Jim Stone posts on Ebola ------------------------ http://www.jimstonefreelance.com/ http://theunhivedmind.com/UHM/ebola-biosecurity-level-4-safety-procedures-now-breached-in-spain-2/ A shocking Bio Safety Level 4 ebola containment breach has been pointed out by the Unhived Mind, this one is spooky. Ebola spread rate at current trend Mar, 2014 - Infected: 104 Dead: 62 Apr, 2014 - Infected: 194 Dead: 116 May, 2014 - Infected: 360 Dead: 216 Jun, 2014 - Infected: 670 Dead: 402 Jul, 2014 - Infected: 1,247 Dead: 748 Aug, 2014 - Infected: 2,319 Dead: 1,391 Sep, 2014 - Infected: 4,313 Dead: 2,588 Oct, 2014 - Infected: 8,022 Dead: 4,813 Nov, 2014 - Infected: 14,921 Dead: 8,953 Dec, 2014 - Infected: 27,753 Dead: 16,652 Jan, 2015 - Infected: 51,621 Dead: 30,973 Feb, 2015 - Infected: 96,016 Dead: 57,610 Mar, 2015 - Infected: 178,590 Dead: 107,154 Apr, 2015 - Infected: 332,177 Dead: 199,306 May, 2015 - Infected: 617,849 Dead: 370,709 Jun, 2015 - Infected: 1,149,199 Dead: 689,519 Jul, 2015 - Infected: 2,137,510 Dead: 1,282,506 Aug, 2015 - Infected: 3,975,768 Dead: 2,385,461 Sep, 2015 - Infected: 7,394,928 Dead: 4,436,957 Oct, 2015 - Infected: 13,754,567 Dead: 8,252,740 Nov, 2015 - Infected: 25,583,494 Dead: 15,350,096 Dec, 2015 - Infected: 47,585,299 Dead: 28,551,179 Jan, 2016 - Infected: 88,508,656 Dead: 53,105,193 Feb, 2016 - Infected: 164,626,099 Dead: 98,775,660 Mar, 2016 - Infected: 306,204,545 Dead: 183,722,727 Apr, 2016 - Infected: 569,540,453 Dead: 341,724,272 May, 2016 - Infected: 1,059,345,243 Dead: 635,607,146 Jun, 2016 - Infected: 1,970,382,153 Dead: 1,182,229,292 Jul, 2016 - Infected: 3,664,910,804 Dead: 2,198,946,482 Aug, 2016 - Infected: 6,816,734,096 Dead: 4,090,040,457 It would not be a bad idea at all to get a big 500 pill bottle of 1000 milligram vitamin C NOW, though it is doubtful this ebola trend will continue at its current rate, VITAMIN C IS CHEAP AND GOOD TO HAVE AROUND ANYWAY. I cannot help but think that the many countries that have tried to ban the sale of vitamins without a prescription may have been convinced to do so in preparation for this, in any country that has done this the population will be doomed if vitamin C really is the treatment for ebola. Once again, I believe the ultra high dosages will not be needed. Max benefit is very likely to be achieved at 12 grams per day, with each 1000 milligram tablet taken at two hour intervals, and a few in the morning (all the ones you skipped while sleeping.) It is probably pointless to take more than that for preventive purposes (but obviously at least double that amount if you do come down with ebola). An anonymous nurse posted the following to a forum: The human population of this world has always been kept in check by viruses, or some other method of sheer destruction. The Flu, Polio, Smallpox, you name it, these things have a purpose in nature. They keep populations under control. Since the dawn of the industrial age we began to outsmart them all. We Vaccinate against the flu, we all but eradicated Polio in this country. We had beaten our enemies into near submission, and as a result, the worlds population has exploded. But our Genius is beginning to catch up with us. Anti-biotic resistant bacteria are on the rise, the flu is devising new ways to counter attack our defenses. And Ebola, well, lets just say it's doing what all viruses do. It's trying to survive, it's trying to find a way to use our own immune system against us. Think about this for a minute... The Flu infects you, your body goes into defensive mode, realizing that it must expel the invader. So your own body fills your lungs with mucus and fluid, which forces you to cough. This is the real genius of the flu. It actually depends on your immune response to spread itself. And it doesn't have much time to do it either. Because your body begins to increase it's own temperature. Yes, having a fever is an immune response, not caused by the flu, rather it is literally your body attempting to make you so hot that the protein coat protecting the flu virus breaks down, allowing your white cells to attack. This is what all viruses do. ALL of them. They find a way to exploit your natural immune responses to propagate themselves. Ebola.... once just a hemorrhagic fever on steroids, now is a bona-fide menace. I work in a hospital laboratory at a major hospital in a major Metro Area. My wife works clinical micro for the same company. I'm very well versed in just about everything a STAT lab in a hospital can, and does do. My wife on the other hand, actually majored in micro, with emphasis on virology. So I wanted you all to know a few things about this outbreak that became apparent to us as it began to spread. #1. Something has changed. This virus used to have a much shorter incubation period. And it would kill within a week. The mortality rate was much higher once upon a time. However, this is not the case anymore. Based on the sheer number of infected, the virus it seems, may have found a way to transmit itself easier. Typically when a virus "evolves" it gains in one area, while giving ground in another. It makes sense to me that Ebola gave up alot of it's lethality, for the ability to spread itself easier, and incubate much, much longer. #2. Africa is a mess. There is no way to tell how many are infected. Once upon a time Ebola would strike a village and wipe everyone out, and that was it. It would kill so fast that it could not spread out of the hotzone. Because of what I said above that is not the case anymore. On a continent where borders still mean very little to the native population, it is a scary mix. Even if the CDC or the WHO wanted to get accurate numbers, it would be hopeless due to the unknown number or people that distrust western medicine, refuse to get help, or wander around from village to village. The infrastructure simply does not have the same capabilities we do in the west. #3. Even in the United States, out of all the various hospitals I have worked at, there is no hope of containing anything like this. One of the largest hospitals I worked at only had two reverse flow isolation rooms. [b]TWO[/b], let that sink in for a minute. If this thing goes as bad as some think it will, we are, quite literally, screwed. Patients only show up to the hospital when they go symptomatic. So by the time they get there, they've already infected their entire family, their work group, and anyone they got within a few feet of on the way to the hospital. When they get there the ER nurses would treat it either like Flu, or Sepsis. But the whole time the patient is infecting all of them. And all of them, in turn, begin to infect everyone else in the exact same way. If this is as virulent as the WHO thinks it might be, by the time people realize what is going on, there will be more sick people than there would be beds available at every hospital in the US combined. #4. Testing blood for anything is not as simple as looking under a microscope. And hospital labs are not set up for exotic virology. We run