John F. Kennedy, assassinated November 22, 1963 Robert Kennedy, assassinated June 6th, 1968 John F. Kennedy Jr, assassinated July 16, 1999 De-Classified Document Admits Oswald Was CIA Robert Kennedy Assassination: The Enyart Photos Posted Nov 25, 2006 07:58 AM PST Category: ASSASSINATION In 1988 Scott Enyart requested that his photographs should be returned. At first the State Archives claimed they could not find them and that they must have been destroyed by mistake. Enyart filed a lawsuit which finally came to trial in 1996. During the trial the Los Angeles city attorney announced that the photos had been found in its Sacramento office and would be brought to the courthouse by the courier retained by the State Archives. The following day it was announced that the courier’s briefcase, that contained the photographs, had been stolen from the car he rented at the airport. Robert Kennedy Assassination: Intimidation of a witness. This is the official LAPD audio tape of the lie detector test given to witness Sandy Serrano who claimed she saw a woman in a polka dot dress running from the Robert Kennedy assassination exclaiming "We shot him". CIA role claim in Kennedy killing New video and photographic evidence that puts three senior CIA operatives at the scene of Robert Kennedy's assassination has been brought to light. "90% of the American people believe there was a conspiracy to assassinate John F. Kennedy. The other 10% work for the government or the media." -- Richard Belzer Video: Dark Legacy if anyone has a spare hour I recommend going to amazon and watching a flick called "Dark Legacy". It is one hell of a movie detailing the JFK assassination and I was pretty damn tired of hearing about it when I started the movie (not knowing what it was about). It is incredibly detailed and a hugh eye opener. This gov't is fucked and has been for a LONG time! From: The Hall of Fame didn't list many text files but we do have a beginner's library on the JFK assassination. It has documents like the original report of the Dallas police paraffin test on Lee Harvey Oswald's cheeks and hands. Made shortly after his arrest, it showed he hadn't fired a gun. Those of us glued to our TV on assassination weekend in 1963 saw it, and heard the police tell us what it showed. Then documents went to Washington for review and preparation for the Warren Commission, whose job was to get the nation passed the crisis. Paraffin test results were changed to support the comfortable lone gunman conclusion. Overlooked, however, were photocopies in Dallas filed, forgotten, and discovered years later. One of many authoritative JFK assassination web sites is this: Kennedy Assassination Home Page Another which reviews the scores of books on the JFK murder is Lyndon Johnson's mistress claims LBJ told her that he had JFK killed. Assembled by Moderator Victor Martinez at Operation Mockingbird How Democracy was manipulated through the mainstream Media Posthumous book claims Ford knew of CIA coverup in Kennedy assassination. Nov 21, 2007 According to the publisher of a new book, who appeared on Fox News Wednesday morning, the last living words of former President Gerald Ford fingered the CIA in the orchestration a cover-up of Kennedy's assassination. Ford had been a member of the Warren Commission. And Ford was the commission member who changed the official location of JFK's back wound, moving it up onto the rear of the neck to make it line up with the "Magic Bullet" theory. This is WHY Ford was installed as Vice President when Nixon resigned. Nixon resigned over an obstruction of justice charge (with some of the legal groundwork prepared by a young Hillary Rodham). Nixon resigned gracefully, the media declared the incident over and Gerald Ford declared that it was time to "put the whole affair behind us and move forward". This was done because the last thing anyone wanted in Washington D.C. was an impeachment trial. Even Nixon's worst enemies dared not allow it. The reasoning was simple. Sooner or later, someone would ask the following question. "Why, when Nixon's re-election was a study in foregone conclusions, was it necessary to break into the DNC headquarters at the Watergate?" The answer to that question, never asked by politician, never asked by a servile media, was THE dark secret that could not be revealed; the secret that would have brought down the entire government! Years later, it did come out what had been the motive for the break-in. It was connected to what Nixon called "Hanky Panky" on the White House tapes. The DNC had gotten copies of the photographs taken of the three tramps in Dealey Plaza, and identified two of them as long time Nixon henchmen E. Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis. This put the DNC in a position to at least blackmail the President, if not expose him outright. This is why E. Howard Hunt lead the break-in; it was his own ass he was trying to save. The photos resurfaced as part of a news story, and E. Howard Hunt sued the publisher, Liberty Lobby. He lost. Attorney Mark Lane provided witnesses that placed E. Howard Hunt in Dealey Plaza at the time that John F. Kennedy was killed. Nixon had to make sure he left the White House to someone willing to keep the lid on the JFK assassination. That is why Spiro Agnew was kicked out and Gerald Ford was put in. ------------------- "The Atlantic" stoops to new lows. Mallon calls Ruth Paine "virtuous Quaker woman who became, quite innocently, enmeshed in the assassination." He does not mention that during the Iran Contra war, her Quaker activities in Nicaragua got her shunned from her group because the peace activists believed her to be a CIA spy, documenting their every move. He does not mention that she had a big "x" in her calendar the day Oswald ostensibly bought the rifle (which provably, by the documentary record, Oswald didn't buy) and that even the Warren Commission expressed disbelief at her explanation that that X, the only X in her whole calendar, marked the start of one particular menstrual cycle. He does not mention that Ruth Paine's own daughter has suspicions about her mother's involvement in the JFK case, and that this caused a falling out between them. But then, if Mallon were a CIA apologist in the media, this would be expected. Posted May 7, 2007 03:02 PM PST --Also mentions lack of exit wounds, with no bullet. Ice bullets? Interview with LBJ's mistress on JFK assassination (video) This is Robert Gaylon Ross interview with Lyndon Johnson’s mistress, Madeleine Duncan Brown. She claims that LBJ told her that he had John F. Kennedy killed. Posted May 7, 2007 09:20 AM PST Category: ASSASSINATION Bruce Willis Says JFK Killers Still In Power it's refreshing to see that Willis, who was vehemently pro-war and pro-Bush in the months after 9/11, has seen the light and realized that patriotism is about love of one's country, not worship of government. Posted May 7, 2007 09:18 AM PST Category: ASSASSINATION Actually, most of the direct players are already dead, but there is no question that the JFK/RFK/MLK assassinations changed the course of the nation and that we are still feeling the effects today. Denied in Full: Federal Judges Grill CIA Lawyers on JFK Secrecy Lawyers for the Central Intelligence Agency faced pointed questions in a federal court hearing Monday morning about the agency's efforts to block disclosure of long-secret records about the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Posted Oct 22, 2007 05:59 PM PST Category: ASSASSINATION WRH: Now, stop and think. If the assassination of JFK was really carried out by Oswald, there would be no need tor any secrecy. Every bit of factual evidence would support the official story, so there would be no need to conceal anything, certainly this many years after the fact. Who Killed JFK? Final Judgment: The Missing Link in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy "...Conspiracy theories abound regarding the Kennedy assassination. However, a new well-written and documented book sites compelling evidence that the Israel’s Mossad and David Ben Gurion were behind the assassination. The reason: Kennedy's disagreement with Ben Gurion's nuclear program...." "...What the book does say is that: When New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison charged businessman Clay Shaw with participation in the JFK assassination conspiracy Garrison stumbled upon the Israeli Mossad connection to the murder of President Kennedy. Shaw served on the board of a shadowy corporation known as Permindex. A primary shareholder in Permindex was the Banque De Credit International of Geneva, founded by Tibor Rosenbaum, an arms procurer and financier for the Mossad..." Posted Oct 27, 2007 10:52 AM PST John F. Kennedy vs The Federal Reserve By John P. Curran John F. Kennedy vs The Federal Reserve By: disinter On June 4, 1963, a virtually unknown Presidential decree, Executive Order 11110, was signed with the authority to basically strip the Federal Reserve