20130528 The following post of mine was deleted: -------------------------------------------------- Admin: "Gundersen is a shameless fraud, and touting him here is like wearing a big, fat SHILL stamp on your forehead." Interesting. I didn't 'tout' him, I just said I like him. As for his genuineness (or lack of it) I do have a few small details. One was a video he did, on the flammable properties of the zirconium cladding of fuel rods. I'd seen a fire safety video in which a lump of zirconium was ignited, and then various fire extinguishers tried on it. None did anything - it burned till consumed. Very vigorously. Then in Gundersen's video he produced what he claimed was an actual section of zirconium fuel rod tubing, and had someone with an oxy torch try to light it. I have an oxy torch, and have used it on various materials including stainless steel. Arnie's bit of tube did not catch fire, just melted and surface oxidized. It was clearly just stainless steel. But he continued to pretend it was zirconium. An honest man would have said "Well darn, I was _told_ this was zirconium, but it obviously isn't. Sorry about that." The next one is a bit more serious. Ref my files here: Start with It's an email I sent to Gundersen on 28th April 2011, in which I suggested the soundtrack of an online video of the Unit 3 explosion demonstrated there must have been not just one, but *three* rapidly sequential prompt criticalities in the Unit 3 SFP. A copy of the video is in that folder. I never heard back from him. Much later Gundersen started publicly pushing the 'criticality in Unit #3 SFP' line. No mention of there being *three* criticalities in sequence. Because it's too damning of the nuclear industry, I guess. In any case he apparently decided to pretend the 'criticality in SFP 3' idea was all his. See my article on that here: (includes link to saved video) Another graphic: (Never did get around to completely finishing that. Had intended to add a diagram sequence showing the physics of the serial prompt criticalities, but never had time. No one would pay any attention anyway.) I know Jim Stone believes Fuku was the result of a nuke being exploded offshore to create the tsunami, and also Israeli 'cameras' inside the reactor containments exploding. I consider that a feasible theory but unproven. I do think the 2004 Aceh tsunami was very likely created with a nuke, however the 2011 Japan quake seems to me much more likely natural. For eg: Japan earthquakes 2011 Visualization map (2012-01-01) Patience, the fun starts around 1:50 into it. Jim talks about lack of visible earthquake damage to buildings, but there is if you go looking for it. Try google streetview in Namie-machi. Here:,141.012697&spn=0.052849,0.058966&t=h&z=14 Quite a lot of earthquake damage, actually. In town, not the areas flattened by the tsunami, of course. It's all very sad. Oh, and I've seen videos of Japan coastal urban areas that are now under water at high tide. Because the crust there sank quite a bit as well as shifting sideways. No seafloor nuke is going to lower the ground level of onshore land by several feet. Anyway... As for my experience with ENEnews... And the other files in that folder. It was a stupid little detail, only significant in the way the ENEnews admin responded to someone pointing out they'd misunderstood the nature of the landscape near the sinkhole. It's a swamp with floating vegetation cover, not a road. The admin(s) of ENEnews are *not* nice people. I have a feeling that anyone who isn't useful to their particular agenda eventually gets expelled from the forum. The Admin(s) don't even have the honesty to outright ban people they don't want. They just place on permanent 'awaiting moderation', and refuse to communicate in any way. That's very revealing of a fascist/secretive mindset. As is the site's legal page, and also the general structure of the forum. However lacking a concrete link between Gundersen and ENEnews, I think they are separate issues. He's certainly not capable of doing the work needed to set up a forum like ENEnews in five days post Fukushima. There's always the possibility of a 'common employer' though. TerraHertz --------------------------- Farganne 10:12PM TerraHertz: I did the deleting. If @admin decides to put your post back up with commentary, fine. ---- anonymous43 10:16PM Why did you delete it? What was it I said that you didn't like? Questioning the Fukushima sea-nuke idea? Seems like you deleted it so fast you probably didn't actually read it. I was attempting to be as supportive as I could. I'm relieved I kept a local copy. Also very surprised to see such deletions here. What, you think I'm a shill? Maybe do some googling