basic Chemistries, Cardiac enzymes, blood counts, sed rates, drug levels, bacterial cultures, all the basic hands on shit. The kind of things that old people usually present for, blood loss, infection, and cardiac events. Anything exotic gets sent out. Sometimes to the State lab, most of the time specimens get sent across the country to Quest Diagnostics, or to other organizations actually set up for it. Your average city hospital is pitifully, laughably, not ready for anything of this nature. Sure, running a CBC can tell if you are dehydrated, it can tell of you are loosing blood, it can tell if you are fighting "something" off. It just can't tell what. A sed rate can determine if you have excess inflammation, but it can't tell you why. A Lactic Acid level can indicate Sepsis, but it can't tell you from what. The point is, at the early stages of an outbreak, people will get treated for run of the mill things. Because nothing a hospital can test immediately will be able to tell anyone that you are carrying the most deadly hemorrhagic fever currently known. Honestly, if a person came into a busy ER with a fever, the triage nurse would put them in the waiting room until a non urgent room opened up in the back. They simply have no way to know who is carrying what. I'm not saying we're all gonna die. This thing could fizzle out. And everything could be fine. What I am trying to illustrate here is that just because a lab exists in a hospital, does not mean that it can tell you everything. There are triage algorithms that work for everyday field medicine, but nothing for an outbreak. Thinking that living in a developed nation will curb the spread is ridiculous. If anything, it makes it worse. Our commute, our workplaces, our homes, our methods of entertainment, all of those things that we love so much about living in the the west, are the things that viruses depend on to spread. If this virus truly has found a way to transmit easier, the healthcare system would be completely overloaded with something they simply can not handle. Anyway, I'm not trying to scare anyone, I just hope people can be realistic about the capabilities of hospital containment, hospital laboratory testing, and the fact that the healthcare system, in ANY country, could not handle a massive outbreak. So don't expect miracles from front line hospital staff, we don't have the tools, and we certainly do not have the manpower. Ask anyone in the medical field how much overtime they could work if they felt like it, don't even get me started on how thinly stretched people in the industry are. Though I suppose if this does turn into something, that will become apparent very, very fast. Good luck, don't freak out, wash your hands, be prepared, hug your kids. That is all. ---------------------------------------------- http://www.google.com/patents/CA2741523A1?cl=en Here it is, the patent for the current version of EBOLA I do not have time to read all of this, but it appears to be a patent for both the virus and the vaccine to cure it. ROGUE DOCTOR PUBLISHES ACCESSIBLE AND SIMPLE EBOLA CURE, THIS IS BELOW UNDER AUGUST 1 POST or click here http://www.jimstonefreelance.com/ebola.html Why would a doctor go rogue and publish this? Perhaps because he did not agree with the plan? UPDATE: A second cure is out there: Blood transfusions taken from ebola survivors also works to stop ebola, however I would not call that cure "accessible", it only proves that "they" know of more than one way to cure ebola, and it will NOT take a vaccine. ======================================================= 20140816 Ebola still following the 1.83 monthly expansion curve I strongly believe this outbreak is intentional. I also believe it is in at least 100 countries but that it is not known about yet. It is only logical for this to be the case. This is because in early stages it is fully contageous and cannot be detected for weeks, until it suddenly explodes into a full blown and obvious case of ebola. This is just the way the agenda 21 planners would have it, such a disease would be impossible to stop, and the temperature checks at the airports are a joke. They mean nothing at all. They stop nothing at all. If Africa is not fully quarantined, the world is probably screwed (oh wait, it IS SCREWED because against this strain a total quarantine would have been needed MONTHS AGO.) As a precaution, I am now taking one gram of vitamin C daily. This will put my body at accepted max pre ebola benefit (the point at which it starts dumping vitamin C.) And WHY would I believe vitamin C is legitimate protection? Because the doctor who had his work end up in my mail box, work I could not cross check out to the web, so it was not from a blog somewhere, also said the other known cure - that blood from an ebola survivor cures ebola if received via transfusion. And the included MOA made perfect medical sense, I may not be a doctor but I can at least filter most disinfo and know legitimate medical lingo well enough to spot a scammer. There was nothing that indicated a scam in the doctor's message. So once again I am going to put out the full medical advice, condensed down by me with my own knowledge added first, followed by the doctor's original message - As a precaution, go out and buy a huge bottle of cheap and sour vitamin C, if it is sour you know it works (the sweet stuff is likely to be trash.) To save money do not bother with rose hip vitamin C if price is an issue, having a lot is the key. Take at least one gram daily, and up to four grams if you wish for as long as this ebola outbreak stays below a million deaths. Once it goes past that, start eating more because there is a statistically high probability you will get ebola. I would recommend bumping it to 12 grams a day if your supply has not fallen below 500 grams. If you actually get ebola, there will probably be no point in wasting your supply by taking more than 24 grams per day. The doctor himself said that the dosings of 500 grams a day were extreme and probably would not be needed, but in a last ditch effort, MAYBE. But the only thing vitamin C does to help is to stop the scurvy symptoms from loss of vitamin C (which ebola depletes) and complete loss of vitamin C causes internal bleeding, which is how ebola kills. Since 24 grams is 23.5 grams beyond what your body could possibly normally need to avoid scurvy, it is probably a safe maximum. More would probably be a waste. Vitamin C does not kill ebola, it simply stops the ebola inflicted scurvy and prevents the way ebola kills - internal bleeding - from ever happening. Absent this feature of ebola, it would be harmless and a normal immune system will knock it out. The vitamin C stalls the damage long enough to allow the immune system to respond. And now my logical input, based on hard knowledge I already have: Avoid garlic, hot peppers, ginseng and anything spicy because these items thin the blood, which will worsen an ebola outcome by increasing internal bleeding despite the fact that they help