Bank of its power to loan money to the United States Federal Government at interest. With the stroke of a pen, President Kennedy declared that the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank would soon be out of business. August 9th, 2007 Howard Hunt says he was just a “benchwarmer” in CIA murder of JFK 1 month before JFK was murdered, he told the LOBBY to register as agents of a foreign government One month before he was murdered in Dallas, President John F. Kennedy told the American Zionist Council (AZC), the Daddy of today's 900 pound AIPAC gorilla, to register as a foreign agent, which was and still is the law for all countries, except Israel. On October 17, 1963, Judge Rifkind, representing the AZC, asked that they not be required to register as a foreign agent, since "it would eventually destroy the Zionist movement." The plea was denied by JFK's DOJ, led by his brother, Robert Kennedy. But we all know who got destroyed one month later, don't we. AIPAC is the growth that came out of the AZC that is running this country and the brothers Kennedy were both cut down by an unknown assassin's bullet(s). With LBJ as president, the LOBBY was NOT required to register. John F. Kennedy and the Monolithic and Ruthless Conspiracy --------- Two weeks before President John F. Kennedy was assassinated, CIA double agent Richard Nagell who was assigned to keep track of Lee Harvey Oswald for the US intelligence community wrote a letter to FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover warning that Kennedy was going to be shot and killed in Dallas, Texas, and when Hoover failed to respond fired a gun into the ceiling of a Federal bank in El Paso, Texas, so he'd be jailed when the assassination occurred. GARY WEAN AND THE JFK ASSASSINATION JFK vs. Federal Reserve John Fitzgerald Kennedy – Murdered by the Jewish Crime Network Treason - SS Being Pulled Off Just Before JFK Murdered 20100303 The Saddest Story One of the most unusual books and far-and-away the saddest I have ever read is James Douglass's "JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters." This is the best documented account ever produced of why and how the CIA assassinated John F. Kennedy. That the CIA did this is beyond dispute, and that the first President Bush was involved is well established by Russ Baker's book "Family of Secrets." What separates Douglass's book from the pack is his account of how Kennedy lived his final months, the actions he took that turned the CIA against him but saved the world from a nuclear holocaust and -- had he lived -- would probably have avoided the Vietnam War and brought the Cold War to a swift and peaceful conclusion. 20100612 A New and Controversial Book by a Firearms Expert May Finally Reveal the Definitive Truth in Kennedy's Assassination In his conclusions, as a result of a three-year study of the president's shooting, Mr. Martin attests that the evidence shows that the first gunman took one shot, with the second and third gunmen taking two shots each. He has also discovered that different caliber rifles were used for the first, third and fifth and final shot. The book also exposes the many contradictions and fallacies contained in the Warren Report, regarding the shooting of our president. Additionally, it also explains why it can be concluded that the "magic bullet" found in Parkland Memorial Hospital was evidence planted after the fact, to directly incriminate Oswald in the murder of the president. 20100919 A FACT SHEET : On Security and Secret Service Inconsistencies in the JFK Assassination Vince Palamara The following "fact sheet" was prepared as a basic and general summarization of some of the more salient points in the author's research for the book "THE THIRD ALTERNATIVE ..." "JFK: The Medical Evidence Reference" Just like with his first project, Vince went on to personally contact over 35 different witnesses and principals, including quite a few Parkland doctors and Bethesda technicians. He researched the massive Warren Commission volumes and the other seminal works, as well as government documents to catalog the testimony on the president's wounds as observed at Parkland Hospital and Bethesda Naval Hospital. The results speak for themselves: "JFK: The Medical Evidence Reference" is considered the "Bible" on the medical evidence in the Kennedy assassination, with over 350 names and thousands of sources and citations! The Third Alternative: Survivors' Guilt: The Secret Service and the JFK Murder The