Really That Stupid? (Zionism 102) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXYq2AIwhNA 20170402 https://www.rt.com/news/382895-himmler-palestinian-leader-telegram/ ‘Wish you well against Jewish invaders’: Himmler’s letter to Palestinian Arab leader discovered