with many other illnesses. Eat lots of broccoli and spinach, because those two foods assist clotting of blood and will reduce internal bleeding. Stay in bed to reduce stress related blood vessel ruptures, and drink a lot of pineapple juice or flat tasting not sweet noni juice because Noni is a strong anti viral substance, and if you have to go cheap, pineapple contains the same ingredient at 1/10th the concentration (so rather than drink 1 ounce of noni juice, just drink 10 ounces of pineapple juice, and the juice will work, pasteurization does not destroy the noni component. One quart of pineapple juice consumed over a day ought to give the full benefit. Ultimately I cannot confirm 100 percent that I was not spoofed by this doctor, but it all washes with logic and what I already know, there is no profit to be made by any online scammer with this, and I am already taking vitamin C as a precaution and I suggest you at least start in earnest yourself now. The doctor's original message follows: From an anonymous doctor: Summary: "The very first symptoms of ebola are exactly the same as scurvy, which is caused by inadequate vitamin C. Though scurvy is seldom fatal as a primary condition, scurvy also represents only a partial deficiency of vitamin C, the body still has a LOT of vitamin C compared to zero, which ebola causes. Absent ANY vitamin C, blood vessels become very weak and start to lose blood, and platelets become ineffective and unable to trigger clots. So death by ebola is caused by massive internal bleeding and loss of blood, which can be stopped simply by taking enormous doses of vitamin C until the immune system succeeds in killing off the virus." Begin text: Ebola is probably the best known of a class of viruses known as hemorrhagic fever viruses. In fact, Ebola virus was initially recognized in 1976. Other less known but related viral syndromes include yellow fever, dengue hemorrhagic fever, Rift Valley fever, Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever, Kyasanur Forest disease, Omsk hemorrhagic fever, hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome, Venezuelan hemorrhagic fever, Brazilian hemorrhagic fever, Argentine hemorrhagic fever, Bolivian hemorrhagic fever, and Lassa fever. The Ebola virus infection, also known as African hemorrhagic fever, has the distinction of having the highest case-fatality rate of the viral infections noted above, ranging from 53% to 88%. These viral hemorrhagic fever syndromes share certain clinical features. The Cecil Textbook of Medicine notes that these diseases are characterized by capillary fragility, which translates to easy bleeding, that can frequently lead to severe shock and death. These diseases also tend to consume and/or destroy the platelets, which play an integral role in blood clotting. The clinical presentation of these viral diseases is similar to scurvy, which is also characterized by capillary fragility and a tendency to bleed easily. Characteristic skin lesions develop, which are actually multiple tiny areas of bleeding into the skin that surround the hair follicles. some cases even include bleeding into already healed scars. In the classic form of scurvy that evolves very slowly from the gradual depletion of vitamin C body stores, the immune system will be sufficiently compromised for infection to claim the patient’s life before the extensive hemorrhage that occurs after all vitamin C stores have been completely exhausted. Ebola virus and the other viral hemorrhagic fevers are much more likely to cause hemorrhaging before any other fatal infection has a chance to become established. This is because the virus so rapidly and totally metabolizes and consumes all available vitamin C in the bodies of the victims that an advanced stage of scurvy is literally produced after only a few days of the disease. The scurvy is so complete that the blood vessels generally cannot keep from hemorrhaging long enough to allow an infective complication to develop. Also, the viral hemorrhagic fevers typically only take hold and reach epidemic proportions in those populations that would already be expected to have low body stores of vitamin C, such as is found in many of the severely malnourished Africans. In such individuals, an infecting hemorrhagic virus will often wipe out any remaining vitamin C stores before the immune systems can get the upper hand and initiate recovery. When the vitamin C stores are rapidly depleted by large infecting doses of an aggressive virus, the immune system gets similarly depleted and compromised. However, this point is largely academic after hemorrhaging throughout the body has begun. To date, no viral infection has been demonstrated to be resistant to the proper dosing of vitamin C as classically demonstrated by Klenner. However, not all viruses have been treated with Klenner-sized vitamin C doses, or at least the results have not been published. Ebola viral infection and the other acute viral hemorrhagic fevers appear to be diseases that fall into this category. Because of the seemingly exceptional ability of these viruses to rapidly deplete vitamin C stores, even larger doses of vitamin C would likely be required in order to effectively reverse and eventually cure infections caused by these viruses. Cathcart (1981), who introduced the concept of bowel tolerance to vitamin C discussed earlier, hypothesized that Ebola and the other acute viral hemorrhagic fevers may well require 500,000 mg of vitamin C daily to reach bowel tolerance! Whether this estimate is accurate, it seems clear as evidenced by the scurvy-like clinical manifestations of these infections that vitamin C dosing must be vigorous and given in extremely high doses. If the disease seems to be winning, then even more vitamin C should be given until symptoms begin to lessen. Obviously, these are viral diseases that would absolutely require high doses of vitamin C intravenously as the initial therapy. The oral administration should begin simultaneously, but the intravenous route should not be abandoned until the clinical response is complete. Death occurs too quickly with the hemorrhagic fevers to be conservative when dosing the vitamin C. (from Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, and Toxins:Curing the Incurable by Thomas E. Levy MD JD) MY COMMENT: I may not be a doctor, but I am awful good with medical topics, and this rings 100 percent true, IT IS THE MOA which if combined with some of my medical knowledge, such as the fact that Broccoli is absolutely excellent for assisting the clotting of blood, that the active component of Noni (which is in pineapple juice) is strongly anti viral, and that cures such as colloidal silver, while good for bacterial infections does nothing for viruses, combine some real knowledge with what this doctor says and it is highly probable that Ebola can be shrugged off as a mild case of scurvy. ============================================================================== 20140821 Ebola spread SPEEDING UP About a