of TerraHertz, and see if you think my posting history elsewhere could in any conceivable way be pro-Elite. ---- anonymous43 10:20PM Incidentally, you'll notice with other's posts of domain registrants, that Gundersen is open about his registration, but ENEnews is not. I'd already found that. Very different styles, which makes me think there's no connection. Feel free to prove my hunch wrong with facts though. ---- Farganne 10:21PM It's not about whether I like it or not, it's about facticity. You claim three prompt criticalities at Reactor 3. The very idea of even one "prompt criticality" occuring with power plant fuel is ludicrous and one of Gundersen's BS talking points. You also claim that there was surface damage consistent with a 9.0 earthquake. Try telling that to the residents of Kobe. This claim also overlooks that part of the Fuku report proving the USGS lied, and showing where the quakes actually happened, and how strong they were. --------------------------- I don't know about Kobe, but do please go for a tour of the streets of Namie-machi. Yes, the street view images were taken a long time after the event, and there's the possibility the damage was post-production. But it sure looks convincing to me. Have you a link for the Kobe information? I'm aware of the discrepancies in the reported strength of the quake. Also 'USGS' - has "US" in it, so _of_course_ it contains lies. Still, there was a pretty strong quake. Series of quakes actually. I presume you've seen videos of people in buildings and running outside during the quake, having difficulty standing? Personally I prefer to go hunting privately posted videos of events, as many as possible, and using my own eyes. Ignore virtually all official sources. That was a damned strong quake. I don't care about the numbers, or arguments over which government figure is right. I see videos of coastal ex-urban area that is now several inches under water during average high tide, and I know for sure there was a large crustal shift. Don't delete stuff that you don't agree 100% with. It makes you look bad. Also, re 'criticality in SFP impossible' - bullshit. Sorry, just bullshit. Rearrange the fuel geometry a bit, alter the moderation factor of the water (by flash boiling it), and you certainly can get local criticality. I don't know where you got the idea that's not possible. What, you think a running reactor just stops working at some point, so they take the rods out and put in the SFP because they no longer have any ability to support chain reactions? That's absurd, and very ignorant. The fuel rods are only 'spent' in the sense that they don't work _optimally_ in the structure of the reactor core any more. Also, we don't know the inventory of the SFP rods - what their ages were, how arranged, etc. For all we know there might have been some new, or only partially used ones. Even 'spent' fuel is quite capable of supporting a chain reaction in the right circumstances, it's just messy due to all the reaction product isotopes present. Your comment on that being impossible reveals you don't know much about nuclear chain reactions. Anyway, screw arguments in which neither side has the technical expertise to be able to formally prove their point. Just listen to the sound track of the video I linked. That was saved live off air, very soon after the unit 3 explosion, before the MSM got the word to remove the soundtrack from all future airplay. Explain the three bangs. If you can, while also considering that the vertical explosion is proven by the roof damage to have originated from the SFP, then fine. I'd be greatly relieved to be shown wrong about *every* damned SFP in the world being a potential disaster waiting to happen. I suggest you read the article. Disprove the points there, before just deleting my posts. ------------------------- Wait, why are we comparing this to the Kobe earthquake? The Kobe earthquake epicenter was right underneath the city, about 16Km down. The 2011 Tohoku earthquake was 75Km out to sea and 32Km deep. Even the nearest towns didn't get flattened like Kobe. But that doesn't mean the 2011 quake wasn't stronger. This is silly. There's plenty of damage visible. Plenty of photos of highways sheared apart, houses collapsed, and so on. Just not massive leveling like Kobe - because the epicenter was quite far away from any structures. Seriously, spend a few hours doodling around in the google street view of Namie-machi, and take notice of all the cracked and collapsed buildings. It would be pretty hard to crack a building in a realistic way to make it look like an earthquake did it. Collapsed yeah, nothing a bulldozer and some cable can't achieve. But moderate cracking