Extract from page at: http://enenews.com/boat-floating-land-sinkhole-boundary-video

Boat seen outside boundary of giant sinkhole (VIDEO)

Published: October 4th, 2012 at 8:55 pm ET

40 comments to Boat seen outside boundary of giant sinkhole (VIDEO)

  • TerraHertz TerraHertz

    In other news, deceptive and pointlessly alarmist headlines reach new lows.

    It's a fan-driven skimmer boat. It's moving under power, ie the engine is running. It's just someone gone to the location to have a look. Don't even know if it's an official visit or just some random person sightseeing (which you'd expect people to want to do.)

    So how is this worth even mentioning?

    • anne anne

      Minimizing this catastrophe doesn't help anything.

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      • ENENews

        The point is that there is a boat operating on what used to be a grass access road. It now appears the grass is just floating on top of the water/slurry. This was news to me, if it's not to you, don't read it.

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        • TerraHertz TerraHertz
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          Oh I see. Because it's wide, flat, straight and green, you have assumed it was a road. But this whole area is a swamp. And the 'green road' doesn't have any wheel ruts, it just has some lines of 'not green' (look like water to me.) As skimmer boats would make.

          There are some real roads in the area, but they all seem to be built up higher than the swamp. The entire forest nearby has more water than ground visible. I'm pretty sure that in this general area skimmer boats are the default method of transport.

          Lately the 'green road' has wider water lines than weeks ago, I presume because the swamp is wetter at the moment, after the rain they had. And yes, the sinkhole edge is encroaching on the 'green road' line, and it's hard to tell where the boundary is. I'd guess a lot of the green surface we can see is just floating vegetation mats even in the normal swamp area, so the only sure way to mark the sinkhole edge is where the trees fall in.

          Sorry guys if I can't get too concerned about this one. It's effectively a case of salt mine subsidence, in a swamp. The *only* thing that bothers me about it, is the possibility there was radioactive waste dumped in the salt cavern. Why are the trees nearby dying? Maybe it's just that the sinkhole water is very salty? Seeing as it's mixing with water from a brine cavern below. And why haven't we seen any report of the water's saltiness?

          Compared to Fukushima this is nothing. A stupid screw-up with only very…

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        • TerraHertz TerraHertz
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          Incidentally, here's a couple of photo-maps, showing the overall area:

          http://gulfcoastrising.net/featured-news/files/2012/08/12.Napoleonville.Dome_.Map_.jpg Map, shows sinkhole location (smaller size than it is now.)

          Wider area aerial map, pre-sinkhole.
          In this one you can really see what the 'straight, flat, green strip' is. Not a road; more a man-made line of cleared trees in the swamp. The surface is so flat and featureless it just has to be floating weed. Note it crosses real roads – so if wheeled vehicles could travel along this clearing, they certainly would have. And would leave wheel ruts. But there are none.

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        • TerraHertz TerraHertz
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          Doh. There it is right on that 1st map I linked to. The straight clearing is the Crosstex / Arcadian pipelines path.
          And doesn't *that* give some interesting google hits.

          For eg: http://championfoundation.com/louisiana-sinkhole-roils-local-natural-gas-network/

          I notice the Florida Gas pipeline route is just a bit SW of the sinkhole too. If the hole doubles in size that's another pipeline that will be out of action.

          Hmm. If the sinkhole had started 500 feet to the SW, it would have been 'X marks the spot' right on the intersection of three (maybe four) gas pipelines.

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    • bmurr bmurr

      I was wondering the same thing. In fact I have sometimes wondered if this site is just a data mining site to see how people react to certain aspects of stories, since the admin(s) tend to post a video or radio show, then continue to post segments of it as new threads over the course of a day or two. The conversations in the comments are peoples reactions to pointed aspects of each story rather than a general discussion about the entire story. Just my conspiratorial way of thinking :P Either that, or it's just a way to maintain hits to the site? who knows… but I agree that this was a completely pointless post.

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      • moonshellblue moonshellblue

        I wish you were right but to many things are coinciding like the methane BP oil in the gulf and the sea bed rising and cracks on the ocean floor. Also all the tremors in Bayou Corne but I hope it's not what some scientists think it may be pretty dark.

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      • yogda


        Everything is a filter.

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      • anne anne

        bmurr, Are you saying that these events aren't extremely important events? Or are you saying that you think we shouldn't have the information?
        If you don't want the information, please go to another site. INHO this is an extremely important website, providing a public service to the planet.

        You can always put up your own website with whatever format you choose.

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        • bmurr bmurr

          I'm not saying either of the two things. I saw the boat driving around in what used to be a forest or road in the video the first time it was posted. It was something that stuck out to me. I agree that it should be noted. I just simply shared a thought I had regarding this site. I don't know the admin of Enenews, so I don't know what the deal is here. I have been coming to this site numerous times a day since I discovered it just after the Fukushima ordeal, and have considered it a valuable resource for keeping up to date on stories that I would otherwise not be informed about. So keep up the good work Enenews, but understand why people who use their heads might have wondered why this needed to pointed out in a separate thread, as it is suggestive that it is important "news" that we should be aware of and reacting to.

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    • moonshellblue moonshellblue

      Yes you can see the skimmer boat on the last video about 35 seconds in.