month ago, I posted the expansion rate of ebola at 1.83 monthly, and put up the calculations which showed that there would, at this rate, be four billion dead by mid 2016. at that time I fully expected the expansion rate to drop, but it has instead sped up dramatically Now, with an expansion rate of 2.28 monthly, if the trend continues, ebola will kill 4 billion before the end of 2015. Liberia has installed a 14th century shoot on sight style quarantine to help stop the spread, but its effect will be dubious when it took so long for a response to begin with, and so many people have come and gone to other places on the globe. Additionally, Sierra Leon and Guinea have equally bad outbreaks and have not put in place similar quarantines. Now Berlin has a building on lock down with a suspected case of ebola in quarantine, and if it really ends up that it is ebola, and this virus is aerial, containment in Africa has been lost. Since this strain remains contageous and asymptomatic for three weeks, it would be entirely possible to have thousands of carriers running around in Europe who know nothing about the possibility that they are sick. The world is different now than it was during the plagues of the past. Back in the past, people kept large amounts of food stored and could just stay at home if they had to. But modern society is not the same, people HAVE TO go out just to survive and that will make quarantines very difficult to enforce. If this virus gets loose in Europe, it will pretty much be game over. I believe it was intentional Practically everyone out there knows this was a bioweapons test, possibly not gone awry. Israel desperately wants the world distracted during a push for Eretz Israel, where they will annihilate Palestine and subsequently, to bring it to fruition Israel HAS TO take most of Saudi Arabia, All of Syria, Jordan and Lebanon, Iraq and part of Iran. What better way to cause the world to ignore this than to have all of mankind running for its life? It is a safe bet Israel has the cure and will not be affected. ADDITIONALLY, What better thing could there be to get America completely suppressed than an ebola threat? The Department of Homeland Security would have an opportunity to fully live up to its name, and anyone with a lick of sense knows that agency has been itching to. America would also be destroyed by an ebola outbreak. Additionally The elite despise the black race. This is a simple fact. The race hate does not exist on Storm front or with any pathetic impotent group of metal heads, the real race hate exists in those who are pushing for global depopulation as outlined in Agenda 21. And anti fertility vaccines and abortion just are not working fast enough. A quote from David Hodges (linked above) "In the 1980's, the population crisis seemed to be over. The replacement population rate needed to maintain a population is 2.1 children per woman and across the planet that standard was basically maintained. However, there was one major exception and that was in the sub-Saharan Africa. United Nations population experts and the world’s politicians convened what is now described as the first Agenda 21 conference, in 1994, in which an overt depopulation strategy was replaced by an agenda centered on empowering women through equal employment opportunities thus delaying childbirth and lessening the birth rate. Also, the UN and world leaders espoused increasing access to birth control and abortion, thus, killing unborn babies in fulfillment of Margaret Sanger’s expressed desire. These early depopulation strategies are benign, even the scourge of abortion, when compared to more black project agendas that were conducted at the same time. The problem with using various birth control methods is that they are slow multi-generational process and this lack of quick progress does not give the elite what they need and want which is to depopulate the world quickly. For dramatic changes in population, a more radical agenda is needed. More deadly methods involving war and disease are preferable to members of the ruling elite who desire quick results, which are needed to save the planet from man-made climate change. This is what I submit is exactly what we are beginning to see." /quote And I agree entirely. Since the elite failed to get Africa in check with tasteful methods, they launched a new strain of ebola there to get things done more quickly. It is obvious, ebola was originally a super stable virus that had not changed for millenia. What caused the radical change to get it airborne? YOU GUESS. Obviously the entire reason for depopulating the world - climate change - is a load of bunk. Overpopulation was also a load of bunk, it did not happen. At the peak of the population boom, it was calculated that if the resources of Texas were optimized with current technology, that patch of earth alone could house and feed everyone on earth. Obviously the world cannot handle a trillion people, but a few billion, YES. So why the rush, for the obviously luciferian agenda 21 pushers? The answer for me is simple - They know full well that this world is a testing ground, where we have been sent to be tested and judged by living a life and showing what we are made of. And there are billions of souls that need to go through this process. I strongly believe the luciferian/ashkenazi clan knows this to be reality, and are trying to slow this process down by eliminating people, because when this process is over and everyone has had the test, it is judgement day and on that day, THEY ARE FINISHED. Having a few billion people around giving birth is NOT what they want, it will bring about their demise sooner than they wish. I do not discuss religion often, but with regard to the depopulation agenda, that is exactly what I think. ============================================================================== August 28 2014 Complete confirmation Vitamin C recommendation for ebola is not sabotage Today I got final confirmation that washes with my medical knowledge, here goes: The actual way ebola kills is by causing a severe cytokine release in blood vessel walls, which if already irritated by a viral assault, will rupture from the irritation caused by a strong cytokine release. With regard to ebola, the exact cytokine is called IL-6, which is inhibited by 41 percent with adequate vitamin C present. This means, that from this mode of action alone, vitamin C will reduce the impact of ebola by 41 percent. If you combine this with the fact that vitamin C will strengthen the blood vessel walls as well, the two ways vitamin C helps will work in combination to prevent death from ebola, especially if ebola, which removes all vitamin C weakens the blood vessel walls by removing vitamin C to begin with. But there is more to this than that, diet can play a huge role and this will be tomorrow's main report, I am still digging and pulling stuff together. The bottom line is that it really appears ebola can be beaten just by eating the correct foods and getting