20110718 http://www.jimstonefreelance.com/grid.html POWER GRID TAMPERING WILL END AN ERA Disturbing to read in conjunction with: http://eventhorizonchronicle.blogspot.com/2011/07/remote-viewing-event-666-days-and.html Remote Viewing The "Event" -- 666 Days And Counting 20110807 http://www.newswithviews.com/Peterson/rosalind132.htm COSTLY U.S. POWER GRID TESTS APPROVED WITHOUT PUBLIC CONSENT By Rosalind Peterson August 5, 2011 NewsWithViews.com According to CBS News, "...The North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC), runs the nation's interlocking web of transmission lines and power plants and they will be conducting the tests..." http://www.nerc.com/ The North American Electric Reliability Corporation’s (NERC) mission is to ensure the reliability of the North American bulk power system. NERC is the electric reliability organization (ERO) certified by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to establish and enforce reliability standards for the bulk-power system. NERC develops and enforces reliability standards; assesses adequacy annually via a 10-year forecast, and summer and winter forecasts; monitors the bulk power system; and educates, trains and certifies industry personnel. ERO activities in Canada related to the reliability of the bulk-power system are recognized and overseen by the appropriate governmental authorities in that country. From the 'about NERC' page: The first set of enforceable standards was filed with FERC on April 4, 2006. On March 15, 2007, FERC approved 83 of the 102 proposed standards. Those 83 standards become mandatory and enforceable in the U.S. on June 18, 2007. The remaining standards are still being reviewed by FERC. NERC history page http://www.nerc.com/page.php?cid=1|7|11 20110808 http://enenews.com/solar-storms-threaten-nuke-plants-power-outages-could-last-years-decades-risk-significantly-outweighs-major-earthquakes/comment-page-1#comment-116758 Solar storms threaten nuke plants: Electric power outages could last “for years or even decades” — Risk significantly outweighs that of major earthquakes August 7th, 2011 at 12:01 PM http://www.ibtimes.com/articles/193644/20110806/solar-storms-earth-sun.htm Solar Storms Could Debilitate Earth this Decade: NOAA My comment as TerraHertz at enenews --------- "Electric power outages could last “for years or even decades”" Hmm... This reminds me of some things I read recently: 20110718 http://www.jimstonefreelance.com/grid.html POWER GRID TAMPERING WILL END AN ERA 20110807 http://www.newswithviews.com/Peterson/rosalind132.htm COSTLY U.S. POWER GRID TESTS APPROVED WITHOUT PUBLIC CONSENT NERC history page http://www.nerc.com/page.php?cid=1|7|11 Summary: a plan is afoot to deliberately destroy the entire US generating and distribution grid, as a part of the Elite's global population cull and de-industrialization program. The method involves splitting the grid into phase-independent subunits, then while the power phases are opposed, suddenly closing the isolating switchgear. Resulting in colossal fault currents, welding shut of breakers, vaporization of transmission lines, and total destruction of most generating capacity. As the first article notes, even the preparations for this 'test' can only be considered an act of war, by enemies within the State. It would seem that here we are seeing the beginnings of a cover story, intended to make people think the resulting massive, long term outage was due to natural causes. ----------- 20110810 http://www.zerohedge.com/news/must-read-ubs-andy-lees-why-us-economy-doomed-if-nothing-changes Must Read: UBS' Andy Lees On Why The US Economy Is, All Else Equal, Doomed http://www.zerohedge.com/news/must-read-ubs-andy-lees-why-us-economy-doomed-if-nothing-changes#comment-1544823 Comment by TerraHertz on Tue, 08/09/2011 - 21:14 #1544823 The 'American Economy' is doomed for multiple reasons. However there are primary and secondary reasons. FED ponzi schemes, fiat money printing to the Moon, '11th marble' never repayable debt, off-shoring of all manufacturing jobs, etc are all secondary reasons. The PRIMARY reasons America is doomed, is that the global Elites decided decades ago that their New World Order (of around 500 to 900 million total world population) doesn't include the nation of America as such, and so in 'getting there' America must be de-industrialized and depopulated. The economic crash currently in rolling snowball stage, is just the start. For the really serious death-blows, there are other surprises in store. One of them involves a near total and irreparable destruction of the electricity generation and distribution grid, using means that are currently being implemented. Read through these: http://www.jimstonefreelance.com/grid.html POWER GRID TAMPERING WILL END AN ERA http://www.newswithviews.com/Peterson/rosalind132.htm COSTLY U.S. POWER GRID TESTS APPROVED WITHOUT PUBLIC CONSENT http://www.nerc.com/page.php?cid=1|7|11 History of the NERC http://www.ibtimes.com/articles/193644/20110806/solar-storms-earth-sun.htm "Solar storms threaten nuke plants: Electric power outages could last for years or even decades." (Preparing an excuse for why the grid will be going down permanently. "Natural causes! Wasn't us!") I'm an electronics engineer. The original article is correct in its analysis. There is NO CONCEIVABLE reason for wanting to test splitting the grid into independent, phase-drifting segments, other than to achieve conditions under which a set of sudden circuit re-connections can completely destroy ALL the connected generating machines. Do this simultaneously with arrival of a solar CME (real or pretended), or 'terrorist EMP attack' and the public would never know the disaster was deliberate or false flag. This would be an unrecoverable social collapse scenario. No functioning heavy industry capable of rebuilding the major generating plants. Social chaos within weeks. Terminal. You want to save America? Shoot everyone involved in the NERC proposal for those tests. Or better, interrogate them by whatever means, to find out who's behind this. Then shoot them all. 20120203 Power-Grid Cyber Attack Seen Leaving Millions in Dark for Months A blackout that swept parts of North America in August 2003, leaving 50 million people in the dark for as long as four days, provides a glimpse of the havoc a cyber attack could inflict on the nation’s power grid. My observation: Seems the people planning this event are uncertain whether the public would believe the 'CME caused it' excuse or a massive power grid outage. So now the 'terrorists did it' theme is being spread in the MSM. 2012 Feb - lot of stories in the US about 'impending possible terrorist EMP attack'. TPTB must have decided a CME wasn't believable enough. Or doesn't justify a heavy fascist response. 