-- In which the admin of enenews.com behaves strangely -- I've been posting under the nic TerraHertz to enenews.com on the subject of Fukushima for a long time. I've made many useful contributions, including the analysis of Unit 3's explosion that proves the main vertical ejecta jet originated from the SFP, and explained the mechanism of the tripple prompt criticality steam explosions that occured. See: http://everist.org/archives/Fukushima/20120430_Message_of_Fuku3.htm http://everist.org/archives/Fukushima/comparison_preview6.png On 4th Oct 2012 (USA), the enenews admin posted an article about the salt dome sinkhole in Louisiana USA, that made out the presence of a skimmer boat on the 'straight green clearing' next to the sinkhole, was something unusual. See: http://enenews.com/boat-floating-land-sinkhole-boundary-video Title: Boat seen outside boundary of giant sinkhole (VIDEO) It was obvious the poster didn't realise the area is a swamp, the 'boat' is a fan-driven skimmer boat, and that's the only means of getting around in the swamp (where it is.) I posted a somewhat sarcastic comment: ------ In other news, deceptive and pointlessly alarmist headlines reach new lows. It's a fan-driven skimmer boat. It's moving under power, ie the engine is running. It's just someone gone to the location to have a look. Don't even know if it's an official visit or just some random person sightseeing (which you'd expect people to want to do.) So how is this worth even mentioning? ------ The site admin got in a snit. When I tried to argue in more detail why it's perfectly normal to see a 'boat' (really a fan driven flat-bottomed swamp skimmer boat) there, the admin locked me out from all further posting. Has never yet responded to any of my several attempts to communicate with him/them. The thread with all my comments visible (to logged-in me), is here: http://everist.org/archives/Fukushima/ene_boat_crap/20121010_boat-floating-TH_logged_in.htm Most of my comments are invisible to anyone else. Those are flagged 'awaiting moderation'. Forever apparently... Very surprising. Lately I've been wondering about the nature of enenews anyway. Now this makes me wonder even more. 20121008 I found the original youtube video with the boat: http://youtu.be/vW5s43goAVA Flyover, 10/04/12 Posted by http://www.youtube.com/user/assumptionla 20121008 Well well. Not only does it appear that I'm permanently locked out of posting (for pointing out that the OP is badly mistaken in his understanding of what the flat green area is, and thus his thinking that there's something unusual about a skimmer boat being there), but then I find the original youtube video with the boat: http://youtu.be/vW5s43goAVA Flyover, 10/04/12 Posted on Oct 4, 2012 by http://www.youtube.com/user/assumptionla It's much longer and higher res, and shows the context clearly. There's so much lost in the Vimeo version linked to by OP (which he admits putting on Vimeo himself) that one is struck by the obvious deliberately misleading nature of the OP's post here. Also, OP provides no attribution for his copied, clipped video. That's not very nice at all. This kind of behavior from someone (people?) running an important news site is rather disturbing. It's apparently more than just the individual pettiness I first assumed. Since then, all my new posts are still being permanently hidden as "awaiting moderation", and there's been no response to two separate inquiries I've made to enenews. So it seems no one will see this. ----- I then clicked 'report post' on my own post, and wrote a comment to the enenews admin. But forgot to save it before posting. From memory, something like: Hey enenews! Man up. Either ban my account or quit this cowardly 'awaiting moderation' lock on my posts. Since discovering the original of your reposted cut-down vimeo post, I am much less convinced your actions were merely pettiness. ----- 20121017 Registered new nic 'TerryHertz', and made first post. Also gets same treatment. See file 20121017_different_nic_banned.txt Who the hell runs enenews.com ? There's no email/post contact details on the site, only a web text entry box. The 'about' page says only: ---------- ENENews is an online service dedicated to covering the latest energy-related developments. Established shortly after the Fukushima Daiichi disaster in March 2011, ENENews has grown rapidly to serve approximately 2,000,000 pageviews per month — and with over 200,000 comments and counting, our active community of registered users is one of the most engaged on the internet. These figures represent a vast audience that includes not only nuclear industry professionals, but also scientists, researchers, journalists, opinion and policy-makers, as well as the general public. ---------- Domain name lookup (whois.ws) gets only one of the anonymizers. And: Registrant Contact: DomainSecrecy.net Private Registrant () Fax: 164 N. Gateway Drive Providence, UT 84332 US Administrative Contact: DomainSecrecy.net Private Registrant (1331838379@domainsecrecy.net) +1.4357553433 Fax: +1.4357553449 164 N. Gateway Drive Providence, UT 84332 US Technical Contact: UK2 Group Technical Support (domainmaster@westhost.com) +1.4357553433 Fax: 164 N Gateway Drive Providence, UT 84332 US Status: Active Name Servers: ns1.westservers.net ns2.westservers.net Creation date: 16 Mar 2011 19:18:00 Expiration date: 16 Mar 2013 18:18:00 ---------------------------------------------- It's quite interesting that enenews.com sprang up just 5 days after the Fukushima disaster. Pretty amazing effort, if it's just one guy. I don't think it is though, especially given that the site admin seems to be posting stories 24/7. It's at least several people. And why do they usually seem to copy video they found to Vimeo, and not attribute/link the original? Another suggestive detail is that the site does not support showing member's posting histories. Posting histories are something you don't want to have, if you're intending to allow (deploy?) a lot of shill posters, to control discussion. Perhaps it's also significant that there's no facility to PM other forum members at enenews. It's also worth reading the enenews.com http://enenews.com/terms page. There's no way this site was constructed and run by an individual, or even a few mates, as a public service. This 'terms' text is a prime example of full tilt corporate/government legalese insanity. The kind of thing lawyers will be shot for having written, come the revolution. One thing I've been noticing, is that at enenews there seems to be a tendency, increasingly, to over-dramatize even small things, that are *obviously* insignificant in relation to the massive, real global disaster that is Fukushima. The 'OMG look, a boat in a swamp!' instance was just another example. There've been plenty of others. Could it be enenews is a subtle kind of well-poisoning exercise? Take a real disaster, construct a website that becomes the primary public discussion forum on that topic, then fill it with such stupid rantings on trivial peripheral details, that everyone interested in the primary topic suffers burnout? "The best way to control the opposition, is to _be_ the opposition." ------More links--------- 20121017 http://www.nuc.berkeley.edu/forum/218/who-behind-enenews.2011-06-14?page=3 Who is behind ENENEWS??? (forum for students only, no public posting.) http://fauxcapitalist.com/2011/04/03/who-is-behind-enenews-com/ Who is behind enenews.com? (substantially the same article, but with public comments.) Posted: TerraHertz I've been enjoying enenews.com for a year or so, but recently began to wonder who exactly is running it, and why. Then I had a curious experience there, which makes me seriously question the owner's motives. Details here: http://everist.org/archives/Fukushima/ene_boat_crap/ http://ex-skf.blogspot.com.au/2012/10/ot-us-presidential-debate-no2-in-word.html?showComment=1350464322968#c8328784951616375709 Anonymous said... Word clouds are so symbolic of our age. Meaning broken down to the smallest possible fragments, till there is no meaning left at all. Not that those two puppets are ever terribly meaningful. Speaking of suspect meanings, has anyone here ever wondered what the hell enenews.com really is? I certainly am, as of a few days ago. Explanation here: http://everist.org/archives/Fukushima/ene_boat_crap/readme.txt TerraHertz This file is readme.txt in http://everist.org/archives/Fukushima/ene_boat_crap/