About Islam http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/023500.php Fatwa bans emoticons 20161215 2016-11-27-VIDEO-00000458.mp4 ---> 20161127-islam_immigration.mp4 9.4MB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_kKkY5EpVpY Uploaded on Apr 27, 2009 This was originally posted by FriendOfMuslim. The Demographics exhibited in this video are alarming. There were 100,000 Muslims in America in 1970 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Jdv8kdhy4I Islam - The Undeniable Truth - A quick lesson in the history of Islam - WS 2015 Brigitte Gabriel 20170605 https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/6f7y9l/stats_the_left_doesnt_want_you_to_see/ 20170615 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_Qpy0mXg8Y Why We Are Afraid, A 1400 Year Secret, by Dr Bill Warner THIS IS THE TRUTH OF ISLAM. AND WHY OBAMA AND EU AND HITLARY ARE SO FOR IT. BECAUSE IT CRASHES CIVILIZATIONS. THIS IS WHAT THEY ARE USING THE TROJAN HORSE FOR . TO CRASH EUROPE AND USA AND OTHERS. BUT WE ARE SMARTER. PASS THIS AROUND MAKE SURE IT'S WATCHED AND UNDERSTOOD. IT WILL BLOW YOUR MIND 20170721 https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/6oipen/why_wont_the_donald_accept_that_islam_is_a/ 1. http://i.imgur.com/whHcRrd.jpg (Muhammad's life and influence) 2. http://i.imgur.com/N6mr6Xt.jpg (reform for minorities living under Islam) 3. http://i.imgur.com/gS86Wi3.jpg (Islam is not a race, dummy) 4. http://i.imgur.com/r9c0qOR.jpg (what is Islamic scripture?) 5. http://i.imgur.com/NK0H6WP.jpg (Political Islam eats non-Islamic civilisations) 6. http://i.imgur.com/RAMDCRp.jpg (Majority of Islamic scripture is about non-Muslims) 7. http://i.imgur.com/x8oiGD6.jpg (20%+ of European and American Muslims aged 18-29 say suicide bombing "can be justified") 8. http://i.imgur.com/MLy5i8s.jpg (Pew Research data on beliefs in the Islamic world) 9. http://i.imgur.com/o7g8uFT.jpg (Indian Hindus have endured 1000 years of pain) 10. http://i.imgur.com/GuJgVO3.jpg (A third of Islamic scripture is devoted to jihad) 11. http://i.imgur.com/8vHEmDk.jpg (Muhammad himself promised his troops judgement-free tickets to paradise if they died killing non-Muslims) 12. http://i.imgur.com/x9qLLDz.jpg (what do the top 15 worst countries for women all have in common?) 20170930 http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index2396.htm China Bans Koran As Millions Of Poles Head To Border To Pray For Protection Against Muslims 20171001 https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/73ej14/i_wonder_how_the_leftist_media_would_react_if_the/ 20180508 http://www.patheos.com/blogs/camelswithhammers/2010/07/contrasting-muslim-and-western-psychologies-the-locus-of-control/ Contrasting Muslim And Western Psychologies: The Locus Of Control 20181119 https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/9y9anv/islamic_critical_mass/ 20180407 https://old.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/bae3rx/religion_of_freedom/ Sampling of what Islam teaches about women: Men are in charge of women. Koran 4:34 Men decide how women dress. Koran 33:59 Women can be beaten. Tabari IX:113 Women are stupid. Sahih Bukhari 6:301 Women comprise the majority of occupants in Muslim hell. Sahih Bukhari 2:18:161 Wives can be beaten. Koran 4:34, Ishaq 969, Muslim 4:2127, Abu Dawud 2141 and 2142 Wives cannot refuse sex. Sunan Ibn Majah 1853 Raping your wife is allowed. Koran 2:223, Fatwa No. 33597 Wives can be raped in any position. Sunan Abu Dawud 2159 Wives should stay in abusive marriages. Sahih Bukhari 72:715 The most important thing a woman brings to marriage is unrestricted access to her vagina. Sahih Bukhari 62:81 A woman's testimony in court is worth only half that of a man's. Koran 2:282 A rape can only be proven by the confirmation of four male witnesses or a confession by the rapist. Koran 24:4, Sahih Bukhari 5:59:462 The Koran devotes MORE verses to making sure that Muslim men know they can keep women as rape slaves (four) than it does to telling them to pray five times a day (zero). An imam in South Carolina stated that a husband is the owner-ruler of a wife who must obey him as his prisoner. http://archive.is/wQwW4 Eleven of the twelve countries with the highest rate of discrimination against women are Muslim-majority countries. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5NXtIUv5i2w Slavery is allowed in Islam and practiced today wherever Muslims live. Cleric Abu Ishaq al-Huwaini has called for a return of slave markets, where Muslim men can buy rape slaves. In this man's ideal world: "When I want a rape-slave, I go to the market and pick whichever female I desire and buy her." http://archive.is/VKpj3 What a woman is worth in Islam. http://archive.is/MP85j Mohammed's hatred of women. http://archive.is/08K45 Video "Three Koran Verses Every Woman Should Know. http://archive.is/mySxJ Do not be fooled. Read the Koran for yourself Know what Muslims know - not what they tell you. Fight ignorance. Fight back. FIGHT. 20190412 https://old.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/bc05oq/posted_by_the_legendary_imam_mohamad_tawhidi/ Obama imports 70,000 Somali Immigrants and parks them in Minnesota, where almost all cluster in a single area, specifically the fifth congressional district. That district recently was identified by the FBI as America's terrorist recruitment capital, and is represented by Ilhan Omar, who is calling for dissolution of America's Homeland Security. Are you connecting the dots yet? Ha ha, Minnesota, home of the dipshit ebay seller that screwed me around with the HP spec an. Karma. 20190424 https://old.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/bgh19g/orange_man_made_a_typo_reeeeeeee/ https://old.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/bgh19g/orange_man_made_a_typo_reeeeeeee/ellgu4n/ One of the goals of Muslim apologists is to make Islam seem like a Western religion and not the brutal, perverted, sick, violently tyrannical death cult that is really is. This must happen in order to get Westerners to accommodate and accept Islam. When you know what Islam actually is you don't want anything to do with it and you don't want it anywhere in your community. So Muslims have to lie and deceive you about what Islam is. This is what their demon-god "allah" teaches them. He is, after all, "the best of deceivers" (Koran 3:54). (Who else is called the "father of lies?" Let that sink in a minute.) Dangling the tantalizing idea that Islam can be "reformed" makes Islam more palatable to Westerners because it makes it seem like a regular religion. After all, Christianity went through a "reformation," and there are "reformed" Jews... so Islam is just like that. Right? Wrong. It isn't possible to change anything in Islam. There is no room for "reform." Islamic teachings are absolute and cannot be challenged or questioned, as is typical of cults. In Islam there are only two experts: the demon-god "allah" and Mohammed. Muslims believe that the words of their demon-god weren't created, they just exist unto themselves and are therefore unchangeable. Every word of the Koran, and every word and deed of Mohammed are perfect. Once you change something in Islam it is no longer Islamic. You would have simply created a new cult. If you want to learn more about the immutability of Islam, read Dr. Bill Warner's book https://www.politicalislam.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/PDF-Look-Inside/Sharia_Non-Muslim_look_inside.pdf Sharia Law for Non-Muslims. It's short and very clear and to the point. It's tempting to accept the idea that Islam can be reformed because it appeals to the Western value of tolerance for religion - and that's exactly why Muslim apologists keep pushing it (it works, just read the responses in this thread). Believing "reform" can happen makes it possible for Western minds to resolve the cognitive dissonance in our heads about Islam being a death cult vs. the completely natural and just Western quality of wanting to tolerate different religions. If Islam can be "reformed" then it's more like a "religion" and you don't have to take the very difficult stand of rejecting it outright because it's a sick, perverted death cult. Believing it can be reformed is easier and therefore appealing. Muslims do this is to warp and manipulate Western thinking to get it to submit to Islam (after all, Islam means "submission"). It's is a head game, a mind fuck, a psychological manipulation - and it's only one of many. Another way they do this, for example, is blocking public streets for "prayer." That is not a display of pious devotion: it's a way to physically force you to accommodate Islam in your life. You're on your way home from work and the streets are blocked by "praying" Muslims. What do you do? You find another way, you drive on another street, you