20120229 http://www.globalpost.com/dispatches/globalpost-blogs/the-grid/anonymous-wikileaks-stratfor-fbi-hacker-cyber-attacks After taking on FBI and Stratfor, Anonymous declares war on the US. Fear of Anonymous in government circles has grown in tandem with the level of sophistication of the attacks. The National Security Agency (NSA) has warned that Anonymous could have the ability, within the next year or two, to hack portions of the US power grid. Gen. Keith Alexander, the director of the NSA, has discussed the possibility of an Anonymous-led attack in meetings with the White House and other officials, according to a recent report in the Wall Street Journal. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970204059804577229390105521090.html?KEYWORDS=SIOBHAN%20GORMAN#articleTabs%3Darticle 20120510 http://the-coming-depression.blogspot.com.au/2012/05/expert-warns-100-certainty-of-total.html Expert Warns: 100% Certainty of Total Catastrophic Failure of the Entire Power Infrastructure Within 3 Years 20130327 http://arstechnica.com/science/2013/03/stabilizing-the-electric-grid-by-keeping-generators-out-of-synch/ Stabilizing the electric grid by keeping generators in sync Better grid design should keep generators from fluctuating in phase. (GKD: This may or may not be related to the grid-destruction scheme.) 20140106 http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20140102/12100125753/weird-san-jose-incident-last-year-points-to-real-threat-to-power-grid-hint-its-not-cyberattacks.shtml Weird California Incident Last Year Points To The Real Threat To The Power Grid (Hint: It's Not Cyberattacks) 20140131 http://www.realityzone.com/racing.html#sun Will we survive the solar storms ahead? This documentary is about the urgent need to protect the power grid from future solar eruptions. We are entering a new cycle of solar flares, and their intensity is expected to increase. 20140208 http://www.infowars.com/in-19-minutes-a-team-of-snipers-destroyed-17-transformers-at-a-power-station-in-california/ In 19 Minutes, A Team Of Snipers Destroyed 17 Transformers At A Power Station In California When a real terrorist attack happens, sometimes we don’t hear about it until months afterward (if we ever hear about it at all). For example, did you know that a team of snipers shot up a power station in California? The terrorists destroyed 17 transformers and did so much damage that the power station was shut down for a month. And it only took them 19 minutes of shooting to do it. Of course most Americans have absolutely no idea that this ever happened, because they get their news from the mainstream media. http://www.businessinsider.com.au/silicon-valley-power-station-sniper-attack-2014-2 A Group Of Snipers Shot Up A US Power Station For 19 Minutes Before Slipping Into The Night http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702304851104579359141941621778#printMode (behind paywall) http://www.onenewspage.us/n/US/750ayt1pq/Assault-on-California-Power-Station-Raises-Alarm-on.htm Includes map. It was actually the PG&E Metclaf transmission substation. Junction of Monterey Rd, Metcalf Rd, S. Valley Freeway. Also, they first cut key telephone cables in an underground pit. So they knew where that was. Video: (See also the stuff about Cheney's warnnig. In MH370 list): --------- Possibly relevant events shortly prior to the loss of MH370 20140227 Feb 27th http://beforeitsnews.com/energy/2014/03/cheney-warns-of-emp-end-of-civilization-2453600.html http://www.hannity.com/show/2014/02/27 Two weeks ago on the Hannity Show, Dick Cheney warned of an EMP attack upon America and the End of Civilization; coincidentally, this warning came soon before the missing Malaysian plane. Is there something going on here that we should be aware of? As you can well imagine, conspiracy theory forums are blowing up about this one…Cheney clearly has it all planned out, listen to him tell you how it’s done. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Rg7QPfw83I ALERT! Dick Cheney Warns of EMP Attack on U.S. and End of Civilization! http://www.premiereinteractive.com/cgi-bin/members.cgi?stream=2014/02/Sean%20Hannity%20-%20Feb%2027%202014%20-%20Hour%202.mp3&site=hannity&type=download&clips=1 Cheney segment starts at 17:10 20140318 http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/may2008/051608_rumsfeld_tape.htm http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/05/13/rumsfeld-on-2006-election_n_101537.html http://jfxgillis.newsvine.com/_news/2008/05/12/1482373-correctly-political-liquid-lunch-with-donald-rumsfeld http://www.dod.mil/pubs/foi/milanalysts/23%20Apr%2008/Audio%20Files/SecDef%20with%20mil%20analysts%2012.12.06.wav Rumsfeld On Tape: Terror Attack Could Restore Neo-Con Agenda Shocking excerpts of confidential recordings recently released under the Freedom of Information Act feature former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld talking with top military analysts about how a flagging Neo-Con political agenda could be successfully restored with the aid of another terrorist attack on America. --------- 20140320 http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-03-19/government-agency-warns-if-9-substations-are-destroyed-power-grid-could-be-down-18-m