Ukraine conflict 2021 This file: 2021 March US Biden admin stirs up Ukraine ... again 20210310 Is the Ukraine on the brink of war (again)? 20210310_Is the Ukraine on the brink of war_again_Saker_files tried to post reply to Agreed. We're on the brink of the first *real* war for a long while. Due to a stolen US election and the demons who stole it! This one will involve new and surprising weapons. Micro-assassin drone swarms with AI facial recognition. Long range cruise torpedos. Hypersonic missiles. Unmanned AI-driven heavy battle armor. Stealthed micro-nukes. Space to ground energy weapons. Automated takedowns of civil power and coms infrastructure. I don't think the neanderthal neocon warmongers and their Globalist Elite-owned US fraud-administration morons with their meat-puppet-Biden have any understanding of what they are unleashing. The era is over, when murderous 'leaders' could sit in comfort and safety, while ordering the citizen masses off to die in Banker's wars. This time the stupid 'leaders' are going to die. Much to their surprise. 20210402 COVERT INTEL World Hal Turner 01 April 2021 Hits: 8770 SUBSCRIBERS ONLY -- Sources inside the Pentagon confirmed to me just minutes ago that this morning . . . Biden was told by the Pentagon they believe the Russians intend to invade Ukraine, and take not only Luhansk & Donetsk regions but the Mariupol region all the way to the Dniepier River and then Odessa too! The invasion may also take the northeastern Kharkov oblast as well. This would have profound implications for peace in Europe, and indicates the Russians are moving the chessboard-schedule up to favor their positions before the West can react. This all flows from Russia and China's belief the US DEEP-STATE cashiered Donald Trump through a fake election, who they trusted to stand-up to the DC Deep State. The conclusion by Russia and China is "the US Deep-State is planning war anyway, let's give 'em one, on OUR TERMS" CRIMEAN BRIDGE NOW CLOSED World Hal Turner 01 April 2021 Hits: 8432 CRIMEAN BRIDGE NOW CLOSED The Crimean bridge linking mainland Russia and Crimea HAS JUST NOW been declared a "closed military zone." That's the signal. That is the proof that very severe military operations are going to begin. War is at the doorstep of eastern Europe. War between Ukraine and Russia. None of this had to be. The world will come to regret this day. Fools. Here is how it all developed: Ukraine Cut-off Fresh Water Supply to Crimea When it Returned to Russia Biden Starting SECOND War Front - First Syria, now Ukraine: NATO Mortars being fired at CIVILIANS in Ukraine USA and EU Planning Ukraine Attack on Russia - Troops, Tanks, Artillery, Moving Ukraine Massing Troops on Border of Russia-Favoring Breakaway Provinces; Diplomat Says "War" 20210407