go around. Congratulations - you have just accommodated Islam in your daily life. And Muslims forced you to do so. They've subtly moved your mind in the direction of accommodating, and then accepting, Islam. Islam is deception. Islam TELLS Muslims over and over in the Koran, ahadith, sira, and Islamic law, to DECEIVE and LIE to non-Muslims in an endless variety of ways and methods. This imam is merely following the 1400-year-old dictates of his sick cult. Do not be fooled. The greatest threat to Islam is an informed population, because only an informed population can undermine the ideology that gives rise to Islam. Read the Koran, ahadith, and sira for yourself. You must understand what they understand. Educate yourself. Knowledge is power: ?Read the Koran - in chronological order. Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam, by Robinson and McLoughlin, includes the complete Pickthall (English) translation in chronological order. The Pickthall translation is authorized by Al-Azhar University, Egypt's oldest degree-granting university and one of the most prestigious Islamic universities. ?Understand the concept of naskh or abrogation, and how Muslims use it to deceive. ?Understand Muslim deception in the forms of taquiyya, kitman, tawriya and muruna. ?Understand what dawa is and how it works. Dawa is a tool to promote Muslim supremacy and hatred against non-Muslims. It's used to destroy political institutions in Western countries and replace them with Sharia. Ayaan Hirsi Ali wrote a short but excellent book about dawa. She put it on online and made it free to everyone, you can read it here. https://www.hoover.org/sites/default/files/research/docs/ali_challengeofdawa_final_web.pdf Read, understand, refute, educate others. Fight back. Fight ignorance. FIGHT. 20190607 https://old.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/bxlfbs/we_had_our_heads_chopped_off_by_a_blunt_knife/ We had our heads chopped off by a blunt knife screaming for our mommies and reddit scrubbed every mention of our story because they are globalist muslim shills. My comment: https://old.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/bxlfbs/we_had_our_heads_chopped_off_by_a_blunt_knife/eq8qr8l/ [–]TerraHertz 1 point a minute ago I want to find and save a copy to HDD. Not to watch myself, but to make some pro-Islam acquaintances watch it. With no warning. Personally I don't need to see it. I know the murderous history of Islam, and the evil tool of genocidal Globalism it has become today. But those who think Islam is just dandy, need to have these images shoved deep into their souls like a red hot knife. ---------------- 20190912 https://old.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/d2vg6f/the_left_forgot/ Comments: [–]DiamondsOnTheFloorDTOM 6 points an hour ago The Koran contains 100+ verses that speak of war with us non-Muslims, with commands to chop off our heads and fingers and kill us wherever we may be hiding. Muslims who do not fight are called "hypocrites" and warned that Allah will send them to Muslim hell if they do not join in the slaughter (Koran 3:56). We non-Muslims are to be fought and subdued until we either convert to Islam, accept living as slaves to the Muslims, or are murdered (9:29). Mohammed's own martial legacy, along with the remarkable emphasis on violence in the Koran, have produced a trail of blood and tears across 1400 years of world history. * Then when the sacred months have passed, kill the disbelievers wherever you find them, and capture them and besiege them, and prepare for them each and every ambush. Koran 9:5 * I will instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers: strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them. Koran 8:12 * The disbelievers are ever unto you open enemies. Koran 4:101 * Fight with them until there is no more disbelief and religion is all for Allah. Koran 8:39 * Those who believe fight in the cause of Allah. Koran 4:76 * We cast terror into the hearts of the unbelievers. Koran 3:151 It goes on and on like that. Any pretense otherwise is just laughable. Buddhists slaughtered by Islam: 10 MILLION Christians slaughtered by Islam: 60 MILLION Hindus slaughtered by Islam: 80 MILLION Africans slaughtered by Islam: 120 MILLION Total: 270 MILLION slaughtered by Islam https://youtu.be/t_Qpy0mXg8Y?t=41m41s Some estimates are as high as 669 MILLION slaughtered by Islam. http://archive.is/5oEeU