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  • hmm

    well considereing he takes these videos from a youtuber and doesnt give any credit…maybe you people should look into who pens ENEnews…

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  • hmm

    ENEnews is penned by a headless suit afaic.

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    • anne anne

      hmm, I think you are talking about yourself. The usual response by anyone supporting or part of the MIC. Deflect from your own deficiencies by saying that's what's wrong with your opponent. Didn't work for Romney in the first debate, who also said how much he, Romney, likes "clean" coal. Obama rightfully ignored him.

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  • hmm

    making a website and filling it with content others have put together and calling it your own is pretty lame.

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  • nedlifromvermont

    Obviously another one of GE's 'wayward progeny' gone fishin'

    peace, newsers …. we will continue to bring 'it'


    hmmmmmmm …

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  • neminis

    Greetings people. I don't have any particular horse in this race that seems to be going in the comments above mine, here. Just thought I'd lay out a couple of thoughts.

    1. Common sense dictates that one not waste one's time hanging out at a Web site that one doesn't like or appreciate. There's much better things one could be doing with one's time than chipping away at another's efforts; maybe go try doing something POSITIVE out there in the REAL world, make some kind of fricking difference. Meh armchair quarterbacks.

    2. To the best of my recollection — and don't quote me on this as I'm going by potentially faulty memory — this site is run by the same person(s) who run the Florida Oil Spill site — http://www.floridaoilspilllaw.com/

    Hope this helps.

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  • markww markww

    I for one commend ENENEWS with out this information Blog system we would all be in the dark as to world matters and the people here try to understand something that is bigger than all men and women. Thank the Admin, with out no one of this would even be told


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  • weepsforthechildren


    You can see updates about the sink hole here. I find it curious that today's post said that it had not increased in size when simply looking at the video does show a lot more water. Previous discussion here has questioned how much water saturation there was before this happened, though, so water there does not mean necessarily that the hole has opened up underneath it. But compare pictures from earlier videos, it certainly seems bigger to me.

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  • michellemamarn

    @Terrahertz, bmrr, and Hmmm: WHO do you believe is "taking the credit?" We are all Enenews here! Speaking of the actual news… I hate to see anyone get this close to this toxic mess, and I highly doubt anyone is "sightseeing". Sadly, it probably isn't anyone who's actually responsible. Last night I watched the Jesse Ventura video referenced here- I wish Dick Cheney was in that little boat.

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  • I read the articles and links here several times daily,but seldom comment . I find the boat important .
    Thanks administration and all enenewsers!!
    keep on with this very important effort for our one tiny blue sphere,our mother earth …

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  • irhologram

    So then, enlarge the boat. Do you see anyone in it? Because I'd love to see someone in it. Maybe I'm just not seeing it right, and I admit pixilation may be obscuring a person…but considering the scale a person would have to be, I don't see a person when super enlarging. I see a control panel and a steering mechanism.. Also, I have watched and rematches the motion of the boat…it looks a whole lot more like "drift" than it does the forward motion of a fan boat. I'm not trying to challenge anyone, I'm honestly asking.

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    • aigeezer aigeezer

      The propwash appears to ripple the water strongly at the left of the image (stern of the boat) about 6 seconds into the vid.

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    • TerraHertz TerraHertz
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      Those things have big mesh-enclosed fans sticking up on the back, that turn to steer by thrust. They are maybe six feet in diameter. And you can't even make that out clearly in the video, so no wonder a person isn't visible. But you can see it's there, by the wind-wash it makes on the vegetation behind the boat.

      For the first few seconds the boat is stationary. Then at about 5 seconds it powers up and begins to turn to port (anti-clockwise) while moving forward. Just as the video ends the boat has nosed up to the yellow tape. It looks like it's maybe stopping again, but that's not certain. Maybe it's just encountering some denser/higher vegetation, and slowed.

      Personally, if I was driving that thing I'd say screw the yellow tape, and power out into the middle of the sinkhole area. Would be interesting to try lowering a rock on a string. A very long string I think.
      Taking a water sample would be a good idea too.

      I wonder who it was? A pity it seems they don't read enenews.

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  • irhologram

    Sorry: typo caused by iPad. Watched and rewatched.

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  • TerraHertz TerraHertz
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    Well well.
    Not only does it appear that I'm permanently locked out of posting (for pointing out that the OP is badly mistaken in his understanding of what the flat green area is, and thus his thinking that there's something unusual about a skimmer boat being there), but then I find the original youtube video with the boat:

    http://youtu.be/vW5s43goAVA Flyover, 10/04/12
    Posted on Oct 4, 2012 by http://www.youtube.com/user/assumptionla

    It's much longer and higher res, and shows the context clearly. There's so much lost in the Vimeo version linked to by OP (which he admits putting on Vimeo himself) that one is struck by the obvious deliberately misleading nature of the OP's post here.
    Also, OP provides no attribution for his copied, clipped video. That's not very nice at all.

    This kind of behavior from someone (people?) running an important news site is rather disturbing. It's apparently more than just the individual pettiness I first assumed.

    Since then, all my new posts are still being permanently hidden as "awaiting moderation", and there's been no response to two separate inquiries I've made to enenews. So it seems no one will see this.

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