Third Alternative- Survivor's Guilt; The Secret Service and the JFK Murder, is a must-read on this crucial aspect of the JFK assassination too often overlooked. Vince has done hands-on work, establishing in no uncertain terms some real truths about the president's protection (and lack of) in Dallas -- from primary source documentation and, in many cases, directly from agents who were THERE -- or in a position to know conclusively. In great detail and with intricately crafted research methodology (that even the Assassination Records Review Board took notice of and mentioned in its Final Report) , the author has made a frontal "assault" on some old and now defunct myths (like all the lies about the limo's bubbletop) , as well as creating a lasting work that has already yielded some new answers to old questions. This book and Vince' subsequent work will likely continue to help answer more of the mysteries of the Kennedy case in the future. 20101123 Lover of Lee Harvey Oswald, on his attempts to warn others of the assassination... Judyth Vary Baker, lover of Lee Harvey Oswald, on his attempts to warn others of the assassination... 20101126 The National Security State and the Assassination of JFK The CIA, the Pentagon, and the "Peace President" by Andrew Gavin Marshall 20101226 Wednesday, December 22, 2010 My Files on the LBJ-CIA Assassination of JFK By Robert Morrow (Very good overview and list of conspirators. Except omits Kenedy's silver money.) 20110421 "Upon Kennedy verifying MacDonald’s claim that the Moon was hollow, he demanded, in two separate letters [JFK letter to CIA 3rd photo left], that both NASA and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) release to him all “files and information” related to UFO’s barely 10-days before he was assassinated in Dallas, Texas on November 23, 1963." 20120923 JFK: The Case for Conspiracy In this video, you will hear 6 shots were fired, not the 3 the government claims were fired, to assassinate President John F. Kennedy. It also clears Lee Harvey Oswald of the murder, and shows that JFK was shot from the front, not the back, as the official story goes. (GKD: he means 'from the back, not the front') 20121121 The Death Of John Kennedy Why Nixon resigned instead of facing impeachment. Nixon resigned over an obstruction of justice charge (with some of the legal groundwork prepared by a young Hillary Rodham). Nixon resigned gracefully, the media declared the incident over and Gerald Ford declared that it was time to "put the whole affair behind us and move forward". This was done because the last thing anyone wanted in Washington D.C. was an impeachment trial. Even Nixon's worst enemies dared not allow it. The reason was simple. Sooner or later, someone would ask the following question: "Why, when Nixon's re-election was a study in foregone conclusions, was it necessary to break into the DNC headquarters at the Watergate?" The answer to that question, never asked by politician, never asked by a servile media, was THE dark secret that could not be revealed; the secret that would have brought down the entire government! Gerald Ford forced to admit the Warren Report fictionalized Thirty-three years ago, Gerald R. Ford took pen in hand and changed - ever so slightly - the Warren Commission's key sentence on the place where a bullet entered John F. Kennedy's body when he was killed in Dallas. The effect of Ford's change was to strengthen the commission's conclusion that a single bullet passed through Kennedy and severely wounded Texas Gov. John Connally - a crucial element in its finding that Lee Harvey Oswald was the sole gunman. 20130420 Executive Action: JFK Witness Deaths and the London Times Actuary At the end of the film, it was revealed that an actuary engaged by the London Sunday Times calculated the odds of 18 material witnesses dying within three years of the JFK assassination. as 1 in 100,000 TRILLION. Assuming the data and calculation methodology were essentially correct, then it was clear proof of a conspiracy and refuted the Warren Commission conclusion that Oswald was the lone assassin. 