Islam is deceit. Islam is hate. Islam is death. [–]TawhidiEqualsTaqiyyaAMERICA FIRST 11 points an hour ago Muhammad was a narcissist, a sociopath, a rapist, a pedophile, a slave trader, and a mass murderer, as detailed in the Quran and Hadith. Islam is a religious (aqidah), political (khilafah/ummah) and legal (sharia) ideology, not a "religion" in the sense that Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, etc. are religions. Islam prescribes three options for non-believers (kuffar/dhimmi) in the Quran and Hadith: 1. Convert to Islam, 2. Pay the "protection" tax (jizya), or 3. Die. [–]hai_Priesty 2 points 51 minutes ago A small add-on : during Middle Ages in the Middle East, the Jizya to non Muslim Arabs can run up to 150% of the Annual income for the said people. You're reading it correct, during lean years Muslim authorities can be taxing 150% of the non-Muslim's annual income. Which of course is a plain confiscation of non-Beliver's property and depending on how it's done it can mean enslaving you and family (also an indirect method of forcing you to convert). [–]GeraldMungo 2 points 42 minutes ago You guys are free to post what ever you want to about the guy but whatever you do, don’t draw him. ;) 20190922 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DqBkuC4Oh-g Why "Islam IS RIGHT About Women" is Causing "Confusion & Anger" Black Pigeon Speaks http://everist.org/pics/pc/Islam-Is.jpg My redo 20200105 http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index3088.htm America Seems Not To Know That War With Iran Is Impossible—Islamic Countries Simply Don’t Exist https://thedonald.win/p/3wfLBVW/the-practice-of-taqiyya-is-mains/c/ “The practice of Taqiyya is mainstream in Islam, those few sects not practicing it diverge from the mainstream.” -Raymond Ibrahim, author of The Al Qaeda Reader Encyclopedia Britannica: "Taqiyyah, in Islam, the practice of concealing one’s belief and foregoing ordinary religious duties when under threat of death or injury. Derived from the Arabic word waqa (“to shield oneself”), taqiyyah defies easy translation. English renderings such as “precautionary dissimulation” or “prudent fear” partly convey the term’s meaning of self-protection in the face of danger to oneself or, by extension and depending upon the circumstances, to one’s fellow Muslims. Thus, taqiyyah may be used for either the protection of an individual or the protection of a community. Moreover, it is not used or even interpreted in the same way by every sect of Islam. Taqiyyah has been employed by the Shi?ites, the largest minority sect of Islam, because of their historical persecution and political defeats not only by non-Muslims but also at the hands of the majority Sunni sect. ... According to scholarly and judicial consensus, it is not justified by the threat of flogging, temporary imprisonment, or other relatively tolerable punishments. The danger to the believer must be unavoidable. Also, while taqiyyah may involve disguising or suppressing one’s religious identity, it is not a license for a shallow profession of faith. Oaths taken with mental reservation, for example, are justified on the basis that God accepts what one believes inwardly. Consideration of community rather than private welfare is stressed in most cases." 20200116 https://www.jihadwatch.org/2020/01/sweden-woman-gets-conditional-sentence-and-4000-in-fines-for-insulting-islam Sweden: Woman gets conditional sentence and $4,000 in fines for insulting Islam Jan 14, 2020 If she had criticized Christianity in the same terms, would Åsa Westerberg have been tried, convicted, and fined? You know the answer. 20200625 https://thedonald.win/p/FzTxw3H6/operation-false-prophet-share-th/c/ Muhammad owned slaves (poster) OPERATION FALSE PROPHET In the context of BLM being all about tearing sown anything related to slavery. 20210901 https://www.thereligionofpeace.com/pages/quran/taqiyya.aspx Taqiyya - Deception and lying in Islam 20211229 https://patriots.win/p/140vevQK3f/in-iran-i-was-told-if-i-dont-wea/c/ "In Iran I was told if I don’t wear hijab, I get kicked out from school, I get jailed, lashes, beaten up, and kicked out from my country. In the West I’m told, sharing my story will cause Islamophobia. I’m a woman from Middle East and I am scared of Islamic ideology. Let us talk." 20211230 Channel which dissects the origins of Islam and the Koran. https://www.youtube.com/c/pfanderfilms