enough vitamin C (and absent correct foods, vitamin C is pretty much a magic bullet) but diet can also help a LOT. ============================================================================== 20140830 http://www.jimstonefreelance.com/finalebolavitc.html Jim Stone, August 29 2014 Ebola update (long overdue) Permalink During the course of practically any viral infection, vitamin C needs go WAY UP, and in the case of ebola, they go SKY HIGH. So high that all conventional wisdom with regard to vitamin C is irrelevant. The dosings I have below are absolute minimums. Remember, that for as long as ebola is not in your area, do not waste your vitamin C supply by taking more than a tablet per day. If it comes to your area, as a precaution, take 4 or 5 grams per day until you get symptoms, THEN proceed with taking more. This is to preserve your supply until it is really needed Here are the dosings. These dosings are based upon extended observation of a puppy with parvo, and how much vitamin C was needed to stop the bleeding in a puppy that had the doggy version of ebola, (I know, Parvovirus is not even close to being the same structurally but it does the same thing - causes a 90 percent mortality rate in untreated puppies over the course of 3 or 4 days, with death caused by massive hemorrhaging.) It is a hemorrhagic virus. I know there will be a few prudes out there who will say this is meaningless in relation to ebola, OK, I heard you. Do nothing and die then. If I dosed the puppy with 125 mg/KG daily of ascorbic acid, there was reduced but still noticeable internal bleeding. If I dosed the puppy with 125 mg/KG ROSE HIP vitamin C daily, it stopped all bleeding. So rose hip vitamin C works better. But if I dosed the puppy with 175 mg/KG daily of ascorbic acid, this also stopped all bleeding, so ascorbic acid is cheaper at that rate. If I discontinued dosing, life threatening bleeding occurred (and obviously the puppy rapidly got a 175 mg/KG dose, which again would immediately stop all bleeding.) It was like vitamin C flipped a switch between life and death for that puppy. Now, two weeks into this (a long time for parvo) I can skip dosing and nothing serious happens. During the entire time, as long as the puppy got it's vitamin C it ate and drank normally, and had only slight symptoms of being a little bit sick. Prior to trying vitamin C, (at the end of day two of the bleeding early on) the puppy was seriously dehydrated and close to death. Vitamin C caused a rapid reversal of this condition. Vets will say this has to be bogus, because dogs make their own vitamin C. My response? YES, at a rate of 18 mg/KG daily, far below what is needed when a serious illness sets in. So, now we have two things - a practically assured way to keep any puppy from dying of parvo (a breakthrough by itself), and a possible minimum reference for vitamin C dosing for ebola. ABSOLUTE MINIMUM DOSING: 200 mg/KG (91 mg/pound) for people. This means that if you weigh 10 pounds, you need a gram a day. If you weigh 100 pounds, you need 8.2 grams per day. A 50 KG woman will need 10 grams. And these are minimums, it will not hurt at all to go much much higher with the dosings. I experimented with that puppy to find out right where the threshold was. It is 175 (shot down it's throat) plus 18 milligrams/KG the dog naturally produced by itself daily so to keep it all simple just go with 200 mg/kg. How vitamin C works to stop the damage from ebola (though vitamin C is NOT a cure) First of all, as anyone who knows about scurvy can state, vitamin C helps blood vessel walls keep their strength. But there is something far more serious at play with ebola that vitamin C impedes. Something even more sinister than blood vessel weakening happens when ebola depletes ALL vitamin C, and that is a greatly accelerated release of blood vessel damaging cytokine IL-6. Any medical professional will be able to quickly look up the fact that vitamin C impedes the release of cytokine IL-6, which ebola causes severe releases of in blood vessel walls. Once released in huge amounts, IL-6 further irritates blood vessel walls to such an extent it can blow holes in them, and this, combined with the already weakened condition from a lack of vitamin C will cause many vessels to rupture. In short, vitamin C is like a magic ebola bullet that not only curtails the release of blood vessel damaging cytokine IL-6, it also, at the same time, makes blood vessels return at least to normal strength (and possibly beyond with very high dosings.) These two things working together make vitamin C the probable best first line of defense against ebola that is possible. But there is more to this story than that Since IL-6 plays a huge role in damaging blood vessels, it is important to stop its release. And there are some very simple foods that can be eaten that facilitate this. The first is green tea. Green tea can curtail cytokine IL-6 release by 21 percent (which pales compared to vitamin C, but would be a bonus). Of similar value are apples, cinnamon, most berries, choke cherries, pomegranite, olive oil, flax seed oil and fish oil. You should avoid caffeine and chocolate, because though both have the potential to help in some ways, they also have the potential to totally offset all benefit in everything else eaten (but this has not been fully studied out by anyone with regard to ebola as far as I know of,) it is just that doctors who know this a whole lot better than I do say the chemistry could possibly go very negatively, so to be safe, avoid caffeine and chocolate. The foods mentioned above pretty much round out the list as far as I know, and further playing around with things like garlic (which is great for practically anything) and hot peppers, ginseng and other blood thinning foods will probably be detrimental with a hemorrhagic fever. The bottom line is that if ebola does take off, those in the know do not just have to sit in fear and wait for death to come. Diet and vitamin C can easily make the difference between practically living normally through it all, or dying. AND A VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: Unscrupulous scammers are EVERYWHERE who will try to sell you this that and hay from an old barn as an ebola cure, there is a lot of evil out there and I strongly suggest you avoid ALL OF IT, what is here is probably #1 above and beyond any other hope (and I cannot profit from this at all.) Additionally, it is VERY IMPORTANT to note that the doctor who gave me the lead on Vitamin C and ebola has told me repeatedly that my recommended dosings above are too low, so make sure you have a LOT of vitamin C laying around just in case you need to go far beyond what I have recommended here, and as I have always said, keep your current dosing down to no more than 1 tablet per day at this time, until there is a very good reason to start taking large amounts of vitamin C (to avoid wasting it). There have been a few doctors out there who have hopped on this issue, to smash the word that