Dumbing Down 20100712 http://vigilantcitizen.com/?p=4051 Dumbing Down Society Part I: Foods, Beverages and Meds http://vigilantcitizen.com/?p=4116 Dumbing Down Society Pt 2: Mercury in Foods and Vaccines 20130219 http://naturalsociety.com/leading-geneticist-human-intelligence-slowly-declining/ 20130813 http://rinf.com/alt-news/breaking-news/newly-discovered-eighth-grade-exam-from-1912-shows-how-dumbed-down-america-has-become/58292/ http://www.bullittcountyhistory.com/bchistory/schoolexam1912.html Newly Discovered Eighth Grade Exam From 1912 Shows How Dumbed Down America Has Become Have you ever seen the movie “Idiocracy”? It is a movie about an “average American” that wakes up 500 years in the future only to discover that he is the most intelligent person by far in the “dumbed down” society that is surrounding him. Unfortunately, that film is a very accurate metaphor for what has happened to American society today.