my comment: Remember that the illumination is from LEDs in the inspection camera head, and that 'white' LEDs are not actually a very good match to a full spectrum daylight white. So colors as seen by these small cameras are not terribly accurate. To me the 'gold' color in those photos looks like it could be just rusty iron. Especially the last one, in which it seems to occur where blistering paint has broken away. Here's an example of iron rusting in a moist environment: (my photo) It's an old 44 gallon drum, sitting in water in a slightly oxygen-reduced environment (an old mine.) With only a very small color shift, that rust would look the same as the pics from Unit 1. Note: a camera flash produces a much more accurate 'white', so the yellow rust actually appears yellow (not 'gold'.) So, simplest explanation, the 'gold colored substance' probably is rust. Btw people, don't laugh at the Hutchison effect/Scalar transmutation posts above. Thank you Nancy for the link. In the last couple of years, news of mysterious isotopic decay rate variations (when they should not vary) has become a hot topic. And I for one consider it's very likely the explanation does involve 'Scalar waves'. Also that this area is not just the best chance for an eventual solution to the Fukushima disaster's global contamination, but the *only* one even remotely, conceivably holding out any hope. Faint though it may be. Can provide links, if anyone wants. ------------ still blocked. 'reported comment: You're still blocking all my comments I see. While also refusing to discuss the matter, or even acknowledge my attempts to contact you. Seriously, what's the point? Anyway, my email is guykd (at) In case you felt like explaining why you're blocking a useful and productive commenter from participating in Fukushima discussions.