Vitamin C actually may work to prevent death from ebola. To them I have to say, PROVE ME WRONG. I may not be a doctor, but I am also not medically illiterate and know legitimate work when I see it, and the above came directly from other doctors who were intrigued, and said THE CHEMISTRY SURE FITS. To the thinking crowd: Is $20 too much to spend on a large amount of cheap vitamin C purchased in advance as a just in case? So what if for some obscure reason no one calculated it ends up not working, WHAT DID IT COST YOU? Remember, the same doctors who will speak out against this will load your baby up with Thimerosal or a brain eating vaccine administered genetically engineered phage just because the package said to do it, what do they really know anyway? The following report, from honest doctors, helps bulldoze the liars and adds a LOT of detail. I came up with the above independent of the following report (and therefore what I say above varies slightly but is pretty much the same.) The following report adds a ton of detail to what I said above. If you can handle a long read, what they say here is EXCELLENT. I have linked the following report simply because it is obviously accurate, and gets into the tiny details I cannot write in with the limited time I have. I thank these honest doctors for laying out the details so nicely. Commentary by Steve Hickey PhD, Hilary Roberts PhD, and Damien Downing MBBS, MSB. (OMNS Aug 20, 2014) If there were a drug that worked on Ebola you should use it. There isn’t. There is only vitamin C. But you must be extremely careful what you believe, because, as it ever was, the Internet is full of dangerous loonies. For coming up to a decade now the OMNS has reported on nutritional therapies; we leave the medical politics to one side and work from the facts. Here are the facts about vitamin C and Ebola. 1. Taking a gram or so of day of vitamin C won’t protect you against anything except acute scurvy; it doesn’t matter whether the vitamin is liposomal, nano-particles, or even gold-plated. Beware of websites, companies, and Youtube clips making wild and unsubstantiated claims about the efficacy of vitamin C. 2. Clinical reports suggest that taking vitamin C almost to bowel tolerance every day (in divided doses) will help to protect you against all viruses. Reports by independent physicians have been consistent for decades. However, the doctors also stipulated most emphatically that the dose and the way you take it must be right – or it will not work. There is no direct placebo controlled “evidence” that massive doses of vitamin C will work on Ebola, and nobody would volunteer to take part in that study. But massive doses are reported to have helped against every virus it has been pitched against. This includes Polio, Dengue and AIDS, and it even makes vaccination work better. In the 1980s when no other treatment was available it was reported that full blown AIDS could be reversed and the patient brought back to reasonable health.[i,ii] At risk or worried about Ebola? This is what you should do. Vitamin C Vitamin C is the primary antioxidant in the diet. Most people do not take enough to be healthy. While this is true of many nutrients, vitamin C is a special case. Ignore governments telling you that you only need about 100 mg a day and can get this amount from food. The required amount of vitamin C varies your state of health. A normal adult in perfect health may need only a small intake, say 500 mg per day, but more is needed when someone is even slightly under the weather. Similarly, to prevent illness, the intake needs to be increased. The intake for an otherwise healthy person to have a reasonable chance of avoiding a common cold is in the region of 8-10 grams (8,000-10,000 mg) a day. This is about ten times what corporate medicine has tested in their trials on vitamin C and the common cold. Ten grams (10,000 mg) is the minimum pharmacological intake; it may help if you have a slight sore throat but more (much more) may be needed. To get rid of a common cold, you may need anything from 20 to 60 grams (60,000 mg) a day. With influenza the need might be for 100 grams (100,000 mg) a day. Since it varies from person to person, and from illness to illness, the only way to find out is to experiment for yourself. Dynamic flow The problem with oral intakes is that healthy people do not absorb vitamin C well due to something Dr Robert Cathcart called bowel tolerance. [iii] Take too much of the vitamin in a single dose and it will cause loose stools. In good health, a person might be able to take a couple of grams at a time without this problem. Strangely, when a person becomes sick they can take far more without this side effect: as much as 20-100+ grams a day, in divided doses. [iv] High dose vitamin C has a short half-life in the body. The half-life is the time for the level in the blood plasma to fall back to half its concentration. Until recently, some people claimed that the half-life of vitamin C was several weeks. We have shown that this long half-life applies only to very low doses.[v] By contrast, the half-life for high blood levels is only half an hour. This short half-life means that for high dose vitamin C the period between doses needs to be short – a few hours at most. The aim is to achieve dynamic flow, to get vitamin C flowing continuously through the body. Dynamic flow requires multiple high doses taken throughout the day. When separated in time, each dose is absorbed independently. Two doses of 3 grams, taken 12 hours apart, are absorbed better than 6 grams taken all at once. Multiple large doses, say 3 grams four times a day, produce a steady flow of the vitamin from the gut, into the bloodstream and out, via the urine. Some of the intake is not absorbed into the blood and stays in the gut, as a reserve against the early onset of illness. As illness begins, the body pulls in this “excess” to help fight the virus. The idea behind dynamic flow is that the body is kept in a reduced (antioxidant) state, using high doses. There is always vitamin C available, to refresh the body and other antioxidants. Each vitamin C molecule (ascorbic acid) has two antioxidant electrons, which it can donate to protect the body. It then becomes oxidised to dehydroascorbate (DHA). This oxidized molecule is then excreted, so the body has gained two antioxidant electrons. The kidneys reabsorb vitamin C, but not DHA; the vitamin C molecule is absorbed, used up, and then the oxidized form is thrown out with the rubbish. The effectiveness of vitamin C is not directly proportional to the dose; it is non-linear. There is a threshold above which vitamin C becomes highly effective. Below this level, the effect is small; above it, the effect is dramatic. The problem is that no-one can tell you in advance what intake of vitamin C you need. The solution is to take more – more than you think necessary, more than you consider reasonable. The mantra is dose, dose, dose. Types of Vitamin C Straightforward, low cost ascorbic