Ming the Mechanic: The unknown 20 trillion dollar company There is a busy little private company you probably never have heard about, but which you should. Its name is the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation. See their website. Looks pretty boring. Some kind of financial service thing, with a positive slogan and out there to make a little business. You can even get a job there. Now, go and take a look at their annual report. Starts with a nice litte Flash presentation and has a nice message from the CEO. And take a look at the numbers. It turns out that this company holds 23 trillion dollars in assets, and had 917 trillion dollars worth of transactions in 2002. That's trillions, as in thousands of thousands of millions. 23,000,000,000,000 dollars in assets. The $40 Trillion Company And The Financial Coup d’état Wise Up Journal 24.09.2008 by Gabriel O’Hara 20121116 DTCC Provides Update On Status Of Flooded Securities Vault (Also held all birth certifictes) 20121119 Billions in bearer bonds could be lost due to Hurricane Sandy: sources By MICHAEL GARTLAND Last Updated: 12:10 PM, November 18, 2012 Interesting detail: "Bearer bonds are paper certificates, usually issued by governments, that are redeemable after a prescribed term. The bearer submits an attached coupon to receive payment. Because they are typically unregistered and can be used like cash, they were commonly used by those wishing to hide, and not pay taxes on, assets. They were banned in 1982. But those that haven’t been fully redeemed remain in circulation." 20140603 The Depository Trust Company - The $19 Trillion Private Bank