of walls - it's quite telling. Some people just seem to get an idea in their head like 'earthquake was fake' and then stop looking for evidence to the contrary. If my opinion in this doesn't conform to the site party line, and I'm going to be silenced because of it, that's a shame. For anyone interested, the text of my deleted post is here: TerraHertz (this one deleted too) ---------------------- Admin: As far as I am concerned, after dozens of hours studying the Fukushima report, and witnessing the consequences for its author, as well as being personally harassed for trying to assist him, the report and its author are definitive. I don't believe that fuel rods can produce mushroom cloud explosions. Kobe, 7.0, 1995 images here. No comparison with Sendai. The burdon of proof is on you, not us. I have the delete key for a reason, and will use it at my discretion. ----------------------- Oh, I thought you were going to reference some sensible comparison of the Kobe vs 2011 quake strengths. Not just show a bunch of photos of Kobe in ruins. You realize I do remember when Kobe happened? It was only 1995, not that long ago (for old guys like me.) If you google image search '2011 japan earthquake damage' it's slightly more complicated because there's so much _other_ damage. But you will find clearly earthquake related damage if you keep looking. But most importantly: The Kobe earthquake epicenter was right underneath the city, about 16Km down. The 2011 Tohoku earthquake was 75Km out to sea and 32Km deep. Are you in disagreement with those location details? What part of 'stronger, but much further away' is hard to understand? Earthquake ratings relate to the energy release at the epicenter, nothing else. As for photos of 2011 earthquake damage, it's a shame I didn't save great examples I've seen, since there have been many. Including roads torn up by great cracks. I often do save pics (since, can't trust the web to not disappear them), but it never occurred to me anyone was going to start saying 'there was no 2011 quake damage'. I bet I can still find some though. Will see. Incidentally, that time lapse video of the 2011 quake series (which i bet you didn't watch) says it's based on Japan Geo service data, not USGS. The only possibility there was a nuke involved in that, was if a nuke was used to initiate the major crust slip that occurred. It's possible it was. But certainly not necessary to explain what happened. If there wasn't a lot of stored tension there, the nuke would have produced one tidal wave and one small quake. Not the huge series of quakes over months that did happen. I'm getting the feeling your delete key 'reason' is mostly to do with avoiding any chance of anyone questioning your beliefs, or risking having to adjust them. Also, saying "burden of proof is on you", then deleting attempts to actually argue the case, is really pathetic. Another point - the explosion cloud of Unit 3 had no similarity to a mushroom cloud. It was quite an interesting and unique type of event, revealing a lot about its source. You're clearly refusing to actually read the article I posted. The unit 3 event was not a 'nuclear explosion', it was a hydrogen-air initial explosion, followed by three brief criticalities in the fuel pool, producing a high velocity upward and quite tightly directional jet of mixed steam and building rubble. The cloud wasn't even hot - not glowing white-red heat like a mushroom cloud is initially. FFS, go watch that video. Slow it down and watch a few times through, and ask yourself what's so special about it that it keeps getting pulled, and the sound track was always removed the very few times it did get MSM airplay after that first, single 'oops' broadcast. You've lost virtually all the respect I previously had for you. "There is a principle, which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance - that principle is contempt prior to investigation." -- Herbert Spencer, 1820-1903 I don't agree with some of what Jim posts, but nevertheless I read it, consider it, sometimes do further investigation based on it. A lot of what he says I do agree with (and could offer more evidence in support, but often I'm too busy to post.) Here, you're just deleting my posts because you have fixed ideas on a topic, while refusing to even consider what the other person is saying, or discuss them in a meaningful way. Have you even watched or read _any_ of the references I've been posting? Poor show. Again, for those curious to know what prompts such fast deletes: :) Better grab that quickly, since I expect he's going to delete this post too. That's it for me today, got to go do some stuff. TerraHertz @ fractalhill There are some hi-res