20131117 Proving LBJ [one of those who] killed Kennedy 2 Assassinations, like wars, are never done for just one reason. A lot of people wanted Kennedy dead, and while Johnson appears to have been a player, he did not act alone. The purpose in selling the idea that Johnson was the sole author of the assassination is to protect those conspirators/governments still existing today. There is evidence that the Texas Oil Billionaires wanted Kennedy dead because of the Oil Depletion Allowance. There is evidence that Israel wanted Kennedy dead because he opposed nuclear weapons for Israel. There is evidence organized crime wanted Kennedy dead because they felt betrayed by Robert Kennedy's war on organized crime after helping Kennedy win his election. There is evidence the CIA wanted Kennedy dead because of the Bay of Pigs and the firing if Allen Dulles. Whenever one suspect becomes the focus of the American people, they are quick to point out the evidence that leads elsewhere, hoping to keep America befuddled as to just who did it. But the truth is they ALL took part, because they all had motive, and by having multiple players each individual maintains plausible deniability. GKD: Don't forget the Bankers! 20131229 Oswald Innocence Campaign Descends on Santa Barbara How do you debunk the “magic bullet” theory? (Which says a single bullet hit Kennedy in the back then exited through his throat and injured Texas Governor John Connally.) If you go back and review the broadcast footage from the day of the assassination, you’ll find on NBC, for example, Chet Huntley and the other anchors are reporting two wounds. One was a small, clean puncture wound to the throat, which Malcolm Perry, the physician who performed a simple tracheotomy, described three times during the Parkland press conference that was held at the hospital after it was announced the president was dead. Malcolm Kilduff said it was a simple matter of a bullet right through the head while pointing to his right temple. That wound to the right temple, which blew out the back of Kennedy’s head — it was a frangible, exploding bullet — sent out shock waves with such force that when [brain and skull matter] impacted motorcycle patrolman Bobby Hargis, riding to the left rear of the limousine, he thought he himself had been shot. But when the reports about these two wounds are being widely disseminated on radio and television, and the story starts to trickle in that that the gunman was above and behind, NBC news journalist Frank McGee—who was nobody’s fool—says: This is incongruous. How can the man have been shot from in front from behind? And that established the basic problem confronting the Warren Commission. 20131230 Israel: The Missing Link in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy • More and more top-notch researchers acknowledge the Israeli connection • It’s time to forget about those extinct dinosaurs like LBJ and focus on the real monster, which has its tentacles wrapped around the planet today Amidst the repetitive cacophony from the controlled media—echoed even in the “alternative” media—that Lyndon B. Johnson was the mastermind behind the murder of John F. Kennedy, a growing number of independent voices dared to say otherwise. 20140304 Recent Photos From the National Archives Prove: Lee Harvey Oswald was FRAMED 20140804 JFK at 50: The Assassination of America The evidence substantiating the scenario of the assassination as a national security event is extensive and compelling. It has generated enormous resistance even within the JFK community, where several of those who presented their findings in Santa Barbara were banned in a massive effort to suppress the truth and preserve the illusion that it was an event of a different kind. The view that “the Mafia did it” or “the Cubans did it” or “the KGB did it” are frequently advanced, but none of them could possibly have affected the cover-up that was indispensable to deceiving the American public for so long. 20141026 JFK: THE ZIONIST MANIFOLD COVER-UP To discover the deepest truth of the JFK assassination, one has to tear up not one, but many lies stacked on top of each other. Pealing off the government lie is just the beginning. Just like in the case of 9/11, the mainstream “JFK truth movement” is really a cloud of partial truths meant to hide the core truth (the Zionist coup). The hijacked plot theory is fully consistent with the profiles of the two main known actors in the drama: Lee Harvey Oswald, the patsy falsely accused of killing the President, and Jack Ruby, the man who killed the patsy and thereby closed the case. 20150326 James Files: I Killed JFK James Files, the confessed grassy knoll assassin of John F. Kennedy, was first interviewed in 1994. This first interview was done by Bob Vernon. James was interviewed a second (and final) time on november 19, 2003 by Wim Dankbaar and Jim Marrs. 