The Dresden firebombing during WWII DRESDEN. THE WORST WAR CRIME OF WORLD WAR II STILL GOES UNPUNISHED Perhaps 480,000 dead, in a single attack. The real reason Dresden was firebombed The one ‘bright spot’ emerging from the heartland of American is the growing civil rebellion of a small group of determined citizens who are calling on their fellow countrymen to ‘just stop paying everything’, and which is modeled on the peoples of the former Nazi German city of Dresden, which near the end of World War II all of its citizens refused to pay any bill whatsoever as a protest to war. The effect of the non-violent opposition by the people of Dresden against the Nazi Regime to continue supporting their nation’s war economy was immediate, though unexpected. For it was not the terror of the Nazi Regime that descended upon the men, women and children of Dresden, but their ‘liberators’, the United States and Great Britain, and who on February 15, 1945, 3 months before the ending of the war, completely destroyed in a massive firebombing the only German city that defied Hitler and the Nazis. But, though unexpected by the citizens of Dresden, the destruction of these people was deemed ‘vital’ by the financiers of this brutal European conflict, and who many in America today are still unaware of, and for good reason, because, the Chief Financier for the United States during World War II was James Warburg, and who was the brother of the Nazi Germans Chief Financier, Max Warburg, and whose older brother, Paul Warburg, who is considered the ‘Father’ of the United States Federal Reserve System. Today, as the dark clouds of Total World War, and economic collapse, descend upon the American people they are still unable to understand the totality of the evil which is about to destroy them all, and their once great Nation. And, in failing to understand what faces them they remain ignorant of the only means available to them to free themselves…… “Just stop paying.” After all, how can any corrupt government survive when its citizens refuse to participate? Does any government on Earth have the power to foreclose and evict its entire population? ..