acid is the preferred form of supplement. Vendors may try to sell you “better absorbed” forms with minerals or salts such as sodium, potassium or calcium ascorbate, and so on. These are irrelevant, if not counterproductive, for high intakes. It is worth noting the following: Timing is more important than form. Two large doses of ascorbic acid taken a little time apart are better absorbed than a single dose of mineral ascorbate. Mineral ascorbates are salts and do not carry the same number of antioxidant electrons. Ascorbic acid has two electrons to donate while a salt typically has only one. With high doses, the “improved” forms are thus only about half as effective. This is consistent with reports that mineral forms are correspondingly ineffective in combating illness. Ascorbic acid is a weak acid, much weaker than the hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Mineral ascorbates may be better tolerated, as they make the stomach more alkaline than ascorbic acid. However, an alkaline stomach is not a good idea – there are reasons the body secretes hydrochloric acid into the stomach, including preventing infection. Furthermore, if you are coming down with a haemorrhagic viral infection, mild discomfort will not be something of great concern. For high intakes, capsules of ascorbic acid are preferable to tablets. This is because tablets are packed with fillers and it is not wise to take massive doses of these chemicals. Check the ingredients – you want to take ascorbic acid and very little else. Bioflavonoids are alright, and the capsules may be made with gelatine or a vegetarian equivalent. The cheapest way to take ascorbic acid is as powder, dissolved in water. If you do this, use a straw to avoid it getting on the tooth enamel, as it is slightly acidic. You will need a set of accurate electronic scales to monitor the dose. If you do not weigh it carefully, it will be difficult to keep close to bowel tolerance. Intravenous Vitamin C Ideally, infected people would be given a continuous intravenous (IV) infusion of massive doses of vitamin C (sodium ascorbate is preferred as ascorbic acid is irritant to veins). People who are sufficiently ill will not be able to take vitamin C by mouth. IV provides the highest possible blood levels IV means continuous drip, not an injection (short half-life) Unless you are a medical professional who can treat yourself and your family, or are exceptionally rich, IV ascorbate will not be an option in an Ebola outbreak. (Admin insert - and therefore stocking up on cheap ascorbic acid in tablet or powder form will be the thing to do.) Rectal Vitamin C Rectal administration of sodium ascorbate is a method that can be used in emergencies, and in developing world circumstances, when IV is unavailable or unsuitable. Nurses can quickly be trained to mix 15-30 g of sodium ascorbate in 250-500 ml clean water, and give it by enema. It can be safely and effectively used in children. An enema also removes from the bowel material that may be challenging. This has been done successfully with aboriginal people in the Australian outback. Liposomes In healthy people, liposomes help the absorption of oral vitamin C; in some circumstances this is also true for sick people. However, we need to dispel some popular myths. In a healthy person, higher blood levels (about 600 microM/L) can be achieved using liposomal vitamin C compared with standard ascorbic acid (about 250 microM/L). We were the first to demonstrate this fact experimentally.[vi] However, the two absorption methods are different and if both are used together the resultant plasma levels are additive (something like 600 + 250 = 850 microM/L). Since ascorbic acid is much cheaper than liposomal vitamin C, it is cost effective for a healthy person to start with ascorbic acid and top up with liposomes as required. When a person becomes ill they can absorb massive doses of standard ascorbic acid, using the dynamic flow approach. So if you are sick, taking a gram of liposomal vitamin C instead of a gram of cheap ascorbic acid will provide little extra benefit. Both will be well absorbed , and the liposome contains sodium ascorbate which is less effective. Liposomes only provide added benefit once the sick person has approached bowel tolerance levels, using standard ascorbic acid. Liposomal vitamin C is NOT more effective than IV for fighting acute infections. This suggestion is unscientific and unsupported by data. We prefer liposomes for chronic infections and cancer, but this does not extend to acute illness. There is also a lot of hype around the fact that liposomes can be absorbed directly into cells. Many liposomes are absorbed from the gut and pass into the liver, where they are stored and the vitamin C released. Liposomes may also float around in the bloodstream, lymph nodes, and so on, waiting to release their contents or be taken up by cells. But the cells that take up the liposomes are not necessarily those that are most in need of vitamin C. Moreover cells may suffer side effects; liposomes are basically nanotechnology and have additional theoretical issues. Prevention To have a reasonable chance of avoiding a major viral infection, a daily intake of at least 10 grams of ascorbic acid is needed. The idea is to start low, taking say 500 -1,000 mg four times a day. Build up the intake to close to bowel tolerance; increased wind and large soft stools will occur before diarrhea signals that bowel tolerance has been exceeded. At this stage, back off the dose a little, to a reasonably comfortable level. Admin insert - this goes along with my initial advice - take ONE tablet per day until ebola is in your area, when ebola arrives increase this to 4 or 5 grams per day. If you stop having soft stools from over doing it, it means you have a virus (because your body will start taking in the vitamin C) so THEN start taking large amounts. /insert At the first hint of an infection – feeling unwell, itchy throat, fatigue, and so on – take more ascorbic acid. If the hint of impending sickness is mild, take perhaps 5 grams every half hour or even more frequently. Anything more than a hint of infection, take as large a dose as you feel could be tolerated and follow this by taking 5 grams every half hour. The rule is to take as much as you can without going over the tolerated level: you will probably be taking too little, even though you are trying hard to take a massive dose. If you are already in dynamic flow and want extra protection, then add liposomal vitamin C. Take it at the same intervals as the ascorbic acid; that is several times a day. The limit is once again bowel tolerance – take too much and it will give you loose stools. This will provide the maximum preventive effect, for the lowest cost. Admin insert - LOOSE STOOLS ARE THE KEY. If you are not getting diahreea it means you need MORE VITAMIN C. If you are getting diahreea, CUT BACK because you are wasting it. Treatment We assume that you are not a medical professional and do not have access to IV ascorbate. However, if IV sodium ascorbate is available, it should be given slowly and as continuously as possible. For children, enemas may be the most practical method (we hope to publish practical instructions for this soon). Medical professionals can deal with such things with little difficulty, but others may do more harm than good. The first important thing is to start the treatment early. The longer a person waits after the initial symptoms, the less effective the treatment will be. Also if the illness is allowed to develop the sick person may become unable to take anything orally. Once again, the idea is to get dynamic flow going with as much ascorbic acid as can be tolerated. In this case, the doses are massive. Five to ten grams every half hour, through the day, will provide 120 to 240 grams a day. Even at this high intake, the blood plasma levels may be low or undetectable; at most 250 microM/L will be achieved. So the question then becomes how much additional liposomal vitamin C the patient can tolerate. A practical approach would be to start with 5 grams of ascorbic acid and a similar amount of liposomal vitamin C in very frequent doses. Remember the key is dose, dose, dose. More vitamin C! How it Works The mechanism of action of high dose vitamin C is known and understood. In normal healthy tissues it acts as an antioxidant. In other tissues, it generates hydrogen peroxide, the chemical that platinum blondes use to bleach their hair. This happens in sick and inflamed tissues, for example in a malignant tumour. The process is typically a form of Fenton reaction, generating free radicals. The oxidation and free radicals arising from the hydrogen peroxide kill bacteria and inactivate viruses. In other words, vitamin C acts as a targeted bleach and antiseptic. Admin insert - IL-6 Cytokine inhibition via vitamin C with regard to ebola is ebola specific, and something these doctors do not know about. But that is largely irrelevant since they at least clearly state here that vitamin C is the key /insert Vitamin C is unique, because it has low toxicity and can be taken safely in massive amounts. Other antioxidants and supplements will not have a similar effect. Do not be confused and think that Echinacea, for example, will help. Yes, there may be supplements and herbs that provide a little immune system support, but this is Ebola we are talking about – get real! Note, vitamin C is not some magical antitoxin; this idea is a metaphor. A disease such as Ebola is not caused by toxins that are inactivated by vitamin C. Free radicals are not toxins. Oxidants are not toxins. Vitamin C nearly always acts by transferring electrons, as an oxidant or antioxidant. It is just basic chemistry. Also, it does not matter if you have poor dental hygiene, this will hardly affect how massive intakes of vitamin C tackle an acute viral infection. Interactions Sugar interferes with the uptake of vitamin C. If you are using vitamin C to combat a viral infection do not eat any sugar or carbohydrates (long chain sugars) or the vitamin C will not be absorbed properly. We stress that this means no sugar and no carbs, at all. Smoking releases enormous amounts of oxidants and free radicals into the bloodstream. The vitamin C will expend itself, trying to mop up the chemicals from the smoking. We have no moral objections to people smoking: it is a personal choice. However, smoking will hinder even massive doses of vitamin C from preventing infection. Once infected with Ebola, smoking will stop the vitamin C from keeping you alive. It is sensible also to supplement with a little chelated magnesium, such as magnesium citrate, which helps overcome the (largely theoretical) risk of kidney stones. The reaction that generates hydrogen peroxide in sick tissues can be enhanced a little by taking selenium with the vitamin C. A little caution is needed as too much selenium will cause diarrhoea, fatigue, garlic breath, and hair and nail loss; severe toxicity can have more severe effects but is hard to achieve. Methylselenocysteine is a less toxic form and this would be our choice. The normal intake is perhaps 100-200 micrograms (0.1-0.2 mg) a day; we would take 400 micrograms a day during an epidemic and up this to 1,000 micrograms (one milligram) a day, at the initial onset of symptoms. It is possible to go up to 3 mg for short periods, with medical supervision. Other supplements may be synergistic with vitamin C. Alpha-lipoic acid can be taken at reasonably high levels reasonably safely. We would take up to a gram or two a day (1,000-2,000 mg) in the short term. Vitamin K also helps with blood clotting and is safe in the recommended amounts – we would get the highest dose vitamin K2 supplement available. Note vitamin K is contraindicated in those with clotting disease or those on blood thinners such as warfarin. Contraindications The only established side effects of ascorbate therapy are wind, loose bowels and chronic good health. There are some contraindications; people with kidney disease, iron overload disease, or glucose-6-phosphatase deficiency should not immediately take high doses of vitamin C. In the setting of an epidemic they can start as we recommend but should increase more cautiously, with appropriate medical monitoring. Why Put This Out? People need to know that vitamin C is an option for fighting Ebola, and how it works. There is a great deal of misinformation, particularly on the internet, both from vested interests and from “loonies”. Moreover, in an Ebola epidemic vitamin C supplements may be hard to source. This account is intended for intelligent adults, who can make their own rational decisions and take responsibility for their health. We strongly promote the idea that medicine should be based on rational patients, rather than authoritarian doctors. Doctors are there to provide the information for patients, to help them choose between available options. This is information only – what you decide to do with it is up to you. In our opinion the use of vitamin C in Ebola is a no-brainer. Get the illness and, it is said, you have at best a 50-50 chance of surviving without vitamin C-based therapy. Corporate medicine has no effective treatment. Furthermore, if a drug were available, it would be untested and almost certainly unavailable to you, dear reader. Vitamin C is considered safe and should do no harm. The cost of treatment is low. The clinical reports of vitamin C in viral infection are that if you get the dose right, you will survive. Vitamin C is known experimentally to inactivate viruses. In the event, we hope people make rational decisions. If you hate this web site (but hit it anyway because you have a web site and get tips from here like Gordon Duff) and you do not want to link this site, AT LEAST link to the report by these doctors, http://betweentwopines.wordpress.com/2014/08/22/can-vitamin-c-cure-ebola/ it is so close to what I said anyway that it can be considered at least as good. ---------------------------