photos around of the interior of Unit 4 post-explosion. I think posted on Cryptome, and I have them somewhere. The interesting thing was that you could see from the way air-con ducting had been blown up, that it really was a combustible gas explosion. Looked like some of the ducts had been blow up from inside, while others were compressed from outside. And the buildings did have interconnection via air exhaust ducts. All supposed to be used to vent gas to the stacks, but the duct gates certainly weren't working at all by that time. So I'm quite happy to accept the story it was due to leaked hydrogen gas from unit 3 to 4. Most of Tepco's claims are lies, but that one I'll accept. Plus, photos both before and after Unit 4 blew up show the reactor pressure vessel was open, lid was off, contained no fuel, full of water. All fuel was in the SFP. Which might have boiled low, maybe, maybe not. Anyway, the building damage sure looks like a combustible gas explosion over-pressure effect. Farganne deleted that one as well. ------- Farganne 8:10AM Everything the shill wrote was a misdirection from some component of the report. These shill battles were fought a long time ago and no one has the time to re-fight them now. Moving on. ------- Far out. You've got to be kidding me. I am 'the shill' now? Were you around during the 2nd Iraq war? I'm the guy (TerraHertz) who figured out that the US had used a neutron bomb on Baghdad airport, (in the process killing some of their own surviving troops) because the spearhead US force which reached the airport had been overrun by Iraqi forces and mostly wiped out. Also in the Georgian-Russia war, may have been responsible for a whole city NOT getting nuked, when I picked up on real-time battle & US propaganda info indicating the US-Georgian side was imminently about to nuke one of their own cities while making it look like the Russians had done it. Posted it immediately on a Russian news forum, and Russian battle movements seemed to adapt in response. No nuke happened. I'll never know for sure, but feel pretty good about that. Also did you miss that I'm the one who pointed out here that ENEnews is a cutout of some kind, and now you're running that on your front page? And a while ago your site's html was messed up with some missing tags, and I bothered to go through the source, find the errors, and tell you about them? (After which you fixed it.) Also please check the contents of and see if you still think I'm a shill. For _who_ exactly? So really, you're deleting multiple lengthy posts of mine, because they don't entirely conform to your precious report's gospel? And you have the gall to say "The burdon of proof is on you, not us" while deleting the posts in which I present my argument? Ha ha ha.... That's even more petty than the behavior at ENEnews that convinced me that site is a puppet play. Anyway... I dropped by again to say (continuing a reply to fractalhill in a post you deleted, see here: ) that I found the photos of the interior of Fuku Unit 4 I mentioned. They, and my comments on what they say about the explosion nature, I've put here: See here's the thing. Just because you may think some source is full of crap (as I do re TEPCO) doesn't mean it's a good idea to totally reject all information from them without consideration. In this case (Unit 4 blew from internal H gas, despite the #4 reactor being dismantled) it's conceivably true. Possible sources of the H gas - unit 3 via the ductwork, and/or unit 4 SFP. It doesn't really matter all that much which it was. Same result - a pool full of fuel rods, some of which are nearly new MOX (contains Plutonium) sitting 4 stories up in a hopeless shaky ruin, and no way to get the fuel out for years. At any time another quake, or just structural failure, could crack and drain the pool, or even bring down the whole structure. A full SFP of rods including MOX up in smoke - which is widely considered to be an extinction level event. If the massive radiation leakage to sea and air isn't *already* an epigenetic global disaster. Which it might turn out to be. Thank you stupid GE design and moron Japanese operators who agreed to buy MOX fuel. But anyway, let the photos tell the story. TerraHertz (That post deleted too) ------------------------ Farganne 12:44AM Also the fact that there is a paid army of slurpee connoisseurs trying to scramble the works for those who are seeking truth that is not so easily grasped through the fog of poor education and subsequent programming and disinformation. The shill was actually arguing that the ocean and geological distance absorbed the energy from a quake that is demonstrated not to have happened. ------------------------- Farganne: "The shill was actually arguing that the ocean and geological distance absorbed the energy from a quake that is demonstrated not to have happened." WTF? I said nothing about 'ocean absorbed'... The only point I made was that the epicenter was 75Km from the coast, not directly under an urban area, like the Kobe quake. The word 'absorbed' is ridiculous. Are you saying that the ground displacement and movement velocity doesn't diminish with distance from the center of a quake? Really? So, for any quake anywhere, the destruction is the same AT ANY DISTANCE? Are you mad? The movement is waves, spreading outwards. They have to diminish in intensity, as the wavefront size increases. Same as any expanding wave. Oh, and you deleted my link to the Japan Geo services (very pretty) graphic of the Japanese quake locations and strengths in 2011. Again: Japan earthquakes 2011 Visualization map (2012-01-01) Just to get this clear, are you saying all that data is fake? All of it? Or just one - the big one? So then, the videos online of people trying to stop all the stuff falling off shelves (as far away as Tokyo) was all... what? I can't even imagine what you're thinking. No wait... you're saying "I'm going to delete this post too, then lie about what 'the shill' actually said, so I don't look bad." (Yep, he deleted this one in moments.) ---------------------------- My last post in the thread. Deleted of course: That's truly, deeply pathetic Farganne. ------------------------------ I emailed direct to Jim Stone: Hello James, I hope this gets to you. I haven't written before, as I expect you're very busy and there wasn't anything useful I could tell you. Today though, I have a kind of complaint. Are you aware that your site admin Farganne is deleting a lot of posts that definitely are NOT shills? I'm refering to mine. I've been posting in many places for years as TerraHertz, and I defy anyone to claim that I'm a paid shill for anyone. Well, except for Farganne, who is now claiming I am a shill, and deleting almost everything I posted today. The series of posts I'm refering to is saved here: They were all in the thread. It's true that (if you are actually saying there was no March 2011 Japan quake) then we have some differences. But I'm very disappointed to see your excellent site using the 'delete anything we don't agree with' tactic. Especially sad since one of your current front page items (looking into who ENEnews really are) was something I suggested on the forums originally. I always post as anonymous43 (42 plus one, ha ha) and usually remember to sign as TerraHertz. Which in itself isn't very shill-like behavior I'd have thought. You can get some idea of my ideological positioning in No, I can't be bothered to run a proper web site. Just a filespace. Anyway, best of luck, TerraHertz -------------------------------- This was Jim Stone's reply: Date: Tue, 28 May 2013 15:55:59 -0600 From: To: *********** Subject: Re: Farganne deleting posts I will probably agree with Farganne, but I can certainly go through the deleted posts and restore anything I think should be restored. All deletes are only software deletes, they stay around forever unless I myself hit flush. I can dig through this. However, there are so many lying or ill informed voices out there that this site is intentionally run in a way that will stick it good. If I see any inaccuracies in what people say, especially regarding Fuku, they won´t survive here. This is because I am a technical expert beyond the experts, SO FAR BEYOND that even though I never studied nuclear facilities in particular before Fuku, when I got in touch with the engineers who designed fuku I blew them away, because I knew details and operational conditions about Fuku that have never been publicized, as well as the full layout of Fuku that was published. There are virtually no other minds out there that can do that, (blow away the engineers who thought it was only their knowledge) so my opinion is going to be supreme, because it in fact is. No one knows what level of intellect I have, I don´t broadcast it, but as a hint - I could build a nuke plant from scratch just from what is in my head and the damn thing would run, while NOT EVER BEING FORMALLY EDUCATED ON THE TOPIC. The NSA does not hire idiots, and I was in an elite class within the NSA that was occupied by no more than 100 others at any one time, and among that group I was one of the bright ones. THAT is why I figured out Fukushima, and I don´t bend on something I absolutely nail, not even a little. I am a true white hat. -------------------------------------- My thoughts: My god, he's severely delusional. Actually mentally ill. What a waste of time.