20151014 Ex-US President Lyndon B. Johnson led a ‘coup d’etat’ against JFK: Scholar Former US President Lyndon B. Johnson, with the CIA’s assistance, was involved in a “coup d’etat” to assassinate former President John F. Kennedy, an American scholar in Wisconsin says. 20160709 Book: Best Evidence , by David S. Lifton . It was my intro to skepticism. Good read, about JFK murder. 20170127 Dan Rather's account from November 25, 1963 Uploaded on Jan 28, 2010 Reporter Dan Rather was able to see the Zapruder footage and later narrated the film to CBS national television coverage, claiming that he saw the President's head "went forward with considerable violence." He failed to mention the backward motion made famous in the Oliver Stone movie, JFK. His omission seemed to confirm that the single shooter theory with just Oswald firing from the rear. When the Zapruder film became public, he was forced to apologize saying it was "an honest error." 20171112 Who Killed President Kennedy And Why? 20171125 Jim Garrison Response - Kennedy Assassination On July 15, 1967, NBC allowed New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison to respond to an NBC program that was highly critical of Garrison's pursuit of alleged Kennedy assassination conspirators in New Orleans. 20180131 JFK Secret Societies Speech (full version) Published on Oct 24, 2012 Was JFK's comment on "secret societies" a statement against the "NWO"? I searched this famous quote and finally found the full unedited written transcript and audio of this speech. JFK was actually talking about current events of the cold war and how nontraditional enemies were gaining information on how the US was battling this war. In this speech JFK actually points out "the need for far greater "official" secrecy" well as "the need for a far greater public information". JFK admits "I have no easy answer to the dilemma that I have posed," but also states, "and would not seek to impose it if I had one." This a major difference from where todays elected officials stand. Address, "The President and the Press," Before The American Newspaper Publishers Association, 27 April 1961 Illuminati: Origins of Secret Government 20180714 Two U.S. Soldiers Overheard JFK Assassination Plans. By Jerry Kroth search: video kennedy assassination secret service standdown JFK assassination: Secret Service Standdown - YouTube Jul 27, 2006 ... Watch as the two secret service men assigned to protect president Kennedy's motorcade are ordered to stand down just minutes before entering Dealey Plaza. They are obviously not happy about being given these orders. It brings up another question: Where was NORAD on 9/11, who was in charge and why? ------------------------------------ Robert Kennedy Assassination New evidence challenges official picture of Kennedy shooting VIDEO - CIA Agents killed Robert Kennedy -- Part 1 When the hypnotized patsy, Sirhan Sirhan, opened fire on Robert Kennedy from the front, a CIA agent fired the kill shot at close range into the back of Kennedy's head. The same agent who coordinated the operation and was at the scene, was later brought out of retirement to "handle" the congressional investigation into the assassination. All 3 members of the assassination team are now dead, but many of those connected to them still hold high offices in government. Posted Mar 29, 2008 09:00 AM PST Evidence That the CIA Murdered RFK A new BBC documentary supports the conclusion that the CIA planned and executed the assassination of Robert Kennedy. The new video and photographic evidence -- the result of a three year long investigation --"puts three senior CIA operatives" at the scene of the murder. Posted Mar 29, 2008 08:28 AM PST 20160211 Explosive Testimony in Sirhan/RFK Assassination Parole Hearing Sirhan Bishara Sirhan was originally scheduled for release in 1984 but, after intense political pressure, his parole date was rescinded and he has since been denied 14 times. In order for you to make an accurate determination of Sirhan Sirhan’s parole, you need to know my feelings on this case and the full picture of what actually happened. Sirhan, I forgive you. The evidence clearly shows you were not the gunman who shot Robert Kennedy. There is clear evidence of a second gunman in that kitchen pantry who shot Robert Kennedy. One of the bullets – the fatal bullet – struck Bob in the back of the head. Two bullets struck Bob literally in his back. A fourth bullet struck the back of his coat’s upper right seam and passed harmlessly through his coat. I believe all four of those bullets were fired from a second gunman standing behind Bob. You were never behind Bob, nor was Bob’s back ever exposed to you. 20160214 RFK assassination WRH: I will add a postscript. When I still lived in Los Angeles, my lawyer's receptionist was married to one of the LAPD officers who had been at the assassination when it happened. According to her husband, the LAPD recovered 15 bullets from the scene. Sirhan's gun only held 8 rounds. --------------------------- John F. Kennedy Jr Assassination John F. Kennedy Jr. Posted Jan 29, 2008 12:05 PM PST Category: ASSASSINATION John Kennedy Jr. was planning to announce his intention to run for the US Senate in the the July 26th, 1999 issue of Newsweek. But then he died in a suspicious plane crash, and his rival for that same Senate seat, Hillary Clinton, won. The July 26th, 1999 issue of Newsweek was pulled from circulation and the story of JFK Jr's plan to run for office buried. If you are wondering why Ted Kennedy endorsed Obama over Hillary, this is probably a big part of it. 20120322 Was John F. Kennedy Jr. Murdered? Kennedy's plane had a black box. No other private non-jet plane on earth had one. He knew they wanted to kill him and he wanted to make it hard. The NTSB, says the battery had been removed, destroying all record of conversation in the cockpit. (NTSB page 10) All planes have an Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT), which sends out a beacon signal in case of a crash. It took 5 days to locate Kennedy's plane. Why? Was it missing? Disabled? The report says nothing. 20150620 20150620_JFK Jr Told The World Who Murdered His Father_But Nobody Was Paying Attention.htm 20160315 FLASHBACK - John F. Kennedy Jr.: Evidence Of A Cover up As first reported by United Press International, John F. Kennedy Jr. on approach to Martha's Vineyard in 8 mile visibility, was in radio contact with the ground, calmly informing them of his intentions to drop off a passenger before proceeding to Hyannis airport. Then, according to ABC News, JFK Jr's plane went into a steep dive, and crashed. However, even before the wreckage was found, the story being put out in the media began to change. Gone was the previously reported radio conversation a calm JFK Jr. had with ground personnel just before the plane fell out of the sky, replaced by a declaration from the NTSB that JFK Jr. had not used his radio at all as he approached Martha's Vineyard. Gone also was the originally reported 8 mile visibility while the media began to hammer home the claim that Martha's Vineyard had been totally blanketed with a haze so heavy that pilots in the air would have been blind. No sooner were the various stories put out but they quickly fell apart. 20201026 JFK Assassination Files Declassified By Trump Revealed How Two U.S. Soldiers Overheard JFK Assassination Plans & Were Committed To Mental Institutions - PFC Eugene Dinkin Intercepted & Decoded Two Messages About Assassination Plot Tried To Contact RFK 20210801 Oliver Stone Exposes JFK Assassination Cover-Up (JFK Revisited) Going Underground on RT Jul 14, 2021 138K subscribers On this episode of Going Underground, we speak to legendary film director Oliver Stone about his new film ‘JFK: Revisited: Through The Looking Glass’. He discusses JFK’s often over-looked campaigns for peace with the Soviet Union and Cuba prior to his assassination as well as work furthering civil rights, the details exposing an alleged cover-up of the assassination of JFK including rapid policy changes from the successor LBJ administration and alleged CIA involvement in the assassination, why larger powers wanted John F. Kennedy dead, JFK’s preparations to shatter the CIA and his belief that the war in Vietnam was a mistake, how the events leading up to the assassination of JFK were meticulously planned and the CIA’s involvement on the day, Lee Harvey-Oswald’s supervision by the CIA and much more! #JFK #History #OliverStone 20211018 October 17, 2021 Biden Faces 9 Day Deadline—Release Name Of JFK Assassin Or Face Destruction By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers 20221219 “Most Courageous Newscast In 60 Years” Exposes “Successful Coup D’état” Of America Good overview of Kennedy's battle with the CIA 20221221 Roger Stone once asked Richard Nixon: “Who killed John F. Kennedy?" Nixon shuddered and said, "Let me put it this way. Lyndon and I both wanted to be president. The